I see Hadley Freeman in the Sunday Times is doubling down on the Saturday's claim that Trump is a "feminist champion".
Her claim to "respect trans people" follows her explicitly asserting trans girls and women are boys and men.
Her claim to "respect trans people" follows her explicitly asserting trans girls and women are boys and men.
I'm a woman who is trans who has spent her whole life helping others.
I have never met a trans woman who insists she is the same as a cis woman. *Everyone* trans knows - is constantly told of, and punished for - their difference. But to generate hate you start with lies.
but if one looks at action, often things becomes clearer,
that many people are delighting in being cruel.
You did that so you could live more authentically and feel more at ease with yourself.
She has become strikingly dim
if this is the public posture, I'd be very interested to see the group chat
One doesn’t decide one is a woman and then get gender dysphoria because one doesn’t adhere to social ideas of how a woman is, just as one doesn’t decide one is gay and then develop attraction to someone who social ideas of sexuality designate an appropriate target.
You have it backwards.
Do they believe that gay people become gay just because they claim so?
Have they no notion of human interiority at all? Whether or not they announce it, queer people have always been that way.
Yet they act as if we’re speaking incantations.
That's why this weird mixed/fucked-up logic of conservative "feminism" (yeah, sure) wants to reason that it's ensuring a woman's right to be a baby factory & domestic help.
There's nowt as fragile as machismo.
Can’t wait to hear today’s defence.
There were signs.
Taliban really hate trans
Give it another few weeks and another Murdoch contract renewal I expect itll be “historic legal entanglements” before we reaches the final form: “allegations”.
But it does appear she’s going on a journey, from Graun to Murdoch.
Her referring to transgender women and girls as “men and boys” is utterly disgusting (and factually incorrect) but unsurprising.
There have LONG been ties between the UK anti-trans movement and the US extreme right. None of them care.
It’s really quite astonishing.
Hadley, Turner, Tommily, Smith, etc. are "feminists" in the same tradition as those suffragettes, who after gaining the vote (but only for the most privileged of women,) moved on to be active in the British Union of Fascists.