She obviously doesn’t understand how they choose. It’s not based on qualities. It based on fame, influence (good or bad), etc. Hitler and Stalin were both men of the year.
Rosi hit the nail on the head
How right she is unfortunately to many people are still high on Trumps false promises only will they see when it actually starts to affect them personally
Shouldn’t “Man of the Year” go to someone who was not convicted of 34 felonies for trying to cover up an extra-marital affair with a porn star, who was found guilty multiple times of defaming one of his rape victims?
From this, the criteria for this designation is pretty dark.
He was elected as president of the U.S. A convicted felon adjudicated rapist twice impeached last term while leading an insurrection, him being on Time magazine as “ person of the year” is in no way surprising . We are living in a bizarre backwards timeline. Nothing surprises me any more. 😏
thoughts on two TV people in the heart of politics?
three, if you count mr. takei.
hmmm my thoughts are you've all gone crazy as a country.
lets hear bart simpson's take on immigration on every channel next, please.
I'm sorry I cannot find the comedian's name who had this bit, and I am paraphrasing.
In KY, they know that horses are named with a mix of the sire and dam's names. The sire was Whiny Bull, and the Dam was Girl on Girl. We named the colt Rosie O'Donnell.
I suppose it depends on what person of the year means. Although Hitler was once man of the year, it did not mean Time approved of him. It just meant that he was the most notable person that year. Man of the year is not a Nobel prize.
Check out 1938 and 1939 its not meant to be an endorsement its meant to be a barometer of impact. I loathe the man but he and musk have had a greater impact (for the worse IMHO) than most other people.
“Person of the Year” has always been about influence and not morals, so Time is consistent with that theme(Hitler won as I’m sure a hundred thousand others have already pointed out), but with that in mind why are we calling it an award?
IDK. Trump has a huge potential to be very consequential, maybe the next Hitler or causing another civil war. We will have to wait and see. Maybe Time is very prescient.
As much as I can’t stand Rosie. Mostly from being forced to watch her horrific Tom Cruise love fest that was also a talk show or soemthing. lol But yes, she is absolutely correct with this. No way in hell he should have been named man of the year. Maybe clown of the year, or Demon of the year🙄
It's not a reward. It's not a prize. He didn't win anything. Neither did Hitler, Stalin or Putin when they were on the cover. It is not a popularity contest, it's about who made the most news. It's not a Nobel Peace Prize. Get over it.
But Trump thinks it is all about popularity, so Time putting him on the cover just inflates his ego even more and what’s worse is it further normalizes him.
I think the "Person of the Year" should go to someone who had a net positive impact on the world at large. A good person. Maybe someone who fights injustice and corruption at the risk of their own skin.
The exact antithesis of Donald Trump, in other words.
Time mag person of the Year confers status and approval and it was an outrage that Trump was chosen for 2024. Hitler featured as a front cover but it would have been inconceivable that he could have been man of the year.
An adjudicated Rapist Convicted of 34 Felonies, not only gets elected POTUS but awarded Time's Man of the Year?!! Tell me again how white privilege doesn't exist! The US is in a really F*cked Up & Vile place in it's history. 😠
In the past it has been excused for TIME to choose terrible people. There's no reason why people can't say enough is enough and Man of the Year should mean more than he had an impact. Naming him Man of the Year was an incrediblly terrible and dense thing for TIME to do.
Lots of shitty people have been named "Person of the Year". For example: Adolf Hitler (1938); Joseph Stalin (1939 and 1942); Nikita Khrushchev (1957); Ayatollah Khomeini (1979)
Good deal Rosie!!! Trump is the most undeserving of the cover, unless he was in cuffs and an orange jumpsuit heading to where he should spend time in isolation.
TIME's Man of the Year award isn't a best person award. It's about who changed the world the most in the past year. I don't think anyone can argue that Donald Trump has changed the direction the world is heading over the past 12 months.
Adolf Hitler, Joseph Stalin, Nikita Khruschev, Ayatollah Khomeini, Ronald Reagan, and Vladimir Putin have all been named Time Magazine's Person of the Year.
His nomination is by no means a positive distinction. It just means he has done the most to influence events of the year, for better or worse.
