Trump Vance must be impeached
That's it
That's the post.
Impeached for treason
That's it
That's the post.
Impeached for treason
We need a different one.
They proved that last time. No one wants to challenge MAGA that has an R by their name. That's worse in so many ways 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬
They need to be arrested and sent to Gitmo pending trial.
This is insanity.
tRump should never been on the ballot, as the Colorado court correctly determined, but SCOTUS stepping in gave Congress a way out.
A single chamber of Congress may determine him ineligible to hold office and it won't need a conviction.
See the SC judge race where the GOP loser is challenging 65,000 votes, which would make him the winner.
Lets face it, even if the Dems get in next time, Vlad will already have intel on all CIA operatives in Russia. He will have all the intel he needs make US military weaker, and have backdoors into most US systems.
and finally— the coward Marco Rubio
You may as well wish for a bolt of lightening to strike them because that is much more likely than impeachment.
They're creating chaos on purpose to provoke protests, then they will declare martial law, and suspend the mid terms.
Make no mistake this is their plan
So they literally do NOT care if their policies are vastly unpopular, they don't care if trumps approval tanks, because they will NEVER face the electorate again