Seeking to make a positive change and bring together who are willing to do so. Started my own YouTube Channel called The Maverick Mind. Please subscribe, comment, share and more. I am learning quickly how to make better content but your support now matters
I hope George Takei knows how many people he has become a surrogate family member for. Have a bigoted/estranged grandpa? Just replace pictures of him with George Takei. He's your grandpa now.
Uncle George, PLEASE don't give NYT support. They called Elon's salutes "gestures" instead of Nazi Salutes. We need to say NO to MSM telling us to go about as usual. There is nothing USUAL about a man throwing 2 Nazi salutes during an inauguration. You KNOW the dark path this leads down...
My family has fought in every war since Brandywine. We helped build The USA.
Now I'm looking into becoming a German Citizen. At least over there, they identify Nazi's and fascists and put them in jail. Here, we make them President.
My heart bleeds for what once was and what might never be again.
George must be in a simulation ... Looks like he is reviewing an archived media file from the past. They used to use papyrus and carbon-based liquid dyes to "print" news articles. ... Holodecks are sooo cool!
ATTENTION DEMOCRATS, INDEPENDENTS, & THOSE WHO CARE: Talking pundits on MSNBC & CNN explaining the disasters of the Trump administration are not going to do it. We need a nationwide TV ad blitz with respected leaders sounding the alarm on this destruction of our democracy. NOW, before the Midterms.
Have we already lost democracy? If you're Trump, you're immune from criminality. If you're acting on his behalf, you will be pardoned. That includes the richest man in the world, a bunch of rich guys, & thugs. That puts a big hole in, "No one is above the law." What could possibly go wrong?
Yes we do Sir! This isn’t over yet😁. While we fight we find our joy because they expect us to be distraught - they are counting on it. We are distraught, we are joyous and looking forward to the fight!
Why read and support the NY Times? They helped to sell us out by treating tRump's craziness with gentle kid gloves while putting a microscope on Biden, his son, and Kamala. They're part of the problem!
Thank you for being such a light in these dark times, Mr. Takei. Your wits have always been airtight and your head screwed on straight. You have all my appreciation. Let's fight!!!
(I'm not asking YOU to fight ME, haha. You know what I mean.)
Of all the people that could have chose to hate this country, or march into its hallowed belly and deface it, it could be you. But you chose the path of Love and Peace and “Good Trouble”. You are the GOAT!
Good point; yes, Hitler did not fake a foot bone spur to avoid serving in WWI. But putting their 2 brains side by side, I’d say Trump is on his way to power madness. We’re only at day 1.
Yeah! These madmen cult leaders tend to suck in others at all levels. I believe the way to start to dismantle this to communicate to common everyday MAGA people to put doubt in their minds about Lord Orange. So far, he is doing absolutely nothing to bring jobs to these people or reduce inflation.
When it didn't, I knew it was truly a cult, and they were beyond sense.
Been a fan of yours since I can remember. Time has been kind to you. Thank you so very much for using your place in our shared culture to do good.
Live long and prosper!
I expected better, George
We're fighting alongside you.
Look at the faces of the TRUMP CLAN.
Seems to me more of an oligarchic club for billionaires.
Now I'm looking into becoming a German Citizen. At least over there, they identify Nazi's and fascists and put them in jail. Here, we make them President.
My heart bleeds for what once was and what might never be again.
BTW, have you been there all night with your sleeping bag George ?
(I'm not asking YOU to fight ME, haha. You know what I mean.)
It is to be feared that you will have to experience the emergence of new concentration camps.
Nevertheless, you are spreading hope! Thank you Mr. Takei! 🖖🙏
Hitler served in the military.
But the real threat isn't Conald. It's those positioned to follow him with more years in front of them and fewer deficiencies.
Couch f-cker. Miller. Sissy Spacex. It's a long, long list.
And a dumb, dumb electorate.
Say it with me. THEY DON'T CARE.
Jim Jones followers literally drank the Kool-Aid.
As long as maga feels that they 'belong' none of it matters, and they will lie to themselves to 'belong'.
It's the same as religion. People see the contradictions regularly. By the next day