Conservatives are permanently livid... It's now at the point whereby they don't know what to do with themselves if they are not livid and feel compelled to invent fictions to be livid about.
Unfortunately, permanent rage is fatal, but let's not tell them that, ok?
Some people shouldn't have kids. They just aren't any good as parents. I hope the conservatives aren't going to pass laws stating that all white people should be forced to have six kids.
The argument is valid and their reading comprehension is nowhere near the central posit; which is to state that bringing and raising children in this socioeconomic landscape is an entirely more convoluted, nuances, and more delicate task than it was 70 years ago.
Thanks for playing, chump
Nancy tried to imply that Seth Rogan didn't want kids because he would make a bad dad, which completely missed the point of why people choose to go child free. It's insulting to people who are child free to imply they are because they'd be bad parents
The saddest part to me, is that for some men and women, that seems to be the only thing they think they’re good for. It’s literally like that’s where their self worth comes from. Their goals, their intelligence, their uniqueness, none of that matters. Only the act of procreation matters.
If you want kids and can support them, have fun. Enjoy them. More power to you.
If, like me, you don't want kids, don't have them. Be an uncle or auntie and spoil the crap out of other peoples' kids, and give them back. Enjoy your life. More power to you.
If you don't want them your doing the world, yourself, and the potential child a favor by not having them. Everyone born deserves to be cared for and wanted.
100% on point!
A baby is the most precious thing in the world, and each one deserves to be treated exactly accordingly. If someone can't do that, for ANY reason, then their choice not to have kids is the right one.
The sum total of one individual’s life experience and perspective does not equate to that of everyone else. This is a foreign concept to most conservative Americans, and speaks to the stunting of their emotional and intellectual growth by the culture they were raised in.
His choice. I totally respect it. I have son and I am so happy and thankful for that. I could also be childless and happy with that. Don’t get wrong I love my son and would take a bullet for him but too many put their validation in others to make sense of life.
Given the trends for the future, I think it is irresponsible to have kids. Why create a human who will live to see what life is like in eighty years? I am grateful that my life is nearly over and I have no children.
I agree with Seth so much and why I have a vasectomy scheduled, pushing 40 and was used, I'm not emotionally or financially sound for kids atm
“There’s enough kids out there. We need more people? Who looks at the planet right now and thinks, 'You know what we need right now? More f**king people.' "
Conservative Christians are hella weird with their obsession with other people having children. We know it’s not actually a “life” thing, because once a baby is born conservative Christians are like “fuck that baby idc if you’re poor” and so it begs the real question.. WHY?
NO ONE should be pressured to have kids if they don't want them!! Far too many Conservatives who have kids shouldn't be parents because they are assholes!! Case in point below.
The point of life is NOT to procreate. It's to lead a meaningful life. Lots of childless people do that beautifully.
I think some people are easily triggered and can't "Live and Let Live".
You want kids? Great have kids. I love mine. You should focus on yours.
No one has to view or live life the way you do. Doesn't make them bad people. Just makes them different. So get over yourself.
I've seen plenty of lousy, bad-spirited, negligent parents. They're not better than childless people just because they begrudgingly did the bare minimum in that realm. Some people know they aren't suited to it and they do what's best for everyone involved.
The nice thing is, it's their choice. I chose to have two kids, then I chose not to have any more. Yes, there were some hard times, but never was I sorry I became a parent. But that's not for everyone. And that's fine. They are entitled to their wants/not wants. Bravo for their honesty!
You don't want kids? Then don't have kids. It's that simple.
It's not even something like vaccination, which affects you and everyone around you, or speech and actions made in public, all of which have their own potential consequences.
It's choosing what kind of family you may or may not want.
If you do want to have kids, also important to be responsible about it. Make sure you have the means to care for them. Don't birth/adopt kids when you're barely scraping by yourself. I've seen too many cases of, "Well, we'll find a way," or "God will provide." No, be a real parent and prepare.
This is similar to Carey Grant warning Peter Bogdonavitch about his and Cybill Shephard's spread in People Magazine in '74. Graphic via
I haven’t read it, but there are a lot of valid reasons to not want kids. Roger is constantly high because he has crushing social anxiety, despite his incredible success and popularity. Not wanting to burden another human with that? Understandable.
Well I personally can't hand any hostages over to our future AGI overlord. Must not make it obvious who've I've handed the keys to its destruction to. (In order to keep it well behaved, well for an inhuman totalitarian at least.)
Was told just this week how sad my 35 year marriage is because we never had children. This from someone who told me they won’t move where her 4 adult children live because they have their own lives and she would be lonely. Now tell me again what is sad?
