He's done everything right, but his messaging on this issue needs polishing. He came across as either annoyed or not ready for the question. Scolding journalists is never a good look. (I scold Rosie all the time. From my couch. She can't hear me, though)
Agree, but for the next several weeks he'll be thrown inappropriate questions every day. They'll follow him every step of the way. He's new to this. Great move appointing Mendocino chief of staff. He'll have a seasoned politician by his side.
He said look inside yourself, you are starting from a place of malintent.
He just left an incredibly successful private sector career to take on the leadership role of an unpopular party in an unbelievably difficult situation.
Agree. Civil and annoyed. And yes, he's been in the halls of power but he is brand-spanking new to politics and campaigning. And I worry about that because he's the only one who can stop poilievre.
I disagree. I'm tired of politicians having to pussy foot around around nasty reporters. She was basically saying he's lying. Doesn't that make anyone angry?
He sure did! After she basically told him that she thought he was lying about his assets that are now in a blind trust. She said that it was "really hard to believe" that there is no conflict of interest with his assets.
I just listened to P&P and this is what they will make the big deal over. They were ridiculous about it. They are handing PP his attack now. Shame on them. He has answered this question of holdings I don’t know how many times.
“…is hard to believe.” It’s not a question of belief, Rosemary. It’s a question of facts and evidence and following the law. Things Carney has on his side - things the idiot you seem to be hustling for doesn’t.
He did. We need to see more of this from the liberals. Call the media out by illuminating their bad faith. Chrétien did that in tv with Barton just a week ago.
I’m sure his advisers are reviewing the tape. He did set his own tone, yet I’m sure he doesn’t want to come across like “ I’m insulted” … he will rise above I’m sure.
I hope she does the same exercise 😉
Good for the PM. He demonstrates a SHINING example about how he will be able to stand up for Canada on the international stage. PP would lash out a slogan, make some unrelated retort about the PM, or walk out. PP would fail Canada on the world stage and sell out to the US.
PM Carney could have pulled a PP and responded with question after question. He did not. He also wasn’t eating an apple or cookie. He provided an appropriate response. Has Rosie demanded PP provide a Security Clearance?
I think PM Carney was miffed because her question had nothing to do with his visit with Macron, Starmer or King Charles. She already knows that info will be revealed in due course. She was being nasty. 1/2
There is a known deadline of 120 days for the info to be revealed. He set up the blind trust as required. Personally I think the contents is an invasion of privacy.
All good except “govt funded”. What’s that got to do with it? A hack journalist is a hack journalist, wherever they work. I actually hold CBC to a higher standard.
Cochran was no better today with Anita A. He repeatedly asked her about conflict of interests regarding carneys assets, she turned it on him saying why they’re not asking PP about security clearance,he pivoted. Said PP didn’t want to get it cause he would not be able to tell people what he knew. WTF
Barton shouting out at the Prime Minister saying his words are "very difficult to believe" without any actual basis for that conclusion was what really put me over the top🤢
You can despise DJT and still ask stupid "gotcha" questions, as this one was. I don't despise Rosemary Barton, but she can be needlessly aggressive 🤷♀️
You would not believe the grief he is getting over on the hellsite that he is standing up to her. "Testy" "prickly" "irritated"... I am so annoyed right now. Even progressives "he needs to get a thicker skin"🤦♀️
There is absolutely nothing wrong with how he spoke to that hack. *Chef's kiss
If critics are calling him irritable, what do they call Poilievre's sneering and rude dismissals? Reporters barely even have a chance to ask PP *any questions, let alone one that is as offensively accusatory as Barton's question today.
The question from the 1st reporter & Rosie ‘S follow-up comment were particularly inappropriate due to the nature of the presser in a foreign country. It was meant to embarrass PM Carney.
Is he? They appear to be purposefully misunderstanding what he is saying. As if the world of news still revolved solely around reporters’ impressions. As if we didn’t have eyes and ears of our own. As if the only pressing questions for a new Prime Minister were those raised by opposition leaders.
I don't know how she is as a neighbour or co-worker but 'professionally' she acts as a panelist for PP on her show and others - in very crude, out-of-context ways, too.
"not able to answer questions...." geez that was a masterclass on how to answer questions especially from a hack like Barton. CBC news to get rid of her. She is so in the tank for PP and the Cons.
