Humans and constructs were full of overwrought emotions like depression, anxiety, and anger (was anxiety an emotion? It sure felt like one) and I had no idea what ART was full of, except how much it cared about its crew.
Humans and constructs were full of overwrought emotions like depression, anxiety, and anger (was anxiety an emotion? It sure felt like one) and I had no idea what ART was full of, except how much it cared about its crew.
But whatever, now I just needed intel for threat assessment so I could figure out if GrayCris had killed the dead human or not and go back to my happy boring life on Preservation Fucking Station.
🚨🚨If you use audible, download your audiobooks with openaudible (version 3.6.3 is free and does everything you need)
Stupid humans. Sure, I’d had an emotional breakdown with the whole evisceration thing, but I was fine now, despite the drop in performance reliability. Absolutely fine.
most of my attention was on getting through the crowd while pretending to be an ordinary augmented human, and not a terrifying murderbot. This involved not panicking when anybody accidentally made eye contact with me.
It had been well over 35,000 hours or so since then, with still not much murdering, but probably, I don’t know, a little under 35,000 hours of movies, serials, books, plays, and music consumed.
Stupid humans. Sure, I’d had an emotional breakdown with the whole evisceration thing, but I was fine now, despite the drop in performance reliability. Absolutely fine.
“No, Pin-Lee is much worse than this. And if it was her, she would be swearing at us by now,” Ratthi said. He asked me, “I’ve always wondered, did you learn to swear from her or did you already know how? Because you two use a lot of the same—”
That left me with the human most likely to want to drop everything and come watch me break into a damaged transport and the human also most likely to come watch me break into a damaged transport but only so he could argue with me about it.
Even the humans think about killing the humans, especially here. I hate mines, and mining, and humans who work in mining, and of all the stupid mines I can remember
I thought they were being paranoid; even with the interfaces you actually have to read the words, preferably all the words. Sometimes non-augmented humans don’t do that. Sometimes augmented humans don’t do it either.
And why humans doing their own security is a terrible idea, since they’re actually way more likely to flip out and shoot everybody for no reason than combat bots are. added ebooks this month. Murderbot books were added this week. Currently only works through their app on your tablet or phone but it’s a great Amazon alternative.
“Are you two talking?”
“Yes.” I had to look at the wall now.
Amena was still worried. “Are you fighting again or are you making up? Because it looks exactly the same from the outside.”
We’re making up, ART told her.
Stupid humans. Sure, I’d had an emotional breakdown with the whole evisceration thing, but I was fine now, despite the drop in performance reliability. Absolutely fine.
I can also be kind of an asshole. (“Kind of” = in the 70 percent–80 percent range.) I didn’t know what to say but I didn’t have time to do a search for relevant apology examples. (And it’s not like I ever find any relevant examples that I actually want to use.)
'It would be better if they could think of you as a person who is trying to help. Because that’s how I think of you.' My insides melted. That’s the only way I could describe it.
I know no one reads terms of service or user agreements, but it’s clearly spelled out that you do not “own” any digital media. And Amazon can remove them from your library in the cloud or on the device at any time.
I said, “I need to check the perimeter,” and managed to turn and leave the crew area in a totally normal way and not like I was fleeing from a bunch of giant hostiles.
When she glances up, SecUnit is actually looking directly at her. Their gazes lock for what seems a long moment but knowing SecUnit, is probably only a second at most.
The difference between sharing a physical copy and sharing a digital copy is that you are essentially duplicating the book by sharing the digital copy. I am downloading and removing DRM for my own private use but I am not sending out ebook files to my friends and family. That's still pirating.
ART watched the full video, running it back and forth. I had sent Thiago the part where I was on top of the council table trying to snap Hostile One’s neck while Hostile Two was on my back stabbing the absolute crap out of me.
this reminds me of when i used an iPod back in the 2000's. spend thousands of dollars on a massive music collection, then lost all of it when it died and i no longer had an apple device, as files were proprietary and only worked on apple. had to start all over (and never bought apple again).
Sounding way more intoxicated than he actually was, he said, “Wait, I got it,” and tapped the house’s feed to turn on the lights. And I was standing in the middle of the room. He screamed. (Yes, it was hilarious.)
Indah stared at me in a challenging “let’s see what all you’ve got” way. Indah did not actually want to see what all I got so I just asked Tural, “Have you done a forensic sweep?”
