Its over. Its more over than even the most pessimist is thinking. The idiots that refused to vote kamala have fucked us all.
I will go to my grave having never seen my country as great as it was at my birth.
When I was born, it wasn’t legal for my parents to marry in several states. (White mom, black dad.) Women had no right to bodily autonomy in any state. Discrimination & stereotyping was rampant. But it’s worse now. Our President-elect is an illiterate, convicted felon & adjudicated rapist. Damn.
Key point: Jan. 6th Committee workers & members are all immune from criminal prosecution because of the Speech or Debate Clause. Here's an explanation:
"Think of the press as a great keyboard on which the government can play."
It won't be long before Trump, MAGA & the GOP begin to speak of "disappearing people" who don't agree with them. The abolishment of Free Press is always the first step.
Still cannot believe you allowed a sex offending & adjudicated felon to become your President. There must be many problems in your Constitution and legal system that need amendments. Oh. And your electoral system which appears to be useless.
Merrick Garland has one last chance to redeem his lost courage. Events showed that he does not have the spine to be a strong Supreme Court Justice. Let's hope he is not intimidated by Trump and his henchmen and a junior federal judge not to release the Special Prosecutor's report.
Let's also be retroactive and investigate Dick Cheney, George Bush, and all of their oil-igarchy friends for OIF/OEF and why we wasted almost 15 years on BS that wasn't going to end well anyway
This whole "but guys, I'm on YOUR side now, please don't be mad" crap the Republicunts want us forgetting
It should ALL be 💯 % TRANSPARENT. They vote on anything, make it clear, concise, and 💯% readable. They want more money, they have to actually work AT LEAST 300 days out of the fucking year. They want us to go to/stay out of war: state the reasons, don't be cowards, and make sure the ppl dying know y
Bush jr and Dick Cheney are war criminals. Their plan to fabricate evidence resulted in the deaths of millions and the destruction of Iraq.
They walk free for the same reason trump walks free. He is a rich white man
It's bad and cowardly when a Republican has more balls to stand up against the fascits Republicans than our very own Dem leaders (who still wield some power) do. Pathetic.
She's had major chesticles for the past few years. Heading the January 6 committee torpedoed her career and she did not halt. All else aside, she's the modern Joan of Arc, the current William Wallace. Liz, man. I gotta give props.
Someone used the word "enshitification" on this platform the other day. I will forever use that word to describe this period in time that we live through now.
Tbh I don't care why she hates him. He's far more damaging than any of them combined. They can all be pieces of shit,but since no one listens to them, they can be a piece of shit. People listen to this blowhard. And that concerns me.
Liz Cheney, being a Republican, doesn't realize how uninspired Democrats are. Garland has had 4 years to do something. In 4 years, the only thing Dem MoCs have gotten excited about is the bald eagle.
It seems the only thing that will get Dem MoCs off their asses is Dems staying away from the polls.
Well, not really. According to the Supreme Court, President Biden can do whatever he thinks is best in his role as President of the US. Which, currently, he is.
Biden can. But Cannon's order prohibits Garland from releasing the report to anyone - including Biden. If Garland gave the report to Biden he would be in violation of Cannon's order.
Cannon's order does no such thing. It starts the ball rolling for SCOTUS intervention, but the AG has full discretion in the meantime. And in a rare instance of legal knowledge- she admits as much in her order.
He could order Garland to do so, but if Garland did he would be in violation of a court order. I doubt that Biden would put Garland in such a position.
Garland is a coward. We have seen this over and over again. He will do nothing.
I don’t understand why people think the systems and mechanisms that got us to this point will somehow suddenly click into action days before Adolph Trump start his Nazi fantasy.
Not surprised at all. In fact, it's going about how I expected it. It's pretty much what happens when a criminal is elected to office. Pardon my pessimism, but I no longer see hope for our country. All optimism died Nov 5, 2024.
Trump won, and he's still whining, and his followers are still claiming J6 was a peaceful day of tourists leisurely wandering about the Capitol...while Pelosi hired thousands of agitators disguised as violent MAGA rioters. They are very upset that J6 2025 didn't happen as they wanted.
She voted with him 93% of the time. Did she ever apologize for helping him get to power in the first place or just speaking out now that the damage is done?
