Can we not? This whole taking bad cishet men and then trying to poke at them by claiming they are women and/or photoshopping them as women just ends up perpetuating transphobia and harming the trans community.
I get that. But about 90% of what’s here & elsewhere ascribes the blame somewhere other than voters. All the “reasons” may be correct, but the overarching reality is that people voted for the worst person the country’s ever vomited up.That’s where the problem lies & that’s what we need to deal with.
And that's where it all began. Trump is so petty that all of this is nothing more than his childish reaction to getting roasted by a successful black man. His first term was literally trying erase Obama.
The crazy thing is that it really wasn’t all that long ago that it happened. I wasn’t fully aware of the news cycle when I was a toddler either but I did have knowledge of what happened in the eighties by the time I was a teenager.
To think the entire mess we are in today is because Donald Juvenile Trump's fragile ego couldn't handle being proven wrong & later getting roasted at the White House Correspondents dinner.
Trump has been an anti American, Russian asset since the early 80's, since his first trip there, where he was tasked with coming back here and sowing discord over NATO.
Dude went to Russia, and came home and took out ads, saying we should withdraw from NATO, IN THE 80'S
It's always worth remembering that the "we're not racists!" party demanded the first black President show his birth certificate, then elected the loudest voice demanding it to be his successor in the White House.
It’s the unrelenting shitstorm of bullshit, scandal and lies (there’s a term for it) that make people who believe it frustrated and want to give up. And those who are in the cult NOT believe it because in their minds they are good people who would never support someone who never stops doing crazy
This is the thing…
Young adults have no idea that for years, instead of the media saying, “Hey game show host, your conspiracy theory is stoooooopid.” Or “WTF are you talking about, crazy?”, they let him gaslight 🇺🇸 n2 thinking that he had answers no one had thought of to problems that didn’t exist.
Bc the orange tv guy keeps attacking the 14th amendment directly and indirectly, which is where this whole thing starts. He’s attacking the actual Americanness of POC, 24/7.
Obama didn’t realise how many people were lost and fooled by lies.
In the end the only cure fir mass ignorance, but s to go through the pain of enlightenment.
Best to do that now. Later the pain would have been greater.
But yes, I reckon he reflects on that moment of mocking trump. 😶
He has the same look on his face as he did when Obama and Seth Meyers roasted him at the dinner. An evil contorted, twisted up hate scowl. That look never goes away.
Cliff Notes version: Obama bigly insulted Trump’s ego one evening. That caused a tectonic upheaval that destroyed the planet. The Homo Sapien Era collapsed. New shoots are still forming.
The victors get to write history - and history books. A generation will have to hear it from the elders - if they will bother to listen. The media will continue to air the most popular stories, not the most relevant.
That's not accurate. There are literally thousands of historians active today - recording events in real time, writing articles and books, teaching classes - who are devoted to objectivity and truth. We aren't tied to big publishing houses - we operate independently. See
The only text this generation will see will come from big publishers controlled by big money as/if allowed in the classrooms. If you are expecting their ignorant parents to push against the tide - ill sign on to your revolution
I teach this generation - they are very DIY. They will do what they need to pass, but seek out other info. They are writing their own histories on social media every day. They have embraced OER - open educational resources - moving away from traditional texts. We are catching up to them. #historyed
It was astonishing how much bullshit and chaos 45 churned out every day. Truckloads of lies…
If we manage to survive as a country and if he doesn’t fucking destroy the planet, maybe then we can unravel the lies the criminal told his idiot maga horde.
"The only thing that really worried me was the ether. There is nothing in the world more helpless and irresponsible and depraved than a man in the depths of an ether binge, and I knew we'd get into that rotten stuff pretty soon." - Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, HST, 'going going Gonzo'
I often think about that evening, though, and remember the awful feeling I had in the pit of my stomach, watching it happen, and thinking to myself: “Uh oh. I wish he would not have done that.”
That correspondence dinner is a fundraiser. It is an annual "roast" of POTUS. Every POTUS (save 1) has attended. Obama used it as an opportunity to show trump how public humiliation feels. Good on him. ALWAYS punch the bully in the nose. Hopefully, he bleeds.
Oh no! I apologize if my cryptic response was misleading. I worked hard to elect him and have no regrets. I am very proud of him, and especially that speech. I have a new one to compete, tho. Check out Michele at about the 8.15 mark. 🙌🏻🙌🏻💙💙💙
"why did obama trash trump at correspondents dinner"
Umm. Google?
Literally the very 1st search hit returned is for an NPR article in which the very 1st sentence says: "the “birther” movement" and explains.
I don't think the context got lost.
Some ppl are just f'ing stupid and lazy per usual.
The children don't know about a lot of things. They have to be the must uneducated and ill-informed generation out there. But of course that is part of the GOP's long-term plan, makes them much easier to manipulate with lies.
