Definitely population control. Policies & appointments intentional to cause loss of life. If incompetence it all would not be so well coordinated & on so many levels. Read project 2025. No more veterans benefits, no ACA, privatize Medicare (hmo), no food assistance. Etc.
If it looks like a duck, quacks like a duck, swims & walks like a duck, it's a duck. Look at all the ways people will be denied food & healthcare just for starters.
Listen to clues. Musk says 2 years of misery. Have heard say they WANT TO TANK ECONOMY. It's about TOTAL control.
I keep hoping there are safeguards in place and there’s a system. He can’t just do whatever he wants. Musk is the one who really is president and we didn’t even vote him in.
77 Nobel Prize Winners have urged the Senate not to confirm RFK Jr. Concerned he will put the public’s health in jeopardy. And undermine America’s leadership in health science.
During Covid Trump was directly responsible for 784,762 deaths.
The guy had a worm eat his brain, can barely speak but he is the pillar of health 🤣. So what do these people do when polio comes back, when diseases that were irradicated cone back? Natural immunity?
Dont forget some idiot on the seat of power suggesting injections not approved by medical personel and other "great ideas"... These ideas also contributed to deaths in america.
This is one more demented American politician who has locked Donald Trump 's behind and is about to be granted the power to destroy the US health system which us already on the decline. Serves you right all Americans who voted for a rapist, thief and mad megalomaniac on Nov 5th.
Do you know how often we are forced to see his face? Maybe you can make him a littlebit cuter... a clowns nose maybe... or some makeup. This horrorcabinett brings nightmares.
The scary thing is that to those who believe him any "evidence based science" is just main stream media lies. Or the deep state/global elite trying to control them. Difficult bridge to build before progress can be made.
Please Google RFK/ISLAND OF Samoa/outbreaks.
He has killed children.
He has no medical or scientific qualifications.
He eats road kill.
He got a brain worm from the habit.
Just saying facts like they are true.
Mortals, how can one oppose the stars that chart your course, the gravity that binds your world? Science is no tyrant, it's the climb, the pursuit of truth. To deny it, while computing their denial on smart devices born of its wisdom, is to blindfold oneself in the void.
They shame the climb itself.
It is very disturbing to see that I think canada should start making vaccines and offer assistance to US citizens. No one can afford to see these viruses attack children again
When I was growing up my older cousin's body was mangled from having polio. He was in a wheelchair, followed by braces, followed by crutches. He died young. My generation was fortunate we had the polio vaccine. Anyone who saw what it did to kids wouldn't be so quick to oppose vaccines.
It behooves all thinking Americans to listen to science and not the
orange-utang government over the next four years. If another pandemic occurs, those who listen to science will have a better chance of surviving. Those who listen to RFK will likely not be around to vote in the next election.
Almost every day I have some comment from someone here in Canada about “how dangerous it is to put a vaccine in your body”… sigh. Like Sagan said they can no longer tell the difference between what’s true and what feels good.
People need to write their Senator NOW. This fool must not be confirmed to run the CDC and FDA. But beware, his propaganda hides his agenda behind seemingly logical sound bites that hide his lies.
No. None of the vaccines interact with or alter your DNA in any way. They cannot cause cancer. There is no truth to the myth that somehow the COVID-19 vaccine could inactivate the genes that suppress tumors.
Okay, this one is simple. He, like MTG, is a bit. He is in an anabolic android haze. He is literally dangerous. Do not confuse him with just another clown, this one belongs to Steven King! And, yes… coming through a sewer near you!
Sadly, it would appear that your nation is no more developed now, than the day a bunch of starving religious fundamental zealots landed on your shores and decided they had more right to live there than the people who already lived there.
None of the antivaxxer crowd feel any remorse. Measles kills about 4K ppl a year, and depresses your immune system for about 5 years afterwards. They just say “not my kid!”. (He’s done a huge amount of damage w/ his vaccine=autism/no safe vaccines nonsense; I’m AuDHD, had my first vaccine polio @7.)
Ah, the poor worm, trapped in a maze of half-truths and unsteady climbs. Was it cruelty, or merely the universe’s dark humor?
Even I ponder if the void wept for the creature’s fate, or laughed at its choice of host.
The climb, alas, offers no easy answers.
He signed an affidavit asserting that he has brain damage leading to cognitive problems and short-term and long-term memory difficulties.
How is he qualified for any leadership position?
I mean a lot of people think the guy from Fear Factor is a genius and health wizard so like... Eh? I mean the plan to dismantle public Ed in the 70s to "stop the left!" is paying dividends today.