If Biden were the target of this investigation, the GOP and Fox News would have had the pre-draft napkin scribblings all the way up to the final printed copy and blasted it out on various platforms long, long ago..
Show us you care as much as we do!
And if all others accepted the lie which the Party imposed—if all records told the same tale—then the lie passed into history and became truth. 'Who controls the past' ran the Party slogan, 'controls the future: who controls the present controls the past.
George Orwell, 1984
Garland didn’t have the spine to actually punish him before he got this far. I doubt he’s going to suddenly develop one now.
The next year is going to be rough, assuming his bad physical and/or mental health remove him like it should.
Although I am impressed by Liz Cheney’s belief in duty to our country and democracy, as a Democrat, I could never vote for her. Her right wing positions are contrary to our party.
Well you're not wrong but she changed. She's taking a progressive stance on lgbtq+ rights and although she's not in favor of free universal health Care she doesn't want a one payer system.
Look man I get it you're one of those old school liberals that hated Cheney back in the day. That's fair I get it I was just a kid back then I barely remember the guy and from what I do know yeah he was pretty bad.
She hasn’t changed. It’s the new GOP that’s unrecognizable to the old Republican establishment.
I still consider her a Republican firebrand as always but perhaps now with a little less fire.
I do admire her political courage though. The loathsome POS could learn a thing or 2 from Liz Cheney.
She only broke party lines when her life was threatened by Trump's thugs. Shes not your liberal hero. She literally called Democrats guilty of infanticide. After Jan 6th.
We all make stupid mistakes politicians are only human they change like the rest of us. Look I'm not calling the woman a saint or even a good person. But you don't need to be a good person to be a good politician. And after years of the stink of trumpism.
Liz Cheney is the febreze the Republican party needs. Let me put it this way you want Cheney on the top of the ticket in 2028 or you want Vance. Because we stand a much better chance of beating her than we do him.
Stop WISHING & WHINING- BE PROACTIVE. Make f ing PHONE CALL. 30 million individual calls BRING ACTION! LGBTQ rights proved this ANTI ABORTION activists proved it. Call from state to fed elected! 2 a day! Tell THEM —0% read your comment here!
Garland, Smith, mueller, Biden…all left us stranded with Trump. This once-strong democracy is riddled with meek and malleable men. Scared of their fuc$&@) shadows
Thank you for doing something so constructive. Whining or moaning on a social media site accomplishes nothing. Pick up the phone. Send an email. Be heard.
I have a functional disability , and I am starting my biz, so I would be further ahead on , once social media aps don't seem interested at all in providing Greater value to their audiences.
If you want to be involved even just for brainstorm, feel free to message me, 4 biz idea
You are very welcome, pleasure is all mine . & Yes!
We post, but affirmative action is where the rubber hits the road, indeed!
I tried to reach to ab, but while I like this enviro , we can all help to make it much more powerful. Since just a few like you know.. I had to!!! 😥🤦😂
Why would he try and hide it though? He is already getting away with murder and I don’t understand why he isn’t leaning into this as well like he does with everything else he gets away with.
Mark I get it ! But to what end???? Is anyone or anything going to stop this guy from being the President or his buddies in the house or senate going to stop him from doing what he wants?????
I’m just gonna eat my popcorn and watch this idiot put on a show. I didn’t vote for his dumbass — so the least I can do to enjoy myself is watch him make a fool of our nation, while president musk tries to calm the ever worsening / cannibalistic maga movement.
Johnson aide discouraged Hutchinson subpoena over concerns about lawmakers’ ‘sexual texts’ The move was intended in part to prevent the release of sexually explicit texts that lawmakers sent Cassidy Hutchinson.
I'm sorry the US voters are so stupid! And I'm talking about the ones that didn't vote for various reasons being just as bad or even worse than the MAGA. MAGA could not have won without the help of those who only think about themselves and their mental issues.
I completely agree. Just today, I found myself thinking about those who didn't vote and voted for some obscure person throwing their vote out. This didn't have to happen.
Your like the idiot town folk with blinders on who welcomed the Trojan horse in….people like you need to open their eyes before everything is destroyed.
