Today’s DA Poll: You MUST pick a Divine in your DAI canon who is NOT the one you prefer most. Who do you choose?
A - Cassandra
B - Leliana
C - Vivienne
D - You're a meanie!
E - Six of one...
A - Cassandra
B - Leliana
C - Vivienne
D - You're a meanie!
E - Six of one...
I prefer (softened) Leliana and that’s my worldstate, but Vivienne is in my opinion the most pragmatic option for Thedas and possibly the best long-term outcome.
I adore how Leliana as Divine concludes her character arc, but Vivienne has her feet on the ground as it were.
Well, my fave is soft Leliana...if I had to choose someone else I'd go with Viv.
I've had all three be Divine, and while I love Cass, I don't think it's the best option for her.
As cool as it would have been to have a _mage_ as the Divine, Viv is just too much of a loyalist. She just wants to lock everyone back into the Circles. Those have exploded once, they would explode again.
1) Circles as universities, not prisons;
2) way way WAY more Templars. Templar training for every city guard. No lyrium, though. Alistair was good enough without it.
I often try for Leliana, she seems to be a good fit. Cassandra hates it! So, I don't make her (and she's my canon romance, so...)
(Vivienne is my preferred Divine).