Following a suggestion from I will refer to these threads as "skeetorials" and will use this gif logo.
Today's skeetorial is about the NIH Director's New Innovator Award with three different heroes (all in government).
Today's skeetorial is about the NIH Director's New Innovator Award with three different heroes (all in government).
In February 2007, I was sitting in a meeting when one of the NIH Director's assistants came in to ask if I had a few minutes to speak with the NIH Director and the NIH budget director.
I got up and met with Dr. Zerhouni and the budget director, John Bartrum.
Dr. Zerhouni started by saying "You know how I feel about taking steps to get young scientists off to a good start."
Yes, I knew this...his biggest passion.
Dr. Zerhouni and John Bartrum were trying to get some extra money for NIH in this bill.
I asked "For this year?" (with the end of the FY on 9/30).
"Yes, we will only be guaranteed the funds for this year?
"Sure, we can do that" (Yikes)
This was to avoid the "commitment problem". Every multiyear grant that is funded in one FY means you have commitments for the next years (like a mortgage).
This was 1-year money with no guarantees.
John Bartrum's idea was very smart, but it had a downside.
It would prevent creating future budget problems but would mean that each grant would be expensive, decreasing the number.