Indah said, “How would you dispose of a body so it wouldn’t be found?” I’m not the public library feed, Senior Officer, go do your own research. I said, “If I told you, then you might find all the bodies I’ve already disposed of.”
Yes, there is a feature Kindle are removing, where you could download the Kindle to your computer and then optionally move them manually to your Kindle.
When she glances up, SecUnit is actually looking directly at her. Their gazes lock for what seems a long moment but knowing SecUnit, is probably only a second at most.
If you own kindle books , Amazon is disabling download feature on Feb 26. People won’t be able to download the books they paid for in electronic format. Meaning, Amazon may post a revised version of the book to your collection or remove it altogether if they choose to!🚨
It appears that Amazon has reposted an alternate version of one of my audible audiobooks already. When I downloaded it yesterday, listed chapters did not match spoken content. Thats stealing things we have paid for. Boycotting Amazon permanently. Using Libby and hoopla library apps on ipad instead.
(If I got angry at myself for being angry I would be angry constantly and I wouldn’t have time to think about anything else.) (Wait, I think I am angry constantly. That might explain a lot.)
And afterwards call your reps use the 5Call app. It is an app that will find your reps and a script based upon the issues you choose and your area.
On a private feed channel to ART, I said, You set me up, you fucker. I was still catching up on archived drone video and fifty-four seconds behind actual time, so ART ignored me.
I let the door seal as the white light flickered on. It wasn’t much warmer in there, but at least it was cozy. I connected myself to the resupply and repair leads, leaned back against the wall and shivered.
I just realized I don’t like the phrase “as far as I knew” because it implies how much you actually don’t know. I’m not going to stop using it, but. I don’t like it as much anymore.
ART said, I didn’t mean you. That sounds mild, putting it like that, like something ART would say in a normal tone. But it said it with so much force in the feed I sat down hard on the bunk. I said, “Stop yelling at me.”
I followed every step in this article, but a lot of my books won't download. It gives a popup that says I need to update my kindle app. Is there a workaround for that?
Short term , go to the Amazon page which lists all your ebooks and for each one, click download for transfer via USB “.
That’ll get you files which can be imported into calibre and DeDRM’d.
It’s a slow process, but it’s the only confirmed way at the moment.
Indah said, “How would you dispose of a body so it wouldn’t be found?” I’m not the public library feed, Senior Officer, go do your own research. I said, “If I told you, then you might find all the bodies I’ve already disposed of.”
On the feed, Amena said, Sorry, ART. Apology accepted, ART said. I felt its attention shift in the feed. (Imagine it staring meaningfully at me.) (It could stare all it wanted, I’m not apologizing.)
I sent, You have no idea what I am.
She tilted her head and looked more mad. I know exactly what you are. You’re afraid, you’re hurt, and you need to calm the fuck down so we can get through this situation alive.
Amena tried to just lie down on the bare bunk and pillow her head on the sealed bedding pack but I made her get up and unfold it and do it right. (“You’re mean,” she groaned.)
Oh, and there were downloads, sweet downloads, multiple entertainment feeds, way more than HaveRatton and Port FreeCommerce, hanging temptingly in the air.
No luck yet, I'm afraid. I've got calibre and the plugins set up, and downloaded an old Kindle for PC version, but I can't link this to my Kindle account. It sends me a code by text which it then says is wrong
Ratthi threw his hands in the air and went over to sit next to Overse. With a “let’s get this over with” expression, Overse asked, “SecUnit, how do you know there wasn’t a distress call?”
ART had stopped pinging me but I knew it was listening. It’s like having a malign impersonal intelligence that is incapable of minding its own business reading over your shoulder.
Human living spaces tend to smell like dirty socks, even when they’re clean. But this smell was oddly … agricultural, like the growth medium used in food-producing systems.
We tell ourselves that constructs aren’t aware of their predicament. What SecUnit makes us realize is that this is not true; they are all aware of what they are and what’s been done to them.
With my cracked governor there was nothing to stop me, but not letting anybody, especially the people who held my contract, know that I was a free agent was kind of important.
most of my attention was on getting through the crowd while pretending to be an ordinary augmented human, and not a terrifying murderbot. This involved not panicking when anybody accidentally made eye contact with me.
