Helping people is Socialism. Not only do I not help people, but every day, I make sure to actually hinder people and try to make their lives worse. To make America better.
This is something missed by a lot of people on the left. MAGA despises and derides the very concept of kindness, charity, honesty, integrity, ethics and morals.
These are in their view, tools of the enemy; a liberal weakness. They celebrate selfishness to an extreme that people find hard to grasp
"Well I hope you have a shittier day, you dusty old fart," would have been my actual response, as I've said similar things to cranky old people in the past.
the old lady was just pissed because she shops at Aldi, because she doesn’t have the money she thought she would need to retire completely. Trump did that.
Hi friend Sorry to interrupt you,but I need help,I'm alaa from Gaza🍉,the situation here is very difficult,my family and I are starving and cold,I wish you a happy Christmas,please make your donation our Christmas gift🎁🙏
If you want to check me out via video call I'm up for it
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Hi friend Sorry to interrupt you,but I need help,I'm alaa from Gaza🍉,the situation here is very difficult,my family and I are starving and cold,I wish you a happy Christmas,please make your donation our Christmas gift🎁🙏
If you want to check me out via video call I'm up for it
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The MAGA folk celebrate this. It is how they are turning us against each other. Will be much easier to establish a dictatorship over a populace angry and vengeful towards their neighbors.
It blows my mind to. They say they're Christians but yet they don't act like Christians!! So bizarre and weird these people are. I just don't get it! 😕
"Hey, It's a good thing you have a quarter. You're going to need it," as you turn the cart so the handle is up against the automatic doors, pull the quarter, and grab your groceries, and go. Walking away mumble just loudly enough for her to hear, but not for anyone else, "You dirty tiny nazi!"
I remember during the pandemic walking out of a grocery store WITH MY ARMS FULL OF GROCERIES when some asshole yelled at me calling me a moron for having my mask on. Sick, hateful people.
I wonder how much the person hurling the abuse donates to their church to have their soul "saved" when they find themselves at the pearly gates, only to learn that they were conned and they're off to the toasty place for eternal damnation....... 🤔🤣
You have to realise that being called Socialist is not the same as being called Fascist. Socialism is about caring for others' well-being. USA land of the fucking selfish.
I would have kindly explained to the lady where Aldi is from, and if she hates socialism so much she shouldn’t shop there. Same for Lidl, and of course that co-op REI.
Then I’d have accidentally tripped her so she breaks a hip to experience our glorious capitalistic health care in all its glory.
It's so sad that acts of kindness are now reduced to some sort of political act. A large portion of our population has a very serious mental health issue.
I'm pretty sure it's been scientifically proven that most right-wing people, instead of feeling empathy for people who need help, actually take pleasure in seeing suffering. I'd have to look for the study, but it's proven that the right has no empathy.
These people go to church every Sunday, can recite Bible verses from memory, but still have no fucking idea what the words actually mean. Here's what Jesus meant: "Peace, Love, Tolerance." Pick up a fucking dictionary and learn their meaning.
Sheep are gonna be sheep. Of course in this case the sheep are programmed to always be angry and to never ever have an original thought. I’m not capable of the mental gymnastics required to not be ashamed and embarrassed a rapist will be our next president.
An old lady made a quarter political. Good lord not everything should be political.
Side note:
All these other comments talking about how kindness is seen as weak to MAGA is crazy. It takes strength to realize others need to come first sometimes. And then DO something about it.
And if MAGA wants to act that way amongst themselves that's fine, but in public we need to stop letting these wackos think it's ok to behave that way. We should go back to the days when we shamed/embarrassed these people for their idiotic and hateful statements in public.
You are the nicest “socialist” I know 😘 I do that all the time I go to Aldis! BTW - that little old lady is more of a socialist than you. She gets SS and Medicare. Drives in public roads, had her kids educated in public schools, and if she needs the fire dept to come to her house … socialism! 😂
It's funny how the same people crying "commie" over any Social program are the same people screaming that the Biden admin didn't pay for all the storm damage repair under the social program of FEMA
Wth. I am so over these vile Ken and Karen’s with their in your face attitude. I mean the tv has so many reality shows based on these kind of people. But I remember these are the Maga that will have their Snap, ACA and Social Security cut so I sit back and wait ….😊
some people are only happy when they’re causing others pain. just think what it would be like to go thru life as a miserable person and thank God you’re not one❤️
You are SO not kidding. Rude, rude, RUDE. Pushing and shoving and complaining and whining, driving like total a-holes, all in preparation for their day of "joy". It's almost funny.
Maybe it is more fun if they can hunt it down, claim it by right of conquest, and then block out that moment when the credit card scans.
Kens and Karens pretending to know the satisfaction that Shoplifters feel.
Kindness and empathy are dead among those folks. I never thought I’d see the day were so many people are cheering for the suffering of others, but that’s maga for you.
ladies. Not so nice nowadays 👵🏽
These are in their view, tools of the enemy; a liberal weakness. They celebrate selfishness to an extreme that people find hard to grasp
Only capitalist stores for me.
If you want to check me out via video call I'm up for it
Donation Link in bio
If you want to check me out via video call I'm up for it
Donation Link in bio
Not sure I will ever recover from this realization
Old lady: offers quarter
Woman: Oh actually that will be one dollar
Old lady: (happy smile) Ah, a fellow Capitalist! How wonderful!
I screamed commie at her and took all the free cookies her and her commie "troop" were giving away.
Had to book it from the target.
It’s most of them are assholes when you try and help them
This tells you how a fascist psychopath thinks and how they regard a tiny act of kindness as "communist"
They hate socialists because they are asocial and feral
“OK, ya fuggin socialist…”
Have we deteriorated so far as a society a person can’t even extend basic kindness to others?
Then I’d have accidentally tripped her so she breaks a hip to experience our glorious capitalistic health care in all its glory.
Side note:
All these other comments talking about how kindness is seen as weak to MAGA is crazy. It takes strength to realize others need to come first sometimes. And then DO something about it.
We are all socialists!
Kindness is more like that OTHER guy, the brown skinned Jewish guy who talked about stuff like "love" and "mercy" and "forgiveness".
Example 398,840,921.7 of the media's double standards.
Kens and Karens pretending to know the satisfaction that Shoplifters feel.
Capitalism - screw the poor and downtrodden for a quick buck.