The majority of Americans read at about the 5th grade level... and think at maybe the 4th grade level.. This ( Messaging 101 ) is a free read: substack has tagged me with their AD .. ignore the subscribe button; go to the title underneath and click on that..
No no, I believe it.
I believe the ability to read and write is on the decline.
However, the point of the original quote is rhetorical, not literal. The "illiterate" of the future will be those who are unable to learn and adapt, and who get stuck in their ways.
Y’all are so selective my god, what part of this is saying “people being illiterate is good”??? The argument isn’t to discredit illiteracy or its urgency. I took it as the larger sign of people refusing to accept new information about anything is more prominent than not being able to read alone.
In the sense of learning, yes, but also in the realm of having a mistake of theirs addressed, and instead of saying “Oh, I had that wrong. Let’s find out what the real answer is” they take it as a personal attack on their character and refuse to consider the possibility that they could ever be wrong
That's fucking sad, to have less than half the population being literate and the average being at 6th grade level...imagine if we pushed reading and learning as hard as fast food push their garbage, we'd be a minted society
Fyi: IF U OR YOUR FAMILY make less than $200k and U get selected 2 attend MIT or HARVARD UNIV- U GET IN FOR FREE!!! Go and get educated! Constructive criticism! Save the world & USA! ( but STATE SCHOOLS R GREAT TOO)
Please use ALTTEXT to describe images for visually impaired readers. You get 2000 characters and can use speach to text to do it quickly and easily. You can set up Bluesky to remind you to use ALTTEXT.
As it is now, your post is basically empty for the visually impaired reader.
We can build machines which can adapt to lightning fast change, but humans are incapable of keeping up. If our machines get so far ahead of us, we're in big trouble. Maybe we really don't need our realities changing so rapidly. It's just a thought.
The results of the GOP's agenda, ladies and gentlemen. Remember, an under-educated population is easier for them to control and make them vote against their own interests. Hence the present situation in this country.
Nuremberg Trial German leadership that supported the Nazi dictatorship: Of the 177 defendants, 24 were sentenced to death, 20 to lifelong imprisonment, & 98 other prison sentences. 25 defendants were found not guilty. Many of the prisoners were released early in the 1950s as a result of pardons.
It's not only hard, it's simply a non-sense. However learning something else, which may be the opposite of the "original learning" is very common. However the "new learning" may replace the old one simply by branching on it. One may then talk of learning progress. But definetely not "unlearning".
He wrote that in the context on continuing technological change, especially information systems, and so he was telling people in the West that their old lifestyles would have to change.
Science is a lot like that, we're thought at an early there are 3 states of matter, than we learn later there are more, to only then learn that there's more even, some that are mathematically possible but haven't been seen in nature, each time we have to unlearn the simple one for a more complex one
It so happens that the most powerful country on the planet, the United States, is home to 55% of all adults unable to read above a sixth-grade level. The consequences of this situation are, as Trump’s presidency attests, pretty dire.
"Unlearning and relearning" is hard as hell even if you are educated. It takes a lot of maturity not to take legitimate arguments against one's views as personal attacks.
"Learning" is the same regardless of:
1. no prior knowledge of the subject
2. incorrect prior knowledge of the subject
3. incomplete knowledge of the subject
Resignation is victory. My recognition in 2014, after nearly 20 years in a helping profession that regardless of their stated motives, most people don’t want help or change. Best to detach from that as a goal. They’ll fend for themselves. Live your own life.
And so they are inferior? In what way? I’ve known millionaires who were illiterate. And everything in between. Do you suppose being educated ensures adoption of your particular beliefs and a better existence for all?
😂 and how many idiots are going to post this stupid quote before they realize that this is not at all what the word, "illiterate" means
literacy has to do only with language, not with learning anything else, unless it's being used in conjunction with another word, like, "computer literate"
This is one of those smarty-pants sayings that sound wise, until you actually think about it. Like a confection in the supermarket that looks delicious, until you read the ingredient list and consider the negative effects of eating the damn thing.
I don't like redefining illiterate. Because there are still a lot of people that are for one reason or another. I think a new term should be established. Like "inlira," coming from the Latin root of lira meaning learn.
Religion is two things: A facade hiding true intent & true intent posing as a Trojan Horse. Last election, few looked that Gift Horse in the mouth.
Understand this ( & you will understand the Religious Right and their penchant for authoritarianism. "Religion" leads the way..
Scientists do it all the time- you accept one fact and then new evidence comes in and you adjust to new facts. It's so important to be flexible and able to accept new information.
Some people have fun by being “idly curious”. I do! I think that’s the basis of the flexibility towards learning you noted. I think It’s probably a personality trait, rather than something that necessarily requires higher educational attainment?
reading alvin toffler the third wave in the 1980s prepared me for the internet, and in the 90s I started an online game company and bought a Porsche. Thanks Alvin.
