she "raised" a record a mount of money... her donors are going to be compensated even though she lost. so expect a handful of incredibly unbelievable actions to be taken by the democratic party. we must get money out of politics, but I fear the warning fell on deaf ears for too long. resist&rebuild
I criticized Nancy yesterday and was called ageist. Nancy has been serving since 1987. 37 years. She was a trailblazer and did good work for many years. It’s time for some new leadership…younger leadership. Her move against AOC seeking a leadership role is disappointing. I am 61 so ageist I am not.
They are fucking jealous. Because she is smart and popular and that scares them that a normal American could achieve so much so quick. And they are rich white men who feel threatened
Don’t blame this election on age or turnout yet. We are still waiting to see if there is evidence in the swing states of Russia hacking of the American election process
Democrats are weak. They will keep loosing because they really do not care to fix the problems. I am no longer voting this election was my last. The system does not work.
🙃🙃🙃They're a bunch of wannabes consistently sabotaging themselves then playing the victim. Duh, *What?? What ever shall we do*??They are frustrating & embarrassing to watch; same type of mistakes repeatedly. As though they cannot learn!🤦♀️🤦♀️🤦♀️
That implies they care of silly things like “elections” or “constituent support” at all. Fundamentally, the Dems will first appease their donors. The GOP succeeds in doing this (and creating narratives) by using reactionary rhetoric to divide the people. The DNC can’t create narratives of their own.
I HATE when right wing propaganda turns out to be correct.
Humans are simply put Stupid.
Most Americans don't support the far Left or Right—they sit in the middle.
Progress can happen, but slower than any progressive would like. Sorry, facts suck.