I like how we are still framing this as "struggling to combat misinformation" or clumsiness, as opposed to what it is: a conscious if sloppy effort by a wealthy right winger to undermine journalism and his ideological enemies
the press is so close to getting it
the press is so close to getting it
I got something to say about that.
Freedom of speech doesn't mean freedom from consequences. You're "free" to shout fire in a crowded theater, but you're also free to get trampled by the resulting human stampede.
While they work for them.
I find it hard to believe there's a good scoring system for misinformation about Ukraine.
propping up his supergenius mythology is where the safe money is
I really miss what Twitter was before him.
I find the entire collapse genuinely sad.
Space TX
It's an interesting personality study from a safe distance.
Like a environmentalist absorbed by their studies doesn't mean they love their results, I say.