I stepped past Eletra and out the hatch in time to catch the targetDrone waiting there. I slammed it into the bulkhead and shook the remnants off my hands.
She and Overse had always been firmly in the “least likely to abandon a SecUnit to a lonely horrible fate” category, which was always the category I was most interested in.
I buy paper books whenever I can, and I send money directly to authors. I'll give them my five bucks instead of Amazon, who only gives the author's a few pennies for every book sold.
On the feed, Amena said, Sorry, ART. Apology accepted, ART said. I felt its attention shift in the feed. (Imagine it staring meaningfully at me.) (It could stare all it wanted, I’m not apologizing.)
It was a low-stress group, they didn’t argue much or antagonize each other for fun, and were fairly restful to be around, as long as they didn’t try to talk or interact with me in any way.
I didn’t even think about this so thank you for making this post. I’ve pretty significant ADHD so I listen to a lot of books cause reading them makes me nuts and if I lost my entire library, I would be very devastated.🥰
I said, “You kidnapped me and my humans. That violated my contract. A contract I made with them, myself.” Not a company contract, I meant. A me contract. And ART had got me dragged into this and messed everything up.
they were all friends and a lot less restrained with each other than my last set of contractual obligations. It was why, if I forced myself to admit it, I had actually been enjoying this contract, up until something tried to eat me and Bharadwaj.
ART said, Everything that occurred before my crew was captured is irrelevant. It is none of your business.
I said, “You made it my business when you kidnapped me.”
If you no longer own the books, then piracy is not stealing. Load up Duokan (an alternate OS), and download some pdfs. Support authors by buying paper books AND then downloading pdfs.
I was cataloguing power signatures on some small mobility devices used by non-augmented humans for medical reasons; I hadn’t seen these anywhere in the Corporation Rim
Amena said, “Do you love my second mother? Thiago thinks so.” I should have known this was going to turn into an interrogation. I said, “Not the way he thinks.”
The problem with gunships is they want to shoot at stuff. That’s why they’re so expensive to write bond contracts for. I said, No, don’t shoot at us. For fuck’s sake, ART. If everybody would just let me do my stupid job for one minute.
Been trying to. Someone suggested putting books into collections (which is doable for the 12000+ books) but so far I have not been able to download the collections, only individual books, one at a time. Anyone else have any luck?
With my cracked governor there was nothing to stop me, but not letting anybody, especially the people who held my contract, know that I was a free agent was kind of important.
I use my kindle like a normal tablet/drawing tablet and I've never bought any books. Will it be affected in any other ways or will only digital books be affected?
Gurathin sighed and rubbed his face and looked off into the distance, like he regretted all his life choices that had led to him standing here right now.
It seems unlikely a human would want that many implants, or would survive whatever catastrophic injury might make them necessary. But humans are weird.
You know that thing humans do where they think they’re being completely logical and they absolutely are not being logical at all, and on some level they know that, but can’t stop? Apparently it can happen to SecUnits, too.
I leaned back in the chair, told my drones to form a sensor perimeter, and verified that my inputs for the constant cycle of checks for Dr. Mensah’s sentry task group were all still open. Then I closed my eyes and slipped into the feed.
You can still, for now at least, copy them *off of your kindle*. If you only have a few books you don't have backup copies of, then downloading may be easier; if you have hundreds, copying them all off the kindle is probably much easier.
Arada had her hands up. It was a reflex but a little embarrassing, frankly. I told her on the feed, Arada, put your hands down. You’re supposed to be the one giving me orders.
She was thinking strategically, which is always a relief, and asking me questions instead of giving me stupid orders. I didn’t have to obey orders anymore, but that doesn’t make them any less annoying.
I yelled, “No!” which I’m not supposed to do; I’m always supposed to speak respectfully to the clients, even when they’re about to accidentally commit suicide.
This is why my husband and I are analog when it comes to buying books, music, and movies. You don't own digital things, just the ability to access them.
It seems unlikely a human would want that many implants, or would survive whatever catastrophic injury might make them necessary. But humans are weird.
I can also be kind of an asshole. (“Kind of” = in the 70 percent–80 percent range.) I didn’t know what to say but I didn’t have time to do a search for relevant apology examples. (And it’s not like I ever find any relevant examples that I actually want to use.)
But to make an ID I thought I only needed to see one thing. I told it, clothing. Acknowledge, the bot said. It pulled its arms in and led the way toward the target corridor.
