First off Elon... You did not name the company Tesla! It was already named Tesla before you bought the majority stake!! The two founders named it Tesla Motors, but I'm sure you already knew that!!
I'd bet that Musk didn't even have the creativity to come up with calling the company Tesla. Pretty sure he paid someone to come up with a good name for an electric car that he didn't design.
Offtopic, but the stats trackers on that page fuck it up. Every time I open a link to comicsands, my browser's memory usage goes up a few gigabytes and the fans actually increase speed after a while.
Looking at the console, it's hundreds of errors from the tracker being rejected in a loop.
I'll tell you a secret- women don't care about dick size, it's men who have created that standard for themselves. I'm just using their own weird yard stick against them.
Oh my!!!! When will trump and Musk actually get their facts together before they end up with egg on their face. The actor is NOT Tesla, you dum dum's. Ever hear of Google. Certainly the actor was indentified by name on any picture and he would, if still alive, be a lot older than this guy...shesh
Tesla was an immigrant who came to the US to work for the supposed genius Edison, who refused to pay him fairly, stole his work, and eventually ignored Tesla's new discoveries because he thought he knew best. So Musk is basically the new Edison, except that Edison actually invented a few things.
Nikola Tesla had the humility and decency to hand over the patents to his alternating current designs to Westinghouse who was financially struggling, and then went on to make profit, Tesla died poor, alone and in obscurity, all while his invention powered the world, skum ain't Tesla, he's edison...
I'm really impressed with your profile and personality. I also admire your good sense of humor here. I don't normally write in the comment section, but I think you deserve this compliment...I'll like to be your friend if you don't mind sending me a follow request.
there is no point, im surprised he has managed to work out how his penis works. if anyone was an example of "should not be permitted to reproduce" its that moron.
So… does Musk still not see the irony in naming his luxury car after the man who wanted access to electricity to be readily available to all? Or is it just an ongoing demonstration of his sociopathy?
We have to remember that it was the original founders of Tesla that named the company. Musk had nothing to do with that, and I doubt that moron ever studied the history of Nikola Tesla.
Every good engineer knows who Nikola Tesla is and what he looks like.
Read into that whatever you will 🤠
I don't suppose Trump is contagious? Nah! Musk was likely before they decided to hook up.
He bought into the company YEARS after its founding
Looking at the console, it's hundreds of errors from the tracker being rejected in a loop.
He was trying to give humanity free energy. All his backers bailed in the name of profits. His inventions were never properly build.
Not to mention, his notes were conveniently taken away quickly after his death…