"The basic problem with the conservative discourse around “parents’ rights” is that it frames children as chattel—that is, as parents’ property. But children aren’t property. They’re people. And as people, they enjoy the same fundamental human rights as anyone else."
But all those discussions are mood if/when things are allowed when kids can buy transdermal estrogen for cheap from China by the litre...
Details are more muddy, eg. It does not take until 14 but ends as soon as kids are seen as being able to make educated decisions and there are no grave long-term consequences.
If you want I can also try searching the original law texts but they are usually hard to digest and translate and may do more harm than good in this case ;)
It’s not about protecting the child. Or even the parents. It’s about repressing transgendered people.
The law holds them to be in possession of their own rights, meaning that by law, the state is obligated to protect children from their own parents telling them they can't be LGBTQ+
As to whether or not that actually HAPPENS, though...
Kids don't have access to lawyers.
Parents are the default protector of their children's rights, because we acknowledge that the state isn't particularly good at it, but we can and do revoke that default.
Guardianship of Person and Estate.
It still feels more like a child rights issue more than parents rights.
Forcibly transferring the children of the group to another group.
That means you can't hit them. Conservatives like to bully anyone with less power than they do. Their kids are just an easy and legal target.
to tyranically force their children to conform to the parenst worldview and belief, no matter how harmful and in the worst examples, deadly that migh be.
Copulating does not qualify anyone as an expert in child rearing or the best interests of children.
The conservative movement has been very successful co-opting reasonable sounding terms as dog whistles.
Parents’ rights to control their children and their environment diminish over time—as they should. It’s extremely bad for children and society to do otherwise
You could just as easily call that moral responsibility. Government requires relatively little actual responsibility besides keeping children alive