Meanwhile Delaware Dems are siding with treason, autocracy, the Kremlin, and Elon Musk. They want to hand him $55B off the top before retirees. Help me spread the word people! Take the article and spread it far and wide. Make Del-Dem-MAGA famous.
A bonus for you:
The Government Pension Fund of Norway owns 1% of Tesla, (35.71M shares).
If you have an option about that please leave a message to
In a desperate attempt to rescue his flagging Tesla brand, Musk offers a free give away Donald puppet to Tesla drivers needing an extra passenger to use HOV [2+] lanes.
Buy a brand new Tesla model S for $75,000 and watch the value drop like a stone, faster than a speeding bullet and probably before you run out of a tank of EV miles it will be worth thousands less than you paid! Yes, you've been mugged by Musk!
As a consumer, cars have substitutes. When you sell your tesla, you are helping depress the market for new teslas, and helping kill the brand. Elon doesn't have a substitute for Telsa the company.
Tesla at $222 has a p/e of 108. With sales in free-fall, China eating its lunch and Musk being hated by many, $22 with a p/e of 11 would still be overpriced.
P/E is extraordinarily high and it doesn’t even pay dividends. Seems that greedy fund managers are just being speculative putting it in their funds and then trying to peddle it to others.
Their Space Nazi CEO has made his brand so toxic, I can't imagine any turnaround until he is gone from the company, forced to sell his stock and they bring in Hazmat crews
As a disgruntled Tesla owner, who bought a car prior to Musk stroking out, I am willing to join a class action lawsuit against the Tesla Board of Directors for failing to exercise their fiduciary responsibility and fire Musk from any involvement in the company. Who can make that happen?
I did go with Franklin whole house batteries on my most recent purchase. I refuse to give Elon, Amazon, Walmart or any other MAGA asshole ANOTHER DIME. I'm also checking every item when I go to the supermarket and refusing to buy anything GROWN, PACKAGED OR PRODUCED IN A RED STATE! 😁🖕😁
How much can I get for my 2019 with custom seat covers full on tint, & two motor Tesla 3? The Kia Tucson's hybrid look pretty nice to me but I'm trying to keep my payment below $300 a month! 😁
What really bothers me is why folks bought them in first place. We (communists, socialists and progressives) all knew what TechBro and his douche squad were up to as early as 2015 - enslaving the human race. Glad you’ve finally made it to the show - Act IV scene 8 of the coup.
Keep telling yourself that’s communism and not fascist totalitarianism. Ignore how revolutions are co-opted by the right. The rest of us have moved on ahead - decades of thought and action with deep understandings that all our fates are tied together; meanwhile you’re peddling worn out tropes ✌️
You are right, as governments, communism and fascism ultimately coalesce around authoritarianism, because they advocate for behavior that is against human nature and thus must rely on forced adherence. Communism only works when it is voluntary on a personal level, like the Israeli kibbutz movement.
There’s a really good book by Victor Serge that dissects how this happens - it is fiction but a post-mortem of the Russian revolution. Brilliant in that Victor actually lived it (there) as a French anarchist. “The Case of Comrade Tulayev”
Meanwhile Delaware Dems are siding with treason, autocracy, the Kremlin, and Elon Musk. They want to hand him $55B off the top before retirees. Help me spread the word people! Take the article and spread it far and wide. Make Del-Dem-MAGA famous.
A bonus for you:
The Government Pension Fund of Norway owns 1% of Tesla, (35.71M shares).
If you have an option about that please leave a message to
Or wait, it is…,,
Around 250 affiliates and subsidiaries use the Trump name
Starlink affillited businesses:
Bezos businesses:
Keep it up. Boycott #tesla shares and cars
I do that and it might be my best financial decision of this year.
Be careful
Support a small business and yes it does spell felon.
I will NEVER buy tesla due to this Orange DicKtatot and his thug!!!!!
The boycott works.
Was about to buy one, a year ago. Now wenn for Renault.
Quit #X
Dump , cancel shamecar Tesla
These are mostly peaceful protests. And Trump is shamelessly and illegally promoting Tesla. Beyond embarrassing.
Now please don’t crap on late-comers, there’s LOTS to do to leverage the turning tide.