I don’t know what they think I’m going to do to their bots. Teach them to hack? Bots don’t have governor modules like constructs and it’s not like the Preservation bots weren’t supposedly able to do whatever they wanted.
ART said, Everything that occurred before my crew was captured is irrelevant. It is none of your business.
I said, “You made it my business when you kidnapped me.”
Then a thing happened. The comm hidden in the pocket under my ribs, the comm ART had given me when I left it on RaviHyral’s transit ring, pinged my internal feed with a message.
In a smart world, I should go alone, but with the governor module I had to be within a hundred meters of at least one of the clients at all times, or it would fry me.
I tried downloading mine before I deleted my Amazon account and it wouldn't let me. I took screenshot of all my books in case I wanted any again. There's sites, and libraries, that let you download them for free.
Maybe I do watch too much media, because in the empty corridors, passing empty but recently used rooms, I had an image of finding Mensah’s family camp house like this.
Yes, I have more than 10 thousand. Grrr. Someone else suggested putting them into collections. I have managed to gather up over 2000 so far, although have not succeeded in downloading the collections yet. Books yes, I showed how on another comment (to Aunt Patty I think) above/here.
Arada had her hands up. It was a reflex but a little embarrassing, frankly. I told her on the feed, Arada, put your hands down. You’re supposed to be the one giving me orders.
I've been trying!! 😭I don't have an actual Kindle; have always read Kindle books on my computer. So I plugged in a flash drive but the "download to USB" option isn't working because I don't have an actual kindle.
You need to put the kindle app on your PC & do it from there. I did it yesterday- once you’ve got your library open, right click on the cover of a book & choose ‘download’ my books went to a cloud folder.
(SecUnits make humans and augmented humans uncomfortable and on my contracts, my clients had acted in a variety of nervous and inconsistent ways when I was around. (No matter how nervous they were, just assume I was more nervous.)
Thanks but it's not working for me. The only options I get when I right click are open book, add/remove from collection, and remove download. There's no "download" option
Don’t know then, sorry. Once I put the kindle app on my PC it worked, it wouldn’t work on either phone or tablet and definitely wouldn’t work from within the Amazon website.
“You didn’t have to shoot anyone.” Heat crept into Thiago’s voice. “If you needed supplies, we would have given them to you.” Don’t worry, the “anyone” who got shot was me.
The medical drones were clamped onto me now, digging for the projectiles, and I was leaking onto ART’s pristine MedSystem floor. The anesthetic was making me numb.
“I need to talk to ART in private.” Amena’s expression did something funny and she lifted her brows. “About your relationship?” I felt ART’s sharpened attention in the feed. I said, “Very funny.”
It's a misunderstanding. At Kindle, Netflix, Prime, etc. you cannot "purchase" anything. You only pay at flat fee for an perpetual lease. If any of the companies loses the items license, you will have no access anymore ...
Not so much!
Valve had to update their agreement recently as language which included words like “purchase” meant the users owned the product.
For Netflix and Spotify et al, we purchase“time limited access to their libraries”, there is no implied purchase of a tangible, or perpetual product.
ART said in my feed, Be careful. Find your crew. I tapped the feed in acknowledgment, because if I tried to say anything else I was going to sound stupid and emotional.
most of my attention was on getting through the crowd while pretending to be an ordinary augmented human, and not a terrifying murderbot. This involved not panicking when anybody accidentally made eye contact with me.
The full station threat assessment for murder was sitting at a baseline 7 percent. (To make it drop lower than that we’d have to be on an uninhabited planet.)
Double, triple profiteering and beyond by corporations and billionaires against hard working people and the economically vulnerable must be made illegal with very high fines on profits.
I looked down at her and made deliberate eye contact because she had almost all my attention right now and the last person/target who had done that was still dripping down the bulkhead behind me.
The Murderbot Diaries* is a science fiction series by Martha Wells that follows a self-aware cyborg security unit named Murderbot.
We listen to the audio books on road trips.
Then she handed the scalpel over, her expression a mix of relief and guilt. “I could do it if I had to.” Huh. Amena wanted to help, maybe to prove herself. I said, “I know you could.”
On a private feed channel to ART, I said, You set me up, you fucker. I was still catching up on archived drone video and fifty-four seconds behind actual time, so ART ignored me.