They still can’t read. 25% of US adults are functionally illiterate, able to read and understand only words and simple sentences. Another 30% are partially illiterate, struggling with multi-step written instructions and longer texts. That is over half of US adults, and has increased 10% since 2017.
When I retired I studied The Theory of Special Relativity. Pretty soon I discovered everything I thought I knew about it was wrong. I had to forget all I had "learned" before and relearn it properly. It made it twice as hard, but well worth the effort.
My naive assumption was because time passed more slowly in the rocket frame relative to the Earth frame time *must* travel more quickly in the Earth frame relative to the rocket frame. Not so - time also passes more slowly in the Earth frame relative to the rocket frame.
Since from the rocket's perspective, the Earth is moving relative to it. This leads directly to the Twin Paradox. The twin in the rockets gets to "keep" his slower rate. The usual explanation is that he changed between inertial reference frames and underwent some acceleration.
Changing your mind based on new data (learning) is equally as "hard" as "learning" something about which you had no knowledge or preconceived ideas for the first time.
In other words: #trumpanzies🍊🚽💩 r THE MOST ignorant🥴, stupid, fact-DENYING, UNeducated, 🥴UNDEReducated🥴, assbackwards🪕, POST-LITERATE, fact-DENYING, antiVAX, cult, racist🫥, hateful, intolerant🖕🏽vote-against-your-own-interest (SS, healthcare, immigration, =ity) demo- usually white, fat,missing teeth‼️🤮
If only progress wouldn't be snail pace
Plus, your convictions tend to cement you into communities that share those convictions.
When you change they typically abandon you.
So it's not just mental, it's social, too
You should probably delete this.
Makes sense that we are where we are now - colonial hangover but people still wanting to rage.
The problem is more to do with weaker educational policy and lower standards.
Remember - America is not a monolith.
I’d point to crazy whackadoo religious about power and control school boards pushing for watered down curriculum.
I believe the ability to read and write is on the decline.
However, the point of the original quote is rhetorical, not literal. The "illiterate" of the future will be those who are unable to learn and adapt, and who get stuck in their ways.
it should be, "who cannot learn, unlearn *or* relearn"
not, "who cannot learn, unlearn *and* relearn"
unless they would be learning, unlearning and relearning the same thing, in which case they are of course dizzy and hopelessly stupid
We have less than 46% literate, and the average is 6th grade.
We can't even read papers, we need to rely on Fox to read it for us.
As it is now, your post is basically empty for the visually impaired reader.
stupidity (people with knowledge but misapplied because of hate, bias, illogic, etc.) is the second problem
yeah, the second problem is harder to solve
I'll just borrow, it's not stealing because I'm taking the images and leaving a gif avec sound; Paraphrasing Daliso Chaponda.
Example: how many phone numbers can you remember beside your own?
We used to be able to recall all of these without breaking a sweat.
How much do you rely on not autocorrect, but *predictive* text?
Frank Lingohr ·
I personally verified on the research site. This is shocking. Canada has a 99% literacy rate.
100% literacy.
Implicitly its about corporate technologies dominating the human spirit:
If you don’t believe. You do you.
You should know that if you are a psych grad student.
But you do you too, Boo.
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
1. no prior knowledge of the subject
2. incorrect prior knowledge of the subject
3. incomplete knowledge of the subject
If they could read.
Resignation is victory. My recognition in 2014, after nearly 20 years in a helping profession that regardless of their stated motives, most people don’t want help or change. Best to detach from that as a goal. They’ll fend for themselves. Live your own life.
#TakeDownThisRegime NOW
PROTEST LIKE SERBIA AND HUNGARY. Your life, freedom, future, savings, and democracy depend on it.
Before it’s too late. Once freedom is gone, it’s almost impossible to get back.
A conservative - or any person from a group for that matter - could make this post too and it wouldn't say much.
🔥Ms. Roxanne Schuyler!🔥
literacy has to do only with language, not with learning anything else, unless it's being used in conjunction with another word, like, "computer literate"
it is actually incorrect, as I told you, maybe read why 🤗
what part of, "I've been tutoring English in NYC for 30+ years" was too slippery to hold onto?
is reading comprehension in the US so low that you need to point out the important parts of a half-paragraph piece of writing???
That makes the rest of the statement redundant.
You may be able to reappraise your perspective, but erasing a lesson is impossible.
These pithy aphorisms are okay as memes but have no other function.
Understand this ( & you will understand the Religious Right and their penchant for authoritarianism. "Religion" leads the way..
George Orwell
it's a miracle when it happens en masse -- seems impossible (MAGA) but i know it is possible, i've seen it happen before
Now people are bragging about it? Damn!
Idiocracy really was a documentary
These individuals are victims of elected officials who have exploited their constituencies for decades, prioritizing power and profit.
U should always give People time to wake up Before making Decisions:;
And they carry weapons
The light clock whose photon has to travel the longest distance bouncing between its mirrors always measures the least amount of time passing.
This is true when observed from any chosen single inertial frame.