I was in a wedding a couple of weeks after I miscarried. The photographer, trying to get the group of bridesmaids to laugh during photos, joked "who's getting pregnant tonight?"
Being threatened with a lawsuit or financial harm can indeed be a means of forcing someone to comply with a demand, yes. Just being dragged into a legal conflict can itself be expensive enough to damage someone's livelihood. Let's not try to lawyer-speak our way out of calling it like it is, hey?
If the other party in the contract is at liberty to not use the contract to compel an individual to do a thing when the circumstances in that time and place are unfavorable to them, and elects to compel them with that contract anyway, that is literally them forcing the other person to do the thing.
Came off of bedrest to shoot a pilot and delivered baby after wrapping at one AM. There wasnt any interest in moving production one month. And virtually no opportunities for female showrunners then. Take it or leave it.
It’s BECAUSE we as a society don’t talk about miscarriage with frequency and honesty that this happens. Oh. And also why we have abortion laws. If people truly understood miscarriages, abortion restrictions would be non-starters
The comments saying she could have said no! Geeez!
Logic is not in one’s brain when having a miscarriage, your bereft, frightened and confused as well a a literal bloody mess.
She felt forced because she was.
People have lost all sense of compassion.
Sad thing is they couldn't have physically forced her. It had to be through threats re her career or similar bullying. Wonder if these days a star may tell whoever to go f themselves.
I'm just not a fan of people who are more privileged than I am complaining about the jobs that they themselves chose to do like they're somehow victims.
I see. It's a twisted view that a woman going through one of the most traumatic experience there can be should shut up because of how privileged your perceive them to be. And I say that with respect.
Seems that no matter what situation a woman is in, men (because it's always men) make demands of them, usually with a form of 'or else' tacked onto them, it needs to stop...
Not to be a wet towel, but everyday women have things they HAVE to do while bleeding, miscarrying, post-birth, perimenopausal, menopausal, etc. Men have no idea what we are enduring. It sucks, but this doesn’t seem like news: it’s a day in the life of being a woman.
Bingo. We do not get to gear down for our gyno needs. This was the curse part of feminism. We had to pretend we were men with no pretense of having a messy week every month.
Despite that I am not going back to my mother's world.
What is this I see more on X? Get out of here. No more X. Women suffer in all walks of life and it is about to get worse. Kate I feel very sad for you. Wishing you the best.
I'm going to be honest, Hollywood sounds super shitty. Sometimes being a broke nobody isnt that bad...until your house needs a roof then a couple noodies is tempting AF
My MIL was miscarrying on the job and was not allowed to leave. My own mother never spoke about her own miscarriage. The stigma and abuse around this is beyond words
they had spent hundreds of thousands setting up everything and booking the venue and there was no other time and they paid her a fucking fortune to show up....
This is as stupid a comment as I’ve ever seen. The company she was working for would have sued for breach of contract as it would have been 100% in the US. As I once saw it’s best to keep your mouth shut and let people think you’re an idiot than open it and remove all doubt…. Cretin.
Yes they probably would have considering they had spent tons setting up the shoot instead she got heavily compensated to show up and I bet she even got a bonus negotiate by her agent to get her there.
😂 and? If they had any sense of compassion they would’ve just postponed the shoot for another day money isn’t the most important thing in world is it? They would’ve been told the situation.
No it’s not impossible and you’re just surmising the size of the shoot they should have rescheduled the shoot they would have looked a lot better in the long run instead of pushing pressure on a woman who had just had a medical emergency.
I was having a miscarriage and almost was fired for not coming in but I would have had blood everywhere, it was a traumatic experience.
The really bad thing is that my boss was a woman
I agree, but even worse things are now in the cards for any woman of childbearing age or who will be so before a legal 'market correction' takes place! At least she survived!
Climbing to the top of already cruel industries, requires certain not-so-empathetic traits.
My wife was simply doing her job and the Oscar Winning Diva demanded things outside of the contract she had.She "dared to deny" her wishes&ended up blacklisted.
Power is hell of a drug.
How can you say that’s not true? There are some women that are horrible to work for in the world. I’m very pleased you have not been in that position in life. People are people and some people suck at compassion in a work situation.
When people (especially men) balk at women being terrified that men will treat them even more like property in the coming years think of how women are already treated and realize it is going to get worse
Another terrible and tragic story - and sadly one of many. We have women going back to work 2 weeks after giving birth. We don't have maternity leaves and benefits like other developed countries
Not exactly going to have issues feeding her family was she?
She wasn't forced.
Logic is not in one’s brain when having a miscarriage, your bereft, frightened and confused as well a a literal bloody mess.
She felt forced because she was.
People have lost all sense of compassion.
The article says she was told if she didn't so it she would be sued ( for breach of contract.)
Despite that I am not going back to my mother's world.
But we all have a choice in this life
they had spent hundreds of thousands setting up everything and booking the venue and there was no other time and they paid her a fucking fortune to show up....
Oh right the second one.. yes so heartbreaking...
They have shut down Times Square for photo shoots, rescheduling shit like that is impossible.
The really bad thing is that my boss was a woman
I came right back to work as soon as I could
My wife was simply doing her job and the Oscar Winning Diva demanded things outside of the contract she had.She "dared to deny" her wishes&ended up blacklisted.
Power is hell of a drug.