Can anyone point me to a site comparable to Amazon for goods? We live in a rural area of Michigan and have to drive an hour or more to get some goods. I want to dissolve my relationship with Amazon.
I've permanently deleted Amazon. It really depends what you buy on there. EBay is probably the closest direct comparison. However, I love buying direct from brands themselves.
Mensah had seen me when she signed the rental contract. But she had barely looked at me and I had barely looked at her because again, murderbot + actual human = awkwardness.
ART said, Everything that occurred before my crew was captured is irrelevant. It is none of your business.
I said, “You made it my business when you kidnapped me.”
One of ART’s long-sleeved crew T-shirts had fallen out of the recycler at one point. My first impulse was to throw it away, but I needed it, so I pulled it on over my head
Ratthi poked absently at the food left on his plate, then slid it over to Arada so she could finish it off. “That solid-state screen interface, I’ve seen those in historical displays.”
They are downloaded into my computer, but Amazon tells me they can delete them when they want because I only bought the ability to read it. I didn’t actually buy the electronic book. After that, I downloaded them to a computer that I will no longer connect to the Internet.
Indah said, “How would you dispose of a body so it wouldn’t be found?” I’m not the public library feed, Senior Officer, go do your own research. I said, “If I told you, then you might find all the bodies I’ve already disposed of.”
I went into an empty bunkroom to change into the crew uniform ART had just made me. It was dark blue, the pants and jacket of a deflective fabric that was way better than what Preservation Station Security had, with lots of sealable pockets for weapons and drones,
…I’m not sure I care, ngl
Still fiercely masking and realising no one gives a fuck
still trying to find my way back to free reading and I can’t give a fuck if I get there
I have small energy weapons built into both arms, but the one I went for was the big projectile weapon clamped to my back. The hostile that had just exploded up out of the ground had a really big mouth, so I felt I needed a really big gun.
I knew from threat assessments on Ratthi’s associates that he had a lot of relationships with all genders of humans and augmented humans and he and they all seemed very happy about it. Amena should ask him for advice.
My name, my real name, is private, but the name ART called me wasn’t something humans could say or even access. It was my local feed address, hardcoded into the interfaces laced through my brain.
The video effects were smoother and more polished than anything I could have done and that just made me more furious. This was a vid conference link for humans trying to figure out how screwed they were, not a professional newsfeed production.
(You know, if you don’t want to be manually eviscerated with your own energy weapon then maybe you shouldn’t go around killing research transports and antagonizing rogue SecUnits.)
I didn’t respond because I don’t need a critique from a “free” bot and I couldn’t access the arrivals data without Station Security’s permission anyway, and fuck that.
The medical bot extended a delicate sensor limb toward me. On the feed I told it anything it touched me with would get torn off and thrown across the room.
I had somehow committed myself to acting as a security consultant and I wasn’t even going to get another hard currency card for it this time. As usual, I had no one to blame but myself.
There was a big huge deal about it, and Security was all “but what if it takes over the station’s systems and kills everybody” and Pin-Lee told them “if it wanted to do that it would have done it by now,” which in hindsight was probably not the best response.
Get as much as you can but you didn’t buy anything but an end-user-license-agreement to use the content only with approved devices for a limited amount of time. You bought a lease, not a book. In fact all modern computer software, and hardware is granted as a lease, not a title of ownership.
But then I started exploring the company servers and discovered hundreds of hours of downloadable entertainment media, and I figured, what’s the hurry? I can always kill the humans after the next series ends.
depending on ur country (mainly if EU), that is not a right they can realistically take away with such contracts/EULAs. they tend to be at least partially void if legally challenged.
Indah stared at me in a challenging “let’s see what all you’ve got” way. Indah did not actually want to see what all I got so I just asked Tural, “Have you done a forensic sweep?”
Weird. Audible tells customers they own the titles they buy even if you cancel your membership. I canceled my subscription a while back and downloaded all my purchased audiobooks. No problem.
Whatever was going on, there was nothing I could do about it now, and that just made me more furious. So I watched five minutes of episode 174 of Rise and Fall of Sanctuary Moon. Did that work? No, no, it didn’t.
Undetermined, ART said, like it honestly didn’t give a crap. And honestly, it probably didn’t. The Targets had attacked ART’s crew. It wasn’t interested in the mystery, it just wanted its crew back.