I really miss the Obama era. Great sense of humor, wonderful person, respected worldwide. Then we chose a flaming bag of dog excrement that likes to talk about dick sizes. I'll never understand how this happened
It’s not his (Barak Obama’s) fault, but it may well have been hubris. The answer to the original question here. Whatever part that night may have played in DJT’s motivation to run, it’s regrettable hindsight now…
Seriously? For whoever has been living under a rock... Trump has always wanted the spotlight on him, to the degree he would call the press pretending to be "John Baron" (yes what he later named his last kid) & tell them he was fucking this model & that actress, while he was married!...
Then when Obama was President his racism grew & he accused him of not being born in this country (always & constantly) & the TV networks & media gave him free airtime to do this, repeatedly! I didn't give a shit because I knew Trump has always been a lying piece of shit. I don't know...
It doesn't matter if they know. The young uns wanna know why he stooped. Now it's self evident that we have all stooped too, so nobody remembers or cares where it started.
Obama was expected to prove he was born in Hawaii and prove his mom was from Kansas, but Gaetz wasn't supposed to be questioned about allegations of child rape, drug use and hiring prostitutes. You know, family values stuff.
I think that was where Trump declared war on Obama to seek revenge for that roast. Its was a vicious (but well deserved) roast that Trump's ego just couldn't take. His style has always been, "When you're punched, you punch back ten times harder. His reptile brain has control over him.
I kept posting about the pet eating Haitians to smoke out racist MAGAts because it had been some time since the birther crap. I needed to refresh my memory.
Exactly who I predicted pushed back and insisted it was true. I have mercilessly smacked them around for that since no proof ever materialized
Why does it matter what Obama did/said? Trump showed everyone who HE is. If they're stupid enough to fight over the excuses he uses for it, it's not too difficult to see how Trump fools them.
Yes. That made him so angry! Now the USA will pay the price while he’s on his Revenge Tour 2024! He still wants to look into his 2020 election loss because he can’t get over it!
I love how Trump gets to be a tax cheat, rapist, racist, misogynist, serial liar, narcissistic psychopath, and somehow it's Obama's fault the dumbdumbs failed him up to the very top.
But how do "the children" know about the Correspondents' Dinner but not about Birtherism? The dinner is an annual event where the president roasts the media. Obama roasted Trump, a personality on a reality show. But Trump's Birtherism attacks were 100% racist bullshit and went on for years.
This is why arguing with people online is pointless. A lot of them are too young to remember a lot of stuff and they’re too stupid to go and look it up
Our children are not being educated properly at school or at home. I can remember having political discussions at the family dinner table each night. Quaint now, I guess.
Bro, Putin is why he ran for President. It's been reported on multiple times that he never had political aspirations until he returned from his first trip from Russia.
The orange started his villain origin story as a young man not renting to minorities. He grew into his true representation of spewing hate & fear-mongering when he came down his golden escalator.
So, it’s Obama’s fault? He’s been saying he would run forever. Obama didn’t make him take the plunge/ it was the support of the ones who also hated Obama that did that!
Trump ran as a branding exercise, never thinking he would win. He'd been dabbling in extremist political theories for awhile, and was the creator of "birtherism", a movement that inspired hostility and death threats towards the Obama family. So, yeah, President Obama had the right to make a joke.
And 46-49% of voters fell for it 3 times. Would love to see what % of those were consistent all 3 times. Ones that voted him 1st time, not 2nd time, but did again 3rd should be looked at closely as to why
Yes. I am bewildered as to why any voter in '20 would sit out '24, and also bewildered at why choose to go back to daily chaos and grift. Notice this time nobody's even batting an eye at his massive business conflicts and violations of the Logan Act.
if you follow the pattern over at least the past 20 years, our electoral system is swinging wildly from left to right, and the swing gets bigger as time goes on. I don't have much doubt that Dems will take the House in 2 years, and any decent candidate can beat whomever the GOP puts up.
I think saying "they fell for it" is insulting. They made their choice based on what is going on in their lives. The Democrats used to be the "Big Tent" party. Now they ignore the fact that they need to get over 50% to win, and actually a lot more to get anything done.
When you consider the avalanche of "disinformation" (used to be called LIES) and propaganda, suggesting Trump voters "fell for it" is kind of accurate. Fox news NEVER showed a Trump rally that didn't have the crazy and vile parts edited out.
In 2016, CNN and the rest gave him unlimited time to do his speeches on the air live. I doubt fox news. viewers are "gettable".
But I'll agree with you about 2024. The New York Times rarely ever put a direct quote for Trump in a story.
Insulting to whom? Being ignorant to facts that “what is going on their lives” not indicative as a result of who’s in charge at moment, since policies by an admin don’t take hold for years until after implemented?Inflation & job loss were result of unpredictable pandemic, so was any recovery.
most people are busy trying to get through the day, take care of their kids, and pay the bills. I would guess 40% will never support liberal policies. We need to get the 20% in the middle if we want to win. Calling people ignorant will make us lose.