Who cares if he wants kids or not. None of our business it's their lives. Not mine. Consecutive people need to stay out of other people's businesses. Their homes and doctors offices.
Middle aged, married, no kids. A choice often described by people with kids as selfish. When I ask why they decided to have kids it almost always starts with "I/We wanted...".
My husband and I chose not to have kids when we were in our early 20s. He had a vasectomy at 24. We don't really want to be parents. We probably would not be great at being parent and even as a baby sitter I hated being around little kids. I don't really like them. Horror of horrors.
65, child-free & married 35 years. Every year on our anniversary, when it was still relevant, we asked each other if we wanted to have a kid that year. Every time was “no”. We’re the happiest we’ve ever been & we’re lucky we had the opportunity to take advantage of birth control!
What I think is important is Seth is saying and doing what works for he and his wife. He is not denying anyone else their path to fulfillment. Whereas conservatives do expound and legislate based on what they think others must do.
My husband and I don’t have kids. We are happy with our decision. And I wouldn’t want to have to explain to my children what the hell is going on in this country anyway.
I don’t smoke weed in bed on Saturday mornings, but I’m loving my child free life where I go on vacation multiple times a year without regard to a school calendar, and I didn’t have to drain anyone’s college fund to pay a $12,000 Vet bill. I never have to worry about childcare either. 🤷🏻♀️
The single worst thing you can do for future generations is to produce a new human, because however bad you are, whatever you do to the planet, they're going to be at least as bad.
In awe of people who adopt and foster, but no new ones please.
I don't know what is sadder: people who desperately want kids and cannot have them, or people who don't want them but still had them. Better that a person realizes they are not suited for parenthood before they take the plunge.
I never want children and I despise the idea of pregnancy, so I wish I could donate my working parts to someone who wants kids but can't. I wish we had the technology to do something like that, but that would require medical science to care about women's biology -_-
I really don't give a fuck what these snowflakes think about someone else having kids or not. Looks like some click bait bullshit I don't need to read. We don't need to further divide ourselves on bullshit like this when we have plenty of legit issues dividing us.
Conservatives are the original yentas. They have to have a say in others personal lives n choices. I keep seeing them all with kerchief on their head like a babushka.
I recall reading this article earlier this year and since then, trying to live the dream of 'lounging in bed with my partner, getting high, and watching cartoons'.
That idea has lived rent-free in my mind for months and I often recall it in longing. I think I need a more comfortable bed first.
Good for Seth Rogen and f the conservatives! I hope this infuriates them as well , 62 years old and never once in my life never never never once did I ever want anything to do with those vagina destroying crotch goblins those dirty little Petri dishes, those disgusting little diaper fillers
People should have kids if they want them. I don’t think there needs to be judgment of those who don’t have kids or those that choose to have them. It’s a choice, not a requirement.
Conservatives have sabotaged the entire system, why would anybody in their right mind want to have children now. Even 10 years ago it was possible (but difficult) now it’s out of the question for many. But the billionaires need their slave labor.
Good for them! Responsible adults making an intelligent decision instead of being pressured by society. There are plenty of unwanted children that they can support or even adopt if they decide later they wish to have children.
Having a child in this day and age is perhaps the most narcissistic act a woman/couple can do. There are thousands of parentless children here right now that need a home.
This is like getting riled about someone saying they don't like pistachio ice cream. Plenty of people like it. They'll keep making it. He's not saying no one should ever eat it.
The whole argument regarding kids & population growth is economic based. It seems awfully dangerous to me that in order to maintain the lifestyle we have, we need 8+billion people on this planet
Maybe it’s just me but I don’t think it’s anyone’s business whether or not he wants kids. After seeing all the children abused and murdered by their parents apparently not everyone should have kids.
Someone expressing that they are happy with their life-choices regarding how their family, even without children, exists is the other side of the coin of fulfilled parents.
Celebrate happiness anywhere (provided it doesn’t cause harm to others).
with 8 billion people on the planet, there is no issue with "dying out". Never wanted them, never had then, 54 and zero regrets. People need to butt the hell out of what doesn't concern them. And yes, I still vote for schools and such.
As a parent, I see Rogan's decision as mature and responsible as any that an adult can make regarding parenthood. I was almost 46 and my wife almost 41 when she got pregnant... while on the pill. We wrestled for a month over what to do, and she then made her choice. Choice means CHOICE.
They always complain about everything, they are never happy.. If a person doesn’t want to have kids regardless of their gender it’s their choice period!! And no one has the right to make you feel bad about it!! The conservative should keep their mouths shut and mind their own business instead..
Found out a lot of friends and family secretly feel this way after JD Vances public comments. Wife and i are childless and they wonder why we don't speak to them anymore.