She is obviously a right wing nut. Not a good journalist by any standard. Good journalism is asking probing questions and allowing the viewer/reader make their own conclusions. Short of wearing PeePee as a dress, she cannot make it more obvious the she wants to discredit Carney
Finally someone who can look the press in the eye and tell them they are oh so wrong. He is not going to let them discredit him like happened to Trudeau.
There are worse than Rosie but she is on our Public Broadcaster - more is expected.
It is like she was digging to try embarrass him. He has a stellar honest reputation. The info is coming in due course. She knows that it will be revealed.
Carney was right, her question was based on an assumption of guilt without evidence. She was lazy and trying to appear tough by asking him to deny her assumption that he must be guilty. She can come back when she has bothered to do her homework and has a real question with some credible evidence.
Definitely - But isn’t it a done deal. He’s quit all the Boards he was on and put all his assets except his home in a blind trust. What’s to be revealed. The implication is he has conflicts of interest she needs to expose. Glad he stopped her in her tracks.
But isn’t what a blind trust is about - he doesn’t know what his assets are invested in now, nor will we. Don’t think we’re entitled to know what he had before the blind trust.
She came into an international press conference trying to stir up shit about an ethics disclosure that’s not even due yet. Sorry if I don’t stop in the middle of my international security tour to go through that line by line with you 🙄 Normally Barton doesn’t bother me but that was just silly.
I always remember, besides us junkies literally nobody is watching lol. Besides, with PP, nobody can be more grating with the press. I like that Carney claps back, some of those questions were asinine. "Did you discuss military support in light of American aggression?" Sheesh.
I think he handled it quite well. He is setting the tone and not f-ing around. I am eager to see how he handles Trump. I think he will "BEST" Trump and then some.
The question was inappropriate, leading and inaccurate.
He called her on her BS, shutting her argument down by presenting the facts, and he came across as honest and professional.
What more can you ask for?
He has been around.
He said look inside yourself, you are starting from a place of malintent.
He just left an incredibly successful private sector career to take on the leadership role of an unpopular party in an unbelievably difficult situation.
He was very civil.
At a certain point voters need to take responsibility.
If people are so blind that they cannot see that Carney is a FAR superior candidate for PM to PP, that's on the voters not him.
He shouldn't have to sell out.
Do I haaaave to?
That was a good response, though I am sure she will go cry-bully to her little chums on PnP.
Glad you found it.
It is from the news conference today.
And Mr.Carney isn't Justin.
Rosie just got warned but, she's too arrogant to figure it out.
Rosie made it personal with her question.
Go listen to it.
Then tell me it wasn't personal.
He is sure if himself and it shows.
I’m sure his advisers are reviewing the tape. He did set his own tone, yet I’m sure he doesn’t want to come across like “ I’m insulted” … he will rise above I’m sure.
I hope she does the same exercise 😉
She's a CONservative through and through and doesn't even bother to hide it.
Tournons la page et allons de l’avant 👊🏼
Next !
It was definite “gotcha” attempt.
Delicious. 🔥
Politely stating the obvious. You are prejudging me, your question isn’t objectively honest.
Who said Carney lacks political experience???
This clip is destined for the textbooks.
“Gov’t funded” i.e. CBC journalist… should be less influenced and more unbiased than corporate media.
Wonder how much longer CBC will carry water for Barton? It has become increasingly obvious she HAS to go.
Hell, it's only one step better than, "I haven't broken the law".
If you ask your kid how their day at school went and they answer, "I complied with the law...” ASK FOLLOW-UP QUESTIONS!
She despises DJT, so 💯 percent a decent person.
It's priceless.
He's taking no guff from Rosemary Barton
There is absolutely nothing wrong with how he spoke to that hack. *Chef's kiss
And of course, here is PP without a security clearance.
Good enough for me. Maybe Rosie should talk to him. Ya know.
"I find it hard to believe that Mark Carney isn't in a conflict of interest."
Also....I want the T-shirt.
"Look inside yourself"
Her skin can’t be so thin.
I’m a reporter. When I get talked to like that, it’s Tuesday.
Giving Carney grief for not putting up with Barton's garbage but letting Poilievre get away with his nonsense.🤨
A few had suggested G&M
Media have zero self awareness.
(Our reporters are so superficial)
There are worse than Rosie but she is on our Public Broadcaster - more is expected.