There are now 955 cases & 60 deaths from an unknown illness in DRC (links below). As this outbreak is growing, CDC is not permitted to exchange information with WHO and USAID outbreak response support is banned. Yesterday the Supreme court “paused” a federal judge order for USAID payments to resume.
One of two things is happening:
1) They just don't give a damn, or
2) They already took that money and ran with it.
I found out from the lovely
Nazis indeed ruin everything.
Send RFK to manage the DRC, maybe he'll find some friendly brain flukes.
Are we getting tired of these morons believing they're doctors, scientists, economists, epidemiologists, engineers, lawyers, judges, servicemen.. really anything except morons?
💔🤍💙 🆘
Well…science doesn’t care. Viruses don’t care.
There’s a REASON epidemiology exists.
Blood is on Trump's hands!
Honestly though I’m very curious to see what virus family this ends up belonging to.
✨ thank you for the work that you are all doing! ⚡️🙏⚡️