Trump is a convicted sentenced Felon with a capital F! And we get to see his federal docs on Sunday. Side with criminals and you are a criminal. You can't be a good person and friends with Tony Soprano at the same time.
The election was over before it started we lost this 10 years ago dont blame voters, dems have been play gentlemen politics while republicans blame them for everything and laugh in their face while they pass bills to hurt americans.
She came to this AFTER her life was being threatened on Jan 6 2021. Prior to that she voted 92.9% of the time with his cruel policies. Okay with homophobia, xenophobia, misogyny, racism, ignorance, threats against protesters, mocking of the disabled. I am glad, but realistic about who she REALLY is.
Its the same when i saw drugs in urban areas. The parents mocked and talked very badly about those people. Then when heroin hit the suburbs now its a state and US problem. Her hypocrisy knows no bounds.
That couldn't be any closer to the truth. Hitler did the same thing, rewriting the history of his failed beer hall putsch and setting up independent Nazi courts to try and convict his opponents. If he tries to use the military to go after citizens, it's time to act.
MARK! Please don't push Liz Cheney's bloviating because she did the right thing once.
Look at her voting record, and DO NOT give her a pass, much less praise.
A cheat, liar n thief. Now new title warlord. Wants to invade our allies. What has become of our country and why was he even elected??? Racists and bigots.
Yeah that’s what fascism is. Doesn’t change the fact that her and her father are a major reason we are at this point with their wars of aggression and love of murdering Iraqis for money.
I do not care flavor your conservatism comes in, if you support and endorse and repost their rhetoric you are also conservative and no friend of the people who desperately need more help than your ivory tower allows you to see.
Please stop playing his game. You are correct and most thinking Americans know this. When he describes you as corrupt etc please sue him for libel. I would think since you were mentioned as a possible House speaker before the lies started, damages can be proven. Sue for millions.
The biggest mistake that President Biden did was appointing Merrick Garland as AG
And perhaps more so staying out of his department and not pushing Garland to act was the second missed opportunity.!
I love President Biden - it has just been so hard to watch 4 years of our laws being forsaken
Scotus set themselves up as the deciders of what is and is not an official presidential act. So... basically, if Joe does it, no. If the Tangerine Traitor did it, all good.
I wish Merrick Garland had 1/10 of 1% of one of Liz Cheaney’s balls. Unfortunately, he doesn’t and will probably be rewarded with a Supreme Court seat by Trump, who he did everything in his power to protect.
It’s because he does have balls. Remember Betty White told us that balls were weak. You should really tell people to grow a vagina because that thing is designed to take a beating.
Keep reposting this over and over again because the word needs to get out clearly that this report needs to be released. Canon has no jurisdiction to tell anybody to squash it, and it needs to be released to the United States public now before the orange menace destroys it.
Can they really continue to hide the report? Like do they really have the power to do so?
They're clearly trying to hide something big of they don't want the public to see it so at this point it is in our interest for it to be released.
It's minutes to midnight. Will Garland show some balls before he turns off the lights and leaves the building?
Based on his past, probably not.
Garland would have to be Bidens' biggest regret.
Yep! The Dems have seized the high moral ground, and they are going to be standing on that ground while we lose democracy, and Trump becomes a dictator for life
Yup exactly what I am saying, been saying, and will keep saying. Meanwhile Mark Hamil will just leave the country when shit hits the fan as some celebrities have. Nice.
When the high moral grounders allow the lawless to take control, they are tilting at windmills as delusional in their self righteousness as the orange king. Imbeciles, fools, or whatever you wish to call them, they are superior beings only in their own minds. Didn't honor oath to defend constitution
Omg!! Thank you for saying this! I think exactly the same. Stop it with peaceful transition and moral obligations to the constitution. He doesn't care why should we. Unless they prove their is a hidden agenda. I believe they have thrown us in the ring of fire and terror and to the wolves.
Boycotts are a good idea, but they only work if we can get enough people to do it. We could boycott Twitter/X, but that simply isn't happening. Even Hamill is still referencing that platform all the time on here, which implies he's giving that site traffic as a reader so he can see what's said.
Seriously. All the top accounts are still pimping tweets on X. They just can’t give up their lame ass blue checks and X no matter the evil shit he does. Pathetic if you ask me.
