Matt Gaetz as Attorney General? RFK Jr. at Health and Human Services? Trump’s cabinet picks are straight out of a dystopian fever dream—but resistance is already brewing, even from Republicans. Oh, and The Onion just bought InfoWars. Get the rundown at The Big Picture.
It's a cult - simple as that and only obedient followers are allowed, to stand ready to do his bidding.
Make sire you information is acurate.
The Democratic Party's strategies have failed too many times when it mattered the most. They have lost the edge, while MAGAs have lost their minds.
Something new must rise.
Or, the cumulative effect of hundreds of micro-strokes from the Gucci Mac diet has turned his brain to pudding.
—Donold Jr.
It is all by design and going according to plan.
He is installing cronies and conspirators, crippling government so he can do whatever without opposition, steal as much as he wants, become a "god king", and never have to answer for anything. If he keeps installing worse freaks it takes heat off the previous other ones. Planned that way.