I assured them that it's not over politics, it's cause they are assholes.
People need to mind their own damn business. I commend him for acknowledging that he doesn't want kids and wouldn't be a good parent. More people should do this and a lot less kids would abused and neglected.
When I hear folks claim that not having kids is selfish, I think:
1. What selfLESS reason do people have who choose to have kids?? It's all for selfish reasons, or it's by accident; &
2. Surely in a time of overpopulation, overpollution & climate change, it is HAVING kids that is selfish.
People need to mind their own damned business. It should be no one else's business if a couple doesn't want children. We have 4 children and 9 grandchildren; we love and enjoy them immensely. That being said, it was our personal decision to have or not have children, not a socially mandated decision
I don't think it's anyone's place to tell other people what they need or don't need to be "fulfilled." That's personal for everyone.
If someone need kids to feel fulfilled, that's them and only them. But it's a damn selfish reason to have kids. Equally selfish as Seth's reason for not having ...
Chasing "fulfillment" is inherently selfish, kids or no kids. So don't sit there and pretend that you chasing your own selfish desires for kids somehow makes you better than someone else for chasing other selfish desires. It doesn't.
The planet will officially have 8.06 BILLION (with a B) people on it as of New Years' Day 2025. The forecast for 2050 is just under 10 Billion people. The species isn't going extinct anytime soon.
Leave people alone to live their lives the way they choose.
I'm from a family of 6 siblings and chose early on to not contribute to the population, my other siblings did their part and my parents never complained about my decision.
I agree with Seth: there's just too many humans on this planet. I'm childfree also, and have been since I was a little girl. I'm 60 now, and no regrets for my choice.
Conservatives are just mad because they ran out and had a bunch of kids without even thinking about it because it was “the next thing you are supposed to do”. Other people DID think about it, and decided NOT to have kids…Something I don’t believe conservatives believe is even an option.
Doesn’t reproductive freedom mean people get to have as many or as few (if any) children as they choose? Who is anyone to judge someone else’s choice to have zero children or ten children? A handful of billionaires jetting around the globe can have a bigger carbon foot print than thousands of kids.
We should be the ones outraged that conservatives are spawning mirror images of their hateful, spiteful, and selfish selves while the rest of us in society will have to suffer the consequences of their backwards fucking vote.
I think it's no one's business whether a person decides to procreate or not.
I've made it clear to my adult children, it is not their job to make me a grandmother, it is their job to be the best versions of themselves and to be empathetic, responsible adults.
I have one child. I say “if you decide to have children” not when you have children”. I’d like to be a gran but it’s not my decision. I have been told I’m definitely getting a grandog. I’m happy. I like dogs 😊
One amazing child - a man now - myself. No dogs because he lives alone and works long hours. No kids for him unless they are adopted. He never wanted to impregnate a woman with no options. He took care of the problem after Roe fell..
One couple I know still change the diaper of a middle aged daughter born with severe disabilities. Another's child became a heroin addict. If you were told that your life will be enriched if the ball lands on black, but ruined if on red, would you play, or walk away? Nobody MUST play. It's a choice.
The world is overcrowded and with climate change and the world heading even more conservo-nazi, bringing a child into this world should be considered an act of cruelty.
A lot of work and a lot of money. Providing the basics is extremely costly never mind providing the sorts of opportunities it takes to get ahead in our low social mobility society. A large swath of the population just cannot afford it.
I think intelligent people know that our climate is not conducive for procreation. The water & soil are becoming more toxic by the day. Our laws & political climate only work for the ultra rich. No body autonomy for women. It's cruel to bring a child into this mess.
Probably not, unless they find a way to force people into slavery of some form again... By that, I mean more than just the prison complex as a disgusting whole, of course.
what is the motive behind making other people have kids? i heard a story where a woman married a man who already had a son, but the woman's mother was still disappointed she didnt actually have a child herself.
I turn 40 next year, and I've not had children with anyone (granted I've not had any relations since 2006, so, that also helps!), and I don't want to, the world's a mess and children are the first to suffer, and my AuDHD problems mean I struggle with my patience, and kids just drive me nuts...
I think that people have the right to choose to not have children. Insisting everyone have children results in too many people to easily sustain. The birth rate tends to balance itself out naturally in our society, if they have a problem with that then maybe improving society is a good step, yeah?
… but that means there can never be another Seth Rogen 😩, one of the U.S’s greatest people and talents and a strong Democrat ! I say it’s a shame, but if he wants to lay around naked smoking weed that’s not hurting anyone. He’s an inspiration to so many !🌈🏳️⚧️✊🏾
Do you miss out on some things by not having kids? Of course you do! Do you miss out on other things when you do have kids? You bet your sweet bippy. Freedom, folks.