Orange man was already interested and trying to run before that time. Cheeto Benito had also already been trying to claim that Obama wasn't legitimately a citizen and started and spread lies and questions about the birth certificate.
Unfortunately, that's not the case that things would be different. People on the far right including politicians were already listening to Donald's birtherism and following along with that.
The reason that Donald ended up in office is that voters /1
(and especially those voters who call themselves Christian conservatives) threw out their morals and ethics that they say they believe in order to stick one to Hillary (someone they vehemently despise for all sorts of wild reasons that are mostly lies) in 2016. /2
Once they had already compromised, they've continued to double down on their choice and stance because to change would be to admit they were wrong, and the last thing that crowd ever does is admit they were wrong. /3x
No, Putin has been playing Trump since that beauty pageant in Moscow way back when. Any competent former KGB agent could see what a patsy he was and groomed him.
Perhaps not “at fault” but he took a self-satisfied shot at someone with a fragile ego and turned petty ambition into an all-consuming determination to have the last laugh. And here we are.
Trump was a racist, misogynistic jerk LONG before that dinner! And he only ran the first time because he wanted the publicity, NOT because he thought he’d win. Trump has ALWAYS been about ratings and TV!
I'm not sure where you are getting this. Trump has been a evil piece of shit his entire life. And I'm not saying Obama caused this. I'm saying, I really wish he hadn't gave that comedy speech. There is reporting saying that trump was very motivated by that speech.
Donald Trump has been trying to run for President since the 1980s. He officially filed in 2000 and He was the favorite in 2012 before Romney passed him. This is not Obama’s fault
Obama moved him from vanity candidate to actually wanting it. Obama planted a seed, the news media then grew it into a nightmare. It was as they say an "unforced error".
Trump is a non-stop liar
Reality TV is totally staged non-sense
We're now living in a reality tv show where nothing is real and true but there's people pretending like it is.
Children aren't included in the statistical results either, (except perhaps the unborn who apparently have standing) so I would not have been referring to them, as you probably were not -- unless I misunderstood your original post.
Unfortunately, if Obama hadn't humiliated trump at that dinner (although trump deserved it), he may not have run. It was mostly about revenge after that night, and why trump tried his best to dismantle everything Obama had done as president...
I was just thinking it would be perfect if Obama called out Trump directly, demanding to see his income taxes, college GPA, and Melania’s citizenship papers…
Yet, I had, as a teacher/principal in a very small rural school district, to put up with it for over a decade. Way too many people believed that Obama was not a citizen, and that we were going to get Sharia Law, etc, etc. They were ready for Trump before he ever got there.
One of the crazy things about that is while people were claiming Obama wasn't born in the U.S. and couldn't be president, Canadian born Ted Cruz was running in the presidential primary. But the GOP had no problems with Ted.
By the time Trump finishes rewriting history for the past few years the birtherism BS, his criminality, and January 6th will all have been re-written. No one to stop him!
49.9% is a plurality, not a majority.
There is no mandate. Just a lot of dipshits who either didn’t vote or threw their vote away to a 3rd party.
Now we get to continue living in the stupidest timeline.
Let that sink in.
Dude went to Russia, and came home and took out ads, saying we should withdraw from NATO, IN THE 80'S
Links to my old #climate interviews 17 years ago warning of #sealevel rise impact on Perth Western Australia deleted by news websites
Those who do not learn from history doomed to repeat it
Internet eroding history
Young adults have no idea that for years, instead of the media saying, “Hey game show host, your conspiracy theory is stoooooopid.” Or “WTF are you talking about, crazy?”, they let him gaslight 🇺🇸 n2 thinking that he had answers no one had thought of to problems that didn’t exist.
Oh no after denying that Obama was born in America 🇺🇸
In the end the only cure fir mass ignorance, but s to go through the pain of enlightenment.
Best to do that now. Later the pain would have been greater.
But yes, I reckon he reflects on that moment of mocking trump. 😶
If we manage to survive as a country and if he doesn’t fucking destroy the planet, maybe then we can unravel the lies the criminal told his idiot maga horde.
"why did obama trash trump at correspondents dinner"
Umm. Google?
Literally the very 1st search hit returned is for an NPR article in which the very 1st sentence says: "the “birther” movement" and explains.
I don't think the context got lost.
Some ppl are just f'ing stupid and lazy per usual.
Stop believing people who pretend they are stupid and stop elevating stupidity.
Exactly who I predicted pushed back and insisted it was true. I have mercilessly smacked them around for that since no proof ever materialized
But I'll agree with you about 2024. The New York Times rarely ever put a direct quote for Trump in a story.
The reason that Donald ended up in office is that voters /1
Reality TV is totally staged non-sense
We're now living in a reality tv show where nothing is real and true but there's people pretending like it is.
But instead of breaking their own toys during their childish tantrum, they're letting the new government do it for them.
Continuance, because for so many years, I don’t remember a day when the orange bozo hasn’t been in the news.
MAGA Brain size