Hey I’m River I’m a disabled 2Spirit Trans guy and back in September when I first became homeless I was diagnosed with leukemia and now I really need help to afford my Leukemia treatments that start on December 10th any help/shares are very greatly appreciated thanks so much
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My GFM is https://gofund.me/ccba6178
My C@shapp is $AlexByTheCoast / https://cash.app/$AlexByTheCoast
My Venm0 is CostalTiger / https://venmo.com/u/CostalTiger
My P@ypal is https://paypal.me/CostalTiger
My kofi is ko-fi.com/costaltiger https://pic.x.com/4jfAVKxybW
You can either order through this kofi link or dm me if interested/want to pay another way https://ko-fi.com/costaltiger/link/HOLIDAYS