They seem very fearful. Always afraid of someone taking their jobs, or someone who doesn't believe in the same god they do, or love the way they love, or that someone supports rights for everyone, including the right to stay disease free. But this manufactured outrage starts somewhere. Like Fox.
A lot of conservatives felt like this. But this was before hate radio. Once they started listening to Rush Limbaugh rant for hours a day, the hate and outrage grew out of control. Their leaders had to appeal to that. The first one I remember was Newt Gingrich, and then Bush Sr.
The General Welfare Clause is a part of the United States Constitution that gives Congress the power to collect taxes and pay debts for the good of the country.
Not only is mandatory vaccination constitutional, such vaccination is part of the Social Contract, something everyone who chooses to live among others, agrees to, whether they know it or not. The moment you begin to live among others, most rights cease to be unlimited.
No one wants to "censor free speech" except conservatives. Elmo is a prime example.
That bullsh*t is repeated by conservatives because they don't like being held RESPONSIBLE for their speech, like children.
And vaccinations were never mandated for the public. No one was held down and vaccinated.
You can not get vaxxed and increase your risk of death. You can say the N word you're itching to day on your neonazi site, Twitter. You're just fine, snowflake.
A few hundred thousand Americans died completely unnecessarily because they refused to act like responsible adults and get vaccinated. They also helped the spread of the disease with their reckless behavior.
You are free to homeschool your unvaccinated spawn instead of being allowed into public schools to be super spreaders. Then they can have a third grade education just like you, and maybe polio as a bonus! See that? Not just freedom, but responsibility for the consequences of your choices.
According to research, homeschooled children generally perform better academically than their publicly schooled peers, often scoring significantly higher on standardized tests and achieving higher GPAs.
2/ the immune compromised ppl near you as well as you, yet there is no govt penalty for not getting them. You won’t be arrested. You won’t be ticketed.
Why are MAGA both angry, dumb, and incapable of telling the truth?
They’ve all got short memories too.
Belief and hate are powerful drugs.
Btw the covid booster (Moderna) is much better this yr, I got less of a fever than last times. Even getting it at the same time as my flu vaccine. ❤️❤️❤️
You won’t get a ticket (govt punishment) for not being vaccinated. You will get a ticket if you: don’t wear a seatbelt or drink and drive. Bc the govt recognizes some ppl are too stupid to make good decisions but it wants to help them anyway. Your seatbelt only saves YOU. Vaccinations save 1/2
It's about 'being fruitful and multiplying' and about 'increasing the domestic supply of white infants'. It's white supremacy, and what they believe is the only way to ensure their religion has more generations to indoctrinate. Without indoctrination, religion as we know it would cease to exist.
Good for you. Keep going to those follow-up appointments. My cousin has 2 kids born after her husband's vasectomy. I was denied a tubal ligation because of medical sexism.
I was told no because 'i might change my mind' and 'what if your future husband wants kids'. I won't even date anyone who has or wants kids. I was denied my bodily autonomy by a man I will never meet. By a female OB who knew I gave a baby up for adoption at birth. That's how much I don't want kids.
"*I* suffered, so *THEY* have to suffer, too! It builds character!" - Literally those fools, out loud, in too many iterations, and all too fucking often
They're losing the majority because their preferred race isn't haven't kids. They are afraid of being a minority because they know how shitty they treat them.
Those who rail against those who decide not to have kids do so because they regret their own choices. They need everyone to be as miserable as they are.
Those people who claim they want their kids obviously feel afraid other people might wonder if they do. So they’re running around going “I really, really want my kids!”
If someone chooses to be child free that's fine. It's their life. I don't understand why people get so worked up over this. It's no body else's business.
People being self-aware enough to know they shouldn’t have kids is not the problem in this world. It’s the people who definitely shouldn’t have them, but do.
Why do people get so upset over people not having the same priorities as they do. If someone doesn't want kids then that is all they need to say. Some people are only happy if others validate their decisions by following along. 🙄
I think that of it's what he's cool with, wtg! I know tons of people who have CHOSEN not to have kids, and many are conservative. It doesn't matter to me. I love my kids, but hadn't planned to have any... my husband was an only child and wanted a house full - we have 3. Do what's best for you!
It's a personal choice, and just like a woman's right to choose, it should be a couples right to choose whether to have a family or not. I have two step-children. Never wanted kids of my own but am happy with the familyI have. Individual decisions, the way it should be.