I think Time "person of the year" stopped mattering when *I* made the list. Don't get me wrong I get what they were going for, but it was such a cop out I haven't been able to take them seriously since.
Time magazine has included other dictators in the past. He's on the front cover but that doesn't mean that what has been written is words of praise. Knowing MAGA they won't read it, if they know how to read.
Y’all - Time chose Trump to sell magazines. Hello, capitalism much? They are for profit. Here we are still talking about, which is what they want cause it drives clicks and revenue. Who reads Time regularly? It’s all marketing to drive profit.
Sadly, criminal behaviour has now been normalised in USA . USA with the support its media is now a failed state. It will never recover from this position
Hitler is the obvious comparison. Hitler was Time’s person of the year in 1938. I haven’t read Time’s description of Trump (hopefully it’s harshly accurate) but it’s hard to deny the influence he’s had this year.
I’m glad you asked for thoughts. Your post brought my thoughts back to the great democrat god Barack Obama when he said “elections have consequences, deal with it”.
Time Magazine is the Tupperware of news sources. It has been irrelevant for so long, yet it is a name that means something to people stuck in yesteryear…like Trump.
There hasn’t been any prestige in being Time’s Person of the Year, even before this year. Don’t give the publication any more oxygen.
Well it's not an award or an honoring, even though that is almost everyone's perception. They certainly weren't honoring Hitler or Stalin. Maybe they should change the name.
Just because Rump45 is on the cover of TIME doesn't mean it is a positive thing. He is now in the company of others like A.Hitler, Nixon, Gorbachev, & Putin not to mention others. Hopefully TIME took this as an opportunity to point out all of the reasons he is not a positive person.
The man of the year isn't a recommendation of the individual, instead it is the person who was most influential on events for good or bad, basically it is headline maker of the year. As much as I dislike Trump he was headline maker of the year.
I'm sick and tired of stupid people.
The Time cover is NOT an honor.
It doesn't mean that the subject is a great person.
It means that s/he had the most affect on world news that year.
Other subjects include Hitler, Stalin, Putin, and Ayatollah Komeini.
So many other better choices including Volodymyr Zelenskyy and Claudia Sheinbaum. Picking a mythomaniac, rapist, treasonous domestic terrorist and a convicted felon somehow seems like cozying up to Fat Hitler like Scarborough, Moskowitz and others have done.
Time's Person of the Year isn't an endorsement, it's a statement of media dominance "for better or for worse." If you look at the list it has the best, the worst, and the lost to history.
Considering Stalin, Hitler and Putin were "Man of the Year", people should realise that Man of the Year is only a confirmation of who made the news during that year.
I guess Rosie wasn’t given a position in his administration after losing all her other job prospects due to her loud embrace of Donvict Drumpf's Hitleresque worldview.
It doesn't matter what they say it means, because the general public will always view it as an endorsement. Meaning isn't dictated by the speaker/writer. It happens between the speaker/writer and the reader/listener.
Mate, I have already said it doesn't mean jack what Time WANTS Person of the Year to mean.
I am not ignorant of their intent. I am saying it's a failure because they cannot control the public interpretation no matter what they claim their intent to be.
Ok so she misspoke about him being the "man of the year" but otherwise, she's right. 💯% Mainstream News has normalized a lying, cheating, malignant narcissist. The fact that they use terms like "misinformation" and "disinformation", alone, proves my point. These are lies, people. Stay focused!
I think Time REALLY needs to clarify that "man of the year" is not meant as an honorific. This misunderstanding KEEPS HAPPENING.
Though, I do think that the absurdly insufficient news coverage of his BS should take the award. "The newsrooms that normalized this for profit" as persons of the year.
If anything, Elon should be. He helped influence the elections. Time loves their billionaires so go all out. Dudeman like John Rockefeller or William Randolph Hearst at this point.
Time magazine saw how pissed we all are with the legacy media and how we’ve completely consciously uncoupled, and decided they wanted in on that action. Like any MAGA morons can even read. Idiots. Shameless butt kissing.
I mean, I’ve been Time’s Man of The Year twice. I have multiple friends who have won it three times. And a buddy of mine has won it four times, in ‘03, ‘06, ‘11, and ‘14.
