I'm sure it will come out that he also blew his knee out. Which might explain the knee brace. If he couldn't push off, he couldn't punch, and he couldn't move forward effectively. #IronMike4eva
Leave it up to a shitty person like Jake Paul to set up fights against geriatric boxers well past their fighting prime, just to boost his ego. Any boxer worth their weight in salt would have postponed their fight so their opponents could make a full recovery. That fight was a joke. Not a funny one.
Just curious are you going to do research on everything that I post, because I’m not going to research it. And if I only post things that I am 100% sure of every single detail, this will be my last post. And that’s no fun. Have a good day.☮️❤️🖖🏼
I tuned in for the matches leading up. I went to something else at the final match. Jake's a shit person that doesn't deserve the attention he's been getting.
I was swimming laps years ago now, and when I was "young" I could do that till you just asked me to stop. I was feelng like I was going to drown, and that was a couple decades ago.
Um... FFS, WHO thinks this was a "win" for the YouTube jackass?
IDK why most people seem to forget that Mike Tyson is a convicted rapist who would beat his first wife Robin Givens to a pulp. I have no sympathy for the likes of him.
He definitely didn't look like what was seen of him in early training footage. This explains a lot. I'm thinking Paul knew that and maybe why he wasn't as aggressive.
Thankfully he was like 20 years late to the match so he won instead
Sorry. Tough to find pity for a millionaire convicted grapist.
Mike Tyson is a convicted rapist.
Lest we forget.
My point? A 27yo asshat sorta kept his head above water against a 58yo man.
I was quite competitive at a number of sports, and am not as old as Mike. I CAN NOT BEAT a single 27 yo in /
I was swimming laps years ago now, and when I was "young" I could do that till you just asked me to stop. I was feelng like I was going to drown, and that was a couple decades ago.
Um... FFS, WHO thinks this was a "win" for the YouTube jackass?
These people should not be applauded as role models or entertainers.