Elon isn't doing Billionaires any favors in the PR wars. But they own much of the media and social media, so I guess they'll have the spin machines on overdrive.
I don't understand how this hasn't pushed Universal healthcare to the forefront of conversations and/or media attention. This is a serious issue that needs to be addressed. Your healthcare should never be attached to your job.
Single payer healthcare and scummy health insurance companies have been topics of discussion and political division for decades. Thousands of people die every year from lack of healthcare, you think one dude getting killed and taking up 48hrs of the news cycle will be the match stick?
Sadly people seem to have limited bandwidth and there's too much other crazy shit going on right now. But you're right, we should be talking about this issue.
The media is under the thumb of CEOs and billionaires who REALLY don't want the common folk to be wondering "is it ethical to murder CEOs and billionaires?". It's why, when Luigi does get mentioned, it's purely in the context of HIS actions.
The reporting on this is bizarre. It seems like the writer has an obsession with shackled