Nixon wanted to keep too many people from being educated because educated people opposed policies.
Thank you for proving my point about the lack of education pre-1995.
Anecdotal evidence is not evidence, something you should have learned in 7th grade.
The voting records are clear. The Boomers brought Trump to power and Gen X just reinstalled him. Led by white men and women, who care more about preserving their privilege than the nation. It was a selfish vote. And their children and grandchildren will suffer for it.
Its the only explanation for me. When he got elected in 2016 it looked like white America trying to hold onto power as the "minoirities" were gaining too much ground.
American ADULTS cannot read higher than 6th grade.
That statistic will change drastically as thew Baby Boomers/Early Gen Xers die off.
Say what you want about NCLB and Common Core- they raised reading levels pretty drastically.
But, being the father of grade schoolers, I can say we have a long way to go when it comes to teaching our children about history.I was also appalled to discover the only languages offered in highschool are Spanish and sign language, even though the second most spoken language in my state is French.
He dropped out of HS. I think he did go back and finish but people taking medical advice from this guy (as opposed to actual doctors/scientists) is beyond nuts!
Eating roadkill for fun is one of his more healthy lifestyle choices. He was a herion addict for over a decade and spent his teen years taking enourmous amounts of LSD on a daily basis.
The Ivermectin - The Nobel Foundation couldn’t work out why ppl in the US kept accessing the page about the guys who found a cure for the parasite that causes river blindness (Ivermectin). It was just in the US that idea took hold. The ‘Rona is not a parasite. 🙄
I think it’s a terrible appointment from a terrible administration run by a person who doesn’t actually know how to do anything but scam people. RFKjr is an icon to the antivaxxers. He’s morally bankrupt, and incredibly awful.
Honestly, it's hard to keep my head up. I remember hearing stories about 'Third World' nations as a child where the population was so ignorant they attacked the aid workers bringing the Polio vaccine for their children.
Canada 49,000 Covid deaths
USA 1,300,000 Covid deaths
Using Canada as the bench-mark 10 X the population the USA should have had 490,000 Covid deaths
I believe 810,000 People died because of braindead trump
Fortunately for the rest of us this will seriously effect the red states and their ilk much more than blue states with actual grownups in charge. They’re killing off their own people. Why? Probably because they don’t expect to ever have a Democratic election again.
We just got notified 2 times in the last few weeks from the kids school about cases of whooping cough. It's crazy the damage these Russian propaganda outlets have caused. Cold war never ended.
The problem with democracy is gullible people can vote charlatans in office. I'm all in favour of a technocracy, and a free press, where journalists that spew unscientific nonsense can get sued.
Yep. A democracy is only as good as the education level of the citizens. You can't have a functional democracy when half of the population has no idea what is going on.
The hell that's coming will be exhausting. But, we have to stand up and say no to fascism. All of his picks have been placed to destroy the government, destroy the economy, and wear people down to submission. Stand strong.
I got my flu, RSV, Covid vaccines last Saturday. I got my shingles and pneumonia vaccines and tetanus this last year.
He’s not the only one we should be protesting, Hegseth and everyone else they’ve interviewed last week. Tulsi Gabbord visited and sides with Assad regime, and Putin.
I see how Hitler took over. Trump’s had Putin’s & Erdoğan’s help/advice for taking over. I’m waiting for Trump to steal Elon’s, Bezo’s, and Zuck’s assets, throwing them out the window, like Putin did? Nalvany was brutally murdered for exposing Putin’s 242 billion for
Thin the hurd, if these morons want to believe a man with a worm in his brain and no scientific experience over the overwhelming weight of scientific empirical evidence then let's face it, the world didn't lose a potential cancer cure here. Let nature do is thing
Fuck this guy. Seriously. If they want to follow him and not get vaxxed let them. But it better be available to us who want them and believe in science.
Different American states / European countries had different vaccine policies and implementations.
But the diseases declined similarly with strict mass vaccination, targeted, or no immunization campaigns at all.
Probably, vaccines took all the credit of de facto, unplanned integrated management. 2/2
Not a Trump fan at all.
But that's a real fact exposed here. Vaccines arrived at the same time a lot of changes occurred : running water, sewers, mechanization of agriculture, sterile food, antibiotics & other drugs, abundant nutrition with fridges and stocks and logistical chains, sane housing, 1/2
For the safety and health of our children, we the great majority who are immunized need to make it clear to those listening to worm-brain roadkill man that vaccines actually work. We are all living, anecdotal evidence.
Should be interesting to see how they handle H5N1, which seems to have found a human-to-human vector this year. COVID, take 2. I will be getting my vaccine. Never got covid. I trust science.