Trump can have it this time. I’ll probably win in again sometime soon.
Time’s Person of the Year doesn’t mean they are a good person, just that they are a newsworthy person.
I still would have preferred that they chose someone not horrific.
Like weren’t there any mass murderers or serial killers they could have picked instead?
Everyone please call Gerry Connelly! Phone: (202) 225-1492. Tell him to give AOC the chair to the committee. Tell him we won't win . He needs to step down. Media plays a big part. He doesn't understand social media .call.share..
Time does this every year to get attention for itself. Rosie just demonstrated how easily she falls for marketing nonsense. She only succeeded in telling us that she feels Time is worthy of attention. She feels that what they say is relevant and matters. SUCKER.
As I pointed out to my wife, Time also named Adolph Hitler MOTY. Also, Josef Stalin (twice), Nikita Kruschev, Ayatollah Assaholla (er, Khomeini), Richard Nixon (twice), Newt f'ing Gingrich, Reagan (twice), Ken Starr, Vladimir goddamn Putin. So in context, Time has been a feckless wonder pretty often
How right she is unfortunately to many people are still high on Trumps false promises only will they see when it actually starts to affect them personally
It’s an interesting list. Time don’t seem to be learning from previous conduct.
From this, the criteria for this designation is pretty dark.
three, if you count mr. takei.
hmmm my thoughts are you've all gone crazy as a country.
lets hear bart simpson's take on immigration on every channel next, please.
In KY, they know that horses are named with a mix of the sire and dam's names. The sire was Whiny Bull, and the Dam was Girl on Girl. We named the colt Rosie O'Donnell.
It means "the person or persons who most affected the news and our lives, for good or ill".
In Trumps case, it is "ill".
How is that different from Jeff Bezos owning the Washington Post, whose "democracy" died when he turned off the lights on the freedom of the press?
The exact antithesis of Donald Trump, in other words.
They previously named:
Adolph Hitler in 1938.
Joseph Stalin twice 1939 and 1942.
And Ruhollah Khomeini of Iran in 1979.
They aren’t necessarily nominating people you like, only the most influential for better or worse.
I suspect it is a routine call, which will eventually be followed by his conviction, before he pardons himself.
Whatever, it's appalling, especially given the unsafe election result.
(Donald Trump in 2016...)
That said, I still hate giving him any attention at all.
His nomination is by no means a positive distinction. It just means he has done the most to influence events of the year, for better or worse.
Bolstered by the fact that this title was usually awarded to people with a positive influence on events.
There hasn’t been any prestige in being Time’s Person of the Year, even before this year. Don’t give the publication any more oxygen.
Nobody would question that
The Time cover is NOT an honor.
It doesn't mean that the subject is a great person.
It means that s/he had the most affect on world news that year.
Other subjects include Hitler, Stalin, Putin, and Ayatollah Komeini.
It isn't an endorsement -- they also gave it to Adolf Hitler, Joseph Stalin (twice!), Vladimir Putin, and Deng Xiaoping.
I mean Adolf Hitler was man on the year in 1938
It doesn't matter what they say it means, because the general public will always view it as an endorsement. Meaning isn't dictated by the speaker/writer. It happens between the speaker/writer and the reader/listener.
Try harder in future to understand the world around you and it's meaning rather than inserting your own interpretation of it.
for better or for worse ... has done the most to influence the events of the year
Your failure to preform some basic research into something is a failure on your part.
Mate, I have already said it doesn't mean jack what Time WANTS Person of the Year to mean.
I am not ignorant of their intent. I am saying it's a failure because they cannot control the public interpretation no matter what they claim their intent to be.
The public views it as an endorsement.
“Man of the year” is a freaking stretch to say the least
and he has been more worse than anyone is awhile imho. Only the devil would be proud of being selected as he has.
Though, I do think that the absurdly insufficient news coverage of his BS should take the award. "The newsrooms that normalized this for profit" as persons of the year.
Trump can have it this time. I’ll probably win in again sometime soon.
I still would have preferred that they chose someone not horrific.
Like weren’t there any mass murderers or serial killers they could have picked instead?
2. That I have said this so many times now that I think TIME should put me on their payroll.
3. Or choose a less misleading name for their custom.