dunno, last time I was here was like 9 months ago and it quite sucked. I notice there's video support now which is great.
Still having to rebuild a timeline is annoying and the (apparently ?) absence of personal algorithmically curated content will only make it harder.
This admin only has experience of twxxxrr, and refuses to be sewn into meta's threads, so this protocol, as it's called, seems the only sane option to congregate in, and for that I have to invest in hope. Of course as you say, it's building slowly but surely on its bare bones from 9 months ago...
Ultimately it all comes down to content, so if it's still as vapid as a facebook meme group here, I won't stay around too much (until next time).
Discover-Timeline tuning is as grueling as I expected, hope it bears results soon.
Otherwise, life without any of those twitter-clones isn't so bad 😬
Definitely. I'd have never ventured on to the other place at all if it wasn't for the racheting up of geopolitical issues we happen to face / ended up running this account for our ngo. Understood, if you don't want to stick around, though hope you visit again down the line again, of course!!
I managed to make the other place bearable but yeah that's the thing: the "interesting people" are still stuck there still, and will remain so until this place has become sufficiently big.
I thought video support would bring journos here but I guess they haven't crossed the rubicon yet.
Well if I have to spend a 1000 hours building a curated timeline through carefully selected follows, lists, blocklists and keywords, I'm better off just reading the papers and stick to the groupchat with the boys.
If you remove the curation service, the social network loses all its interest.
Still having to rebuild a timeline is annoying and the (apparently ?) absence of personal algorithmically curated content will only make it harder.
Discover-Timeline tuning is as grueling as I expected, hope it bears results soon.
Otherwise, life without any of those twitter-clones isn't so bad 😬
I thought video support would bring journos here but I guess they haven't crossed the rubicon yet.
If you remove the curation service, the social network loses all its interest.
It's a lot more organic than Twitter.
Try some starter packs
I've got a bunch. My biggest is for premier league football.
There are thousands of feeds. It helps to think about them a bit like subreddits.
Also there are really fun ones like What's Mid. I like how it spices up my feed with inane but fun posts.
Peak Twitter not withstanding. It was a miracle and I doubt it'll exist again, on any other platform.
Maybe try reddit.