It's really not that hard. We understand that Labour had a difficult inheritance. It's more that, since taking office, Labour has (it sometimes feels deliberately) stuck its middle finger up at almost everything Labour voters care about. 🧵
His role?
To silence the left, to completely destroy the Labour opposition!!
Job DONE!✔️
So, any MP with any vestiges of left wing values needs to stand up now and cut ties with the Starmer Party.
They aren't wearing any disguise at all.
2015, with Reeves, Kendall and Cooper: 9.3 million
2017: 12.8 million
2019: 10.2 million
2024: 9.7 million
It is beyond belief that with the Tories shedding over 7m voters, Starmer actually managed to lose votes compared with 2019.
They don't even have the awareness to be able to care.
And if Labour wish people were focused on the good stuff, why have they spent so much time briefing the bad stuff?
None of this even accounts for the fact that what they're doing won't work, either: we've had 14 years of austerity, doing it harder won't...
- Social breakdown caused by bad faith culture wars from the right and dark money from religious/autocratic institutions
- Failure to invest or maintain our infrastructure
- Shareholders maximising payouts on utilities
They've simply come up with answers to problems we don't really have. Our actual problems are...
redistribute wealth
strengthen our democracy
start path back to rejoining EU
Nada. Zero. Zilch.
This is foolish, childish even. It ignores the left wing bias of the UK public and attempts to force it rightwards. It will not
This is basic knowledge.
This is why a Tory Party that apes the US Republicans was wiped out at the last GE.
Chapter 8, Section 2-4 of R.P Dutt’s Fascism and Social Revolution.
Talks about the similar issues that Labour, & the SPD had in the 1930’s. However I recommend reading the whole book.
Always trying to please an undefined mass of centre right floating voters, pandering to culture wars & continuing vile Cons policies.
Pleasing no one, perhaps they need a rebrand ?
‘The New Cons’🤮
‘ They’ve done some good things …’ . I’m sick of hearing about that . All the things they do should be good things … & sod Reeves’ red lines .
The world has changed in 6 months . The European Army the Brexiters hated , will soon be a necessity .
If you mean some choices have caused people to die, either from not surviving the wait or have unalived themselves from the stigma and hate and marginalisation that Labour, esp Streeting have GLEEFULLY taken part in.
Gender care wait lists are the shortest in Wales, but have doubled in the last year. SW of England is 8 YEARS.
ADHD diagnoses wait is 10 years
Cataract surgery 8 years.
Yeah they’re doing “great” 🙄
For those worried about populism, it’s already here. Farage’s Reform could win with the same parliamentary dominance that Labour did with an identical vote share. Say no to FPTP Labour!
You couldn't slip a credit card between the Tories and Labour.
We need politicians who've seen and lived injustice and poverty. Not charisma vacuums like we have now.
The key part here is how cozy they all are with the wealthy and the press magnates. Would be awkward to upset them when it’s time for dinner in town.
there are people already pinning their hopes on Streeting to succeed.
The English Electorate (the voter segment that wins elections) have drifted to the right due to English Exceptionalism*
Therefore, the governments of the UK are all various levels of right wing, authoritarian, free market, low regulation orthodoxy.
That arrogance will cost you - and the country- dearly. The upcoming blood is on your hands.
They planned to govern as a corporate welfare party.
Are we sure it’s a Labour Government, and not the Conservatives in disguise?
Starmer is a deep disappointment
Lady Mone is still free as a bird
And the Cabinet Office seems still intent on covering up for Gove
Mone has been under investigation since 2022.
It would have to be co-ordinated.
We need so much reform & I feel Labour just will not do it.
On behalf of the whole transgender community, Labour:-
Fail and rot you backstabbing fucks
We already knew that, that's why we voters gave Labour a stonking majority through tactical voting.
Once Labour crumbles under the weight of their own paralysis, any party offering a progressive, European policy platform will get tactically voted in.
I see too much of this. It's juat Labour voters trying to salve their consciences after voting for right-wing shitbags.
After all the condescension from extremist Starmerroids, I hope they now have buyer's remorse.
He will never be rational, or show any concern for the many.