Everybody can see the despot putting in place his dictatorship. His actions are talking for themselves day after day. But we will let him do it and even congratulate him. What is wrong with this country? What is wrong with the GOP who remain complicit with the criminal? What is left of morality?
And the saddest part of all is that we let him get away with it, rewarding him, in the process, with our nation's highest office.
We are our own worst enemy and have no one to blame but ourselves.
The question, (for the Good People still remaining in the USA), is:
Now what?
It would be so cool if you could give me a fb. You know, if you find the time...
Thanks for fighting the good fight Mark
I will go to my grave having never seen my country as great as it was at my birth.
Transfer all the backups of the reports and supporting evidence to the Hague before they get wiped off of every government computer.
Somebody will need it to be able to sort through it when this is all over.
Ppl not afraid
It won't be long before Trump, MAGA & the GOP begin to speak of "disappearing people" who don't agree with them. The abolishment of Free Press is always the first step.
But I do not have much faith in Garland.
Department of Justice ; Phone number. 1-202-514-2000 ; TTY. 1-800-877-8339 ...
Politics truly does make strange bedfellows.
This whole "but guys, I'm on YOUR side now, please don't be mad" crap the Republicunts want us forgetting
They walk free for the same reason trump walks free. He is a rich white man
I didn't have that on my 2025 bingo card.
Text SIGN PYRDFC to 50409
Or click here 👉🏼
Liz doesn't hate Trump because he is Trump. Liz hates Trump because he took the hood off her party.
It seems the only thing that will get Dem MoCs off their asses is Dems staying away from the polls.
If roberts throws a hissy fit, he can always hold an octogenarian ex-president in contempt or whatever if it makes him feel better.
I don’t understand why people think the systems and mechanisms that got us to this point will somehow suddenly click into action days before Adolph Trump start his Nazi fantasy.
There will come a day when #DonaldTrump is gone, but your dishonor will remain.”
~ 👏🏻 #LizCheney 🇺🇸
👏🏻 🇺🇸
Show us you care as much as we do!
I can’t care more than you do. When I am gone, you will still have to live with this.
Democratic Leaders need to play hardball and stop brining a pillow to a gun fight.
George Orwell, 1984
The next year is going to be rough, assuming his bad physical and/or mental health remove him like it should.
I still consider her a Republican firebrand as always but perhaps now with a little less fire.
I do admire her political courage though. The loathsome POS could learn a thing or 2 from Liz Cheney.
(PS Spider-Man unlimited is a criminally underrated series. You should watch it if you're a spidey fan. )
I don't want anything the modern GOP is selling, no matter what package they wrap it in.
The more people contact Garland, the merrier .
If you want to be involved even just for brainstorm, feel free to message me, 4 biz idea
We post, but affirmative action is where the rubber hits the road, indeed!
I tried to reach to ab, but while I like this enviro , we can all help to make it much more powerful. Since just a few like you know.. I had to!!! 😥🤦😂
We only have 11 days for Biden to stop it
Just scroll down until you see this
But I’m also laughing at just how many are going to regret their vote the moment he takes office — which no criminal should be in.
Garland is a seditious traitor who helped Trump by purposefully doing nothing for four years.
Do your job and fix it
Look at her voting record, and DO NOT give her a pass, much less praise.
Reposted !!!!
Please stop playing his game. You are correct and most thinking Americans know this. When he describes you as corrupt etc please sue him for libel. I would think since you were mentioned as a possible House speaker before the lies started, damages can be proven. Sue for millions.
And perhaps more so staying out of his department and not pushing Garland to act was the second missed opportunity.!
I love President Biden - it has just been so hard to watch 4 years of our laws being forsaken
Which is a travesty.
Department of Justice ; Phone number. 1-202-514-2000 option 4 for AG ; TTY. 1-800-877-8339
They don't want it released as it may undermine public confidence in the American System of Justice.
Rise of the resistance!!!
They're clearly trying to hide something big of they don't want the public to see it so at this point it is in our interest for it to be released.
Based on his past, probably not.
Garland would have to be Bidens' biggest regret.
Lots of options.
He just doesn't stop reading the site, which means he's giving the site traffic. That's almost as bad.
Such a huge nation to be dependent on GoFundMe for surgery and Hackers for truth.