Upon my first time closing I asked the closing lawyer if anyone actually read all of the documentation I was signing. She said no, and if anyone did they probably wouldn't sign it. #LandOfTheFree #USAUSAUSA
(I hate being identified like that. I had gone to a lot of effort to not be immediately identified as a SecUnit, and now it all felt like a waste.) (I grew longer hair and everything.)
I was in the entertainment feed, watching episode 44 of The Rise and Fall of Sanctuary Moon and monitoring ambient audio for keywords in the unlikely event that a human said something important.
Does that keep books? One of the original kindle Fires I have had that done. But it acts like an Android tablet, but sure it acts like a Kindle. I used to use it just as a tablet before it became dirt cheap for android tablets.
For kindle fire you’d want to root it if it’s running android.
I’m talking about the e ink readers, I have a paper white for example. Jailbreaking it just give you full admin control so that Amazon can’t forcibly update or delete anything on your device.
Ah! Thank you. I have more of the Fire android kindles, but a fair number of the e-ink models too, original to touch/paperwhite. ( 😆 phone just typoed that as papershite 😄)
I have not found that yet either. If you find it, can you post it where I can see it or DM me at sctryn ? Thanks! I’ll try to do the same if I can find it, or if someone else lets me know.
Gurathin sighed and rubbed his face and looked off into the distance, like he regretted all his life choices that had led to him standing here right now.
I had trained them too well to step past me in a situation like this, walking into a strange place, but Ratthi peered around my side and Gurathin stood on his tiptoes to see over my shoulder.
My name, my real name, is private, but the name ART called me wasn’t something humans could say or even access. It was my local feed address, hardcoded into the interfaces laced through my brain.
I selected an original kindle that only works through USB and a cellular network that no longer exists. I had not realized had to actually select a kindle to send it to. Someone else used the Kindle app on a pc and a program, I forget what, to get the stories that had been saved to the PC.
Dr. Bharadwaj had started the preliminary research for her documentary on constructs, so I had been to her office five times to talk to her about it, and she wanted to set up a regular schedule of meetings with me.
If you go to my profile on website (at least on a computer this works), I think it is content and devices, then click on books, and on more actions of the right can select “download and transfer over USB” - but so far I can only do one at a time. I’ll put pictures up here.
I let the door seal as the white light flickered on. It wasn’t much warmer in there, but at least it was cozy. I connected myself to the resupply and repair leads, leaned back against the wall and shivered.
They had been talking about me as a SecUnit the way humans always talked about SecUnits, and it had been pretty mild, compared to a lot of things I had heard humans say. If I got angry every time that happened … I don’t know, but it sounded exhausting.
If you use Kindle, get out into the street and start peacefully protesting, there is a group of people in the White House, who have violated the constitution and need to be removed
I said, “You kidnapped me and my humans. That violated my contract. A contract I made with them, myself.” Not a company contract, I meant. A me contract. And ART had got me dragged into this and messed everything up.
She and Overse had always been firmly in the “least likely to abandon a SecUnit to a lonely horrible fate” category, which was always the category I was most interested in.
After breaking up the latest fight in the mess, and trying to end my short-lived career as a relationship counselor for desperate humans, I went to hide in my bunkspace.
Sadly when you buy a book, either physical or e-book you buy the rights to read it not to own it. The disclaimer is usually on the first or last page. From and ex publisher.
Not really. I have been reading/listening on Libby and most books I wait only 2 weeks after I put a hold.
Free ebooks/audible books for free on Libby from my local library.
Maybe it depends on your library system? Or the books’ genre? In my system, if they have purchased a newly published popular fiction title, I’ll wait about 16 weeks.
It depends. I am retired and not going anywhere and I have plenty of books in my list and I find plenty that I like available right away or after a hold of 2 weeks.
the officers are only issued energy weapons when there’s actually an energy-weapon-involved emergency. Which is good, because the fewer humans running around with weapons the better.
And why humans doing their own security is a terrible idea, since they’re actually way more likely to flip out and shoot everybody for no reason than combat bots are.
The trick is to put as many books on hold as possible, every week. When I get the notification that they're ready, it's like opening up a Christmas present I forgot I bought for myself. :) Go away unless you plan to actually murder some people. I suggest you start with someone orange and someone slimy with too much money.
