How sad it has come to this. There was a guy in front of us in Costco today, he had the hat, the flag print and a knife hanging on his waistband. I judged him harshly but I couldn’t help it, I felt anger and disgust. I wanted to say “wow, you support DEI?” He had a knife tho.
Good one! Love this! But we saw a man tear a MAGAt flag off a truck in a parking lot. I’m all about law and order. But that shit was funny AF! I think folks are getting a hard time wearing their Dear Leader hats and getups. And I’m here for it! FAFO 😂😂😂😂😂😂💯
There sure aren’t many maga signs and flags around anymore. Just bumper stickers and they’re just too hard to remove. I love the fact that we don’t have to see that shiit all the time for a change.
I would give you a Nobel Peace Prize in sub atomic molecular biology if you can FIND the balls of the next Trumper that walks by you. That's a cool trophy & $1 M USA.
Ugh, I shouted multiple expletives at a guy harassing a protester with a Ukraine flag yesterday....didnt even think about the possibility the jerk was carrying. 😳
This would be me. When young, I would let out a yell as the tennis ball whizzed by me. I never caught on to tennis. BUT... I think I could damage a Magat walking by...just need to have my walker aimed just right.💙
At the gym today there was a man strutting around, crashing weights and in general just being a jerk. When I saw his t-shirt, in big letters it said, "Let's go Brandon." Have never seen him before and hope never again.
Oh my gosh, there was a truck in front of me that had a sticker that said God guns and Trump and do you know how bad I wanted to ram the back of that thing
I go home a longer but very picturesque route to home and along the way is a humongous “him” sign - I flip it the bird for visual pollution but I guess I should stop or go home another way
yup yup yup
starts a huge fight over it lol
What is it you really want?...
... please kick one of those shit weasels in the nuts.
Just saying...
😂🤣🥳 🏆🌟
Gettin’ Madder 🤬
Don’t think they have balls.