Conservatives made this country a hellscape. If they are unhappy that the MAGA birth rate is too low, consider three things:
1. Not raising generations of unfuckable incels.
2. Get used to the fact that the world is magnitudes more complex than what the bible sez.
3. Let rational adults govern.
Conservatives spend their entire lives attacking what other people do that does not impact them while at the same time ignoring the crimes and immoral behavior of other conservatives that directly impact them.
Unfortunately, permanent rage is fatal, but let's not tell them that, ok?
Thanks for playing, chump
Stop projecting.
If, like me, you don't want kids, don't have them. Be an uncle or auntie and spoil the crap out of other peoples' kids, and give them back. Enjoy your life. More power to you.
A baby is the most precious thing in the world, and each one deserves to be treated exactly accordingly. If someone can't do that, for ANY reason, then their choice not to have kids is the right one.,is%20approximately%2017%E2%80%938%25.
You wanna have kids? Great!
But have you actually thought it through? And not just gone along with what everyone else was doing?
“All my friends are having kids” isn’t a reason to have one…
Too many people do it because they think they’re supposed to
It's not really my place to have an opinion one way or another anymore than it's his to have an opinion on my life choices.
Rich American kids DO NOT join the Army to defend U.S.
we need poor Americans to breed the cannon fodder to fight the terrorist wars & take out the garbage
“There’s enough kids out there. We need more people? Who looks at the planet right now and thinks, 'You know what we need right now? More f**king people.' "
The point of life is NOT to procreate. It's to lead a meaningful life. Lots of childless people do that beautifully.
You want kids? Great have kids. I love mine. You should focus on yours.
No one has to view or live life the way you do. Doesn't make them bad people. Just makes them different. So get over yourself.
I already had an awkward relationship with my Cabbage Patch doll & vowed to adopt if I ever wanted children.
Not everyone is meant to reproduce. Some are meant to coach, mentor, guide
It's not even something like vaccination, which affects you and everyone around you, or speech and actions made in public, all of which have their own potential consequences.
It's choosing what kind of family you may or may not want.
I don't have kids. It's glorious!
Or artificial insemination with A-1 quality sperm, donated directly by the finest members of the GOP.
In awe of people who adopt and foster, but no new ones please.
I'm 44 and don't have kids, I don't want any. And I'm good with that.
Especially since someone spent a lot of time cooking them!
That idea has lived rent-free in my mind for months and I often recall it in longing. I think I need a more comfortable bed first.
Celebrate happiness anywhere (provided it doesn’t cause harm to others).
Food, clothes, college tuition, entertainment, cars, car insurances, gas…. multiply by 4.
And don’t forget we parents have our own expenses too.
Oh, and two cats.
So, good for Seth. His life, his money, his choice.
I assured them that it's not over politics, it's cause they are assholes.
1. What selfLESS reason do people have who choose to have kids?? It's all for selfish reasons, or it's by accident; &
2. Surely in a time of overpopulation, overpollution & climate change, it is HAVING kids that is selfish.
If someone need kids to feel fulfilled, that's them and only them. But it's a damn selfish reason to have kids. Equally selfish as Seth's reason for not having ...
Chasing "fulfillment" is inherently selfish, kids or no kids. So don't sit there and pretend that you chasing your own selfish desires for kids somehow makes you better than someone else for chasing other selfish desires. It doesn't.
Leave people alone to live their lives the way they choose.
I've made it clear to my adult children, it is not their job to make me a grandmother, it is their job to be the best versions of themselves and to be empathetic, responsible adults.
I wanted grandchildren, but not at the expense of my child's happiness.
I'm not saying that I wouldn't love to be a grandmother, but my child's happiness is more important.
Nobody should be forced to become a parent.
Don't judge others. Don't be a dick.
Simple rules to happiness with yourself, and others.
Or do you think Elon's a dirty lib?
That bullsh*t is repeated by conservatives because they don't like being held RESPONSIBLE for their speech, like children.
And vaccinations were never mandated for the public. No one was held down and vaccinated.
And as for vaccine mandates, curious how the gop has been fine with that for over 100 years.
Only the bible thumpers would think otherwise!!!
Why are MAGA both angry, dumb, and incapable of telling the truth?
Belief and hate are powerful drugs.
Btw the covid booster (Moderna) is much better this yr, I got less of a fever than last times. Even getting it at the same time as my flu vaccine. ❤️❤️❤️
I hate it so much...🤢
I’ve chosen to pursue happiness on my terms, which is without kids.
The End.
Those who rail against those who decide not to have kids do so because they regret their own choices. They need everyone to be as miserable as they are.
1. Not raising generations of unfuckable incels.
2. Get used to the fact that the world is magnitudes more complex than what the bible sez.
3. Let rational adults govern.