(You know, if you don’t want to be manually eviscerated with your own energy weapon then maybe you shouldn’t go around killing research transports and antagonizing rogue SecUnits.)
This was going to be even more annoying than I had anticipated, and I had anticipated a pretty high level of annoyance, maybe as high as 85 percent. Now I was looking at 90 percent, possibly 95 percent.
If you have a Kindle you dont own anything on it...its just 1 & 0's
If you want to own the book then buy the one made of paper and not the ones made in Binary....
Tried this morning. To get started you have to download kindle on you laptop and connect that device to your Amazon account. Doesn’t work. Support says they are aware of the issue. No workaround and no ETA on a fix.
I am in the market for a new reader for books. Fuck Amazon. I don't want to buy paper books and kill trees but I'm no longer donating to the Bezos & Sanchez filler injection fund.
I am going to try to find something that works well. Unfortunately I really like a particular kindle for proofreading. Lets me take notes easily without losing the thread of the story. No other ereader I have tried does this. 😢
There was a lot of stray contact DNA in the junction, caused by so many humans coming through here and touching stuff. (Humans touch stuff all the time, I wish they wouldn’t.)
When she glances up, SecUnit is actually looking directly at her. Their gazes lock for what seems a long moment but knowing SecUnit, is probably only a second at most.
I got a Kobo when my not-old Kindle froze on me and Amazon just shrugged. Great device, especially when used with Calibre (to store & remove DRM), pre-installed Overdrive (for library borrows), and compatibility is supposedly coming this year.
Transports don’t hang out on the feed constantly downloading (not that there’s anything wrong with constantly downloading) but they do access it to keep in contact with the transit ring’s scheduling and alerts channels
It took me a long time but I downloaded all of my kindle books and then put them in Calibre. Converted them to ePub and I will soon dump my Kindle and get a Kobo ereader, a Canadian company. Most of the time I use my local library. Bye bye Jeff Bezos!
In our private connection, ART said, Stop. ART has different ways of telling you to stop doing what you’re doing, with different threat levels, and this was toward the top of the list.
I use Hoopla and Libby on my tablet without the Kindle app now-so there’s no connection to Amazon. Have canceled Audible subscription - wondering if Amazon is going to STEAL back purchased audiobooks as well.
The medical bot extended a delicate sensor limb toward me. On the feed I told it anything it touched me with would get torn off and thrown across the room.
As long as I didn’t have to walk into a deployment center filled with SecUnits and the human techs who built and disassembled us, my risk assessment module thought everything was great. (I know, it worries me when I say that, too.)
Thanks! I was wondering how to do that.
“Yes.” I had to look at the wall now.
Amena was still worried. “Are you fighting again or are you making up? Because it looks exactly the same from the outside.”
We’re making up, ART told her.
Amazon boycott now.
No, ART said.
I hadn’t expected ART to admit it. Really hadn’t expected. Right, so, that isn’t good.
That’ll get you files which can be imported into calibre and DeDRM’d.
It’s a slow process, but it’s the only confirmed way at the moment.
She tilted her head and looked more mad. I know exactly what you are. You’re afraid, you’re hurt, and you need to calm the fuck down so we can get through this situation alive.
I said, “You made it my business when you kidnapped me.”
The user experience of pirating content is nearly always better than that of paying users.
Does this mean we can expect 007 to switch sides and work for facists and oligarchs from now on?
I use kindle app for smartphone.
I said, “You made it my business when you kidnapped me.”
Anyone have a workaround?
Valve had to update their agreement recently as language which included words like “purchase” meant the users owned the product.
For Netflix and Spotify et al, we purchase“time limited access to their libraries”, there is no implied purchase of a tangible, or perpetual product.
We listen to the audio books on road trips.
I said, “You made it my business when you kidnapped me.”
Still fiercely masking and realising no one gives a fuck
still trying to find my way back to free reading and I can’t give a fuck if I get there
Using a mask as a gun of protection
Don’t answer it’s too ducking sad
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though in the US, anything goes i guess...
I’m talking about the e ink readers, I have a paper white for example. Jailbreaking it just give you full admin control so that Amazon can’t forcibly update or delete anything on your device.
Does this mean we can expect 007 to switch sides and work for facists and oligarchs from now on?
Free ebooks/audible books for free on Libby from my local library.
If you want to own the book then buy the one made of paper and not the ones made in Binary....