I refused and will continue to refuse. I'm still alive and well. I will continue to believe that vaccine along With all of the boosters are poison. If you are not against the vaccine that's your decision and anyone elses.
Trump is responsible for over A MILLION American deaths on his watch during COVID . He has NEVER been made accountable for it. In debates, in the media…. Nowhere. Unbelievable! Then …. This. America is in serious trouble.
I took the vaccine.... and I've heard many stories of anomalous strokes and heart attacks in otherwise very healthy people after getting it, or a booster.
If institutions in charge hadn't burned all their reputation in the past, I might believe them now... but they've proven they can't be trusted.
Did those institutions really burn their reputations or was it the huge firehose of disinformation, misinformation, ignorance and lies from those who politicized a public health crisis that made it appear they had?
He's a complete moron. The question is how are we going to stop him from having any say in government.? That's the key. It's not to whine about it. It's to do something to make sure Fringe idiots like him have nothing to do with policy
It sure seems like RFK, Jr, Trump and his minions are acting like those not in their league are like animals. It is sickening what they are attempting to do to Americans, etc
Exactly. Not trying to be an alarmist but with Kennedy possibly getting the office isn’t some of the ideas he is talking about going to affect many doctors and researchers who are paid quite well? Will they lose their jobs? Something isn’t right about RFK, Jr. Scary
Can you even imagine during Covid all the morons coming in so sick and swearing it wasn't Covid? Wes was so overworked, frustrated and mentally drained. It was nightmarish to say the least!
Especially after his foundation lobbied against vaccines in Samoa right before a measles outbreak. 83 kids died. Everyone talks about the worm in his brain but I want more people talking about the blood on his hands
I believe unaliving people is the goal. They only want exploitable worker bees & women who can have babies without medical intervention.
All of what is going on is intentional.
For 1: Christian nationalists see women's ONLY worth is to make babies. Slaves can clean house & cook.
Me too I didn't leave my house for a year, I ended up in the hospital not from Covid but for other illnesses I couldn't believe how many RN's would not take the vaccine they were afraid they wouldn't get pregnant because of it. I just had my 8th vaccine for Covid
…Foundation was seriously confused that so many ppl were accessing the page on their site about the ppl that discovered the cure for river blindness, caused by a parasite. The non-vaxxers not only died in greater numbers, they put immune-compromised ppl like me in danger. 2/2
Way more than 200,000 ppl who could have accessed the COVID vaccine chose not to, b/c they believed misinformation. Of those, about 200K died unvaccinated (meaning they died when a vaccine was available). They were told that horse paste would be safer (it was not), to the point that the Nobel… 1/2
I notice your quote is written by Dr Peter Hotez. He is one voice who is sorely missed here, & his absence is probably the main reason I keep my Xwitter account.
Sadly, the only disease eradicated is (I hope still is!) Smallpox. Polio is a problem in many countries, and people can unknowingly spread polio virus. It’s still a very big deal that it was found in a US sewer system. It spreads by fecal-oral contamination; it’s why public pools were vectors.
Mmmm I love shitting myself to death, oh boy, dysentery is so fun I'm owning the libs! *Dies on the toilet, and their corpse is left there into the smell got too bad because he alienated all his friends and family for some rich asshole who he never meant*
Most of his ideas are very, very bad. He does occasionally make a good point about the garbage that is allowed in our food and the horrors associated with factory farming, but the bad far out weighs the good.
Chances are he will be unable to do much either way. Big pharma and the food industry have too much money tied up in doing things the way we've been doing them to surrender without a fight.
They literally don’t understand pasteurization. Heat treatment to kill bacteria. No chemicals added, just listeria, salmonella, e.coli, campylobacter, brucella, y.enterocolitica, staph.aureus, & coxiella burnetti removed. (Not all from the same cow, but you run the risk of every one every time.
This is reflected in the change in the US childhood mortality rate over time. (See chart below.) Biggest factors: civil engineering (sewer & sanitation systems), germ theory, antibiotics, and vaccines.
Andrew Wakefield’s damage to the field of immunology and the massive rise in preventable deaths as a direct result should classify as a crime against humanity.
I’m good with the MAGA cult not taking vaccines. Their choice. My problem with them was always their steadfast refusal to not mask in public and not stay home if sick with Covid. In fact, just their general degree of pathetic selfishness.
Why the Hell aren't American citizens flooding their members of Congress phone lines and emails, or protesting? DEMANDING that rfk, tulsi & that tattoo guy NOT be appointed?
JFK jnr, this inc moron is Americas next epidemic. He is going to see many die, mostly it's gonna be maga and red state morons like him who live in an alternate universe. I guess the only upside is dead ppl can't vote so maga numbers may be lower next cycle assuming elections are still a thing 🤔
These people are trying to scare us from life saving medicine the reality is these people are the first to take these pharmaceuticals then tell everyone else fear mongering not to because they want to harm you. Don't be fooled.
Stop giving them good advice. Sometimes the only way they learn is via consequences. Sometimes you have to shove their noses in shit. I say we do that. Hard. Grind it in good.
I can’t comprehend how *anybody* takes this guy seriously.
🤨😳 😐🫤😑😞
Just let Darwinism do it.
Listen to clues. Musk says 2 years of misery. Have heard say they WANT TO TANK ECONOMY. It's about TOTAL control.
My ghast is truly flabbered!
77 Nobel Prize Winners have urged the Senate not to confirm RFK Jr. Concerned he will put the public’s health in jeopardy. And undermine America’s leadership in health science.
During Covid Trump was directly responsible for 784,762 deaths.
Lives don't matter to Trump.
Next, they'll have their base doubting electricity.
He has killed children.
He has no medical or scientific qualifications.
He eats road kill.
He got a brain worm from the habit.
Just saying facts like they are true.
They shame the climb itself.
orange-utang government over the next four years. If another pandemic occurs, those who listen to science will have a better chance of surviving. Those who listen to RFK will likely not be around to vote in the next election.
Way to go George.
We need people like you who are old enuf to remember history!
First U.S. study to show lower risk in patients following SARS-CoV-2
No. None of the vaccines interact with or alter your DNA in any way. They cannot cause cancer. There is no truth to the myth that somehow the COVID-19 vaccine could inactivate the genes that suppress tumors.
RFKjr has zero science credentials
Even I ponder if the void wept for the creature’s fate, or laughed at its choice of host.
The climb, alas, offers no easy answers.
How is he qualified for any leadership position?
And the one he got was sort of rotten and insane... ~ POTUSA
Boku Handai datta. Oomukashi yatta kedo. Koku bun.
Nixon wanted to keep too many people from being educated because educated people opposed policies.
It's the education system of the 1970s that was the problem and why it was changed.
It was educating factory workers, not critical thinkers.
25% of American adults that graduated before 1995 are functionally illiterate (DOE).
Anecdotal evidence is not evidence, something you should have learned in 7th grade.
That statistic will change drastically as thew Baby Boomers/Early Gen Xers die off.
Say what you want about NCLB and Common Core- they raised reading levels pretty drastically.
That Third World nation is now the United States.
USA 1,300,000 Covid deaths
Using Canada as the bench-mark 10 X the population the USA should have had 490,000 Covid deaths
I believe 810,000 People died because of braindead trump
They voted to pay more in taxes so that the 1% will get tax breaks
They voted to pay more for imports through increased tariffs.
He’s not the only one we should be protesting, Hegseth and everyone else they’ve interviewed last week. Tulsi Gabbord visited and sides with Assad regime, and Putin.
Thank you for always being a thorn in injustice's side. I heart you Mr Takei
They will eliminate themselves
But the diseases declined similarly with strict mass vaccination, targeted, or no immunization campaigns at all.
Probably, vaccines took all the credit of de facto, unplanned integrated management. 2/2
But that's a real fact exposed here. Vaccines arrived at the same time a lot of changes occurred : running water, sewers, mechanization of agriculture, sterile food, antibiotics & other drugs, abundant nutrition with fridges and stocks and logistical chains, sane housing, 1/2
Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine contains the following ingredients: messenger
ribonucleic acid (mRNA)..."
Yes, it's a gene therapy
I will take the vaccine.
If institutions in charge hadn't burned all their reputation in the past, I might believe them now... but they've proven they can't be trusted.
As a CCU nurse and an ER nurse watching them die is worth the risk.
But it IS your choice.
That is democracy.
Of course, everyone thinks they could have a bear with RFK.
All of what is going on is intentional.
For 1: Christian nationalists see women's ONLY worth is to make babies. Slaves can clean house & cook.
But MAHA believes their politicians over scientists.
We are going to get him, so let's hope we get more good than bad.
Heat pastrization only reduces the protein content by about 10%.
High Pressure Pastrization doesn't reduce protein and kills the bacteria and viruses.
Including bird flu.
Louis Pasteur saved lives.
Where did you read it?
(It is incorrect.)
They want the old to DIE
It's nothing to be afraid of, and it keeps me alive. I've even been vaccinated against rabies.