Today’s Dragon Age Poll: In DAI did you conscript the mages or invite them as equals?
A - Conscripted them
B - Invited them
C - Sided With Templars Instead
D - You know, I can’t remember!
A - Conscripted them
B - Invited them
C - Sided With Templars Instead
D - You know, I can’t remember!
Some people complained, but I felt justified when there was absolutely no harm from partnering with them evidenced in the game afterwards.
But when I do bring the mages on board, it’s as allies and not as conscripts. I would rather they see the Inquisition as a means to their future than as a forced obligation for purposes of morale.
I believe in free will… but violence on my watch doesn’t fly!
In my head, my Inquisitor respects them & treats them as equals all the same but — Inky = Boss!😆
I disband the templars though.)
But I tend to favor inviting them over the other options. I am a mage rights enthusiast, but I enjoy getting to be introduced to Cole in the Templar path. I was a bit bummed I couldn't do both in game to be honest.
(Just so I could keep an eye on them. *wink wink* Joking…kind of 😏 Mage betrayal is such a DA thing.)
Invited. Conscription of a group seemed a bit like slavery...
When the Wardens do it, it's something that can be refused, right? (Often the choice is, be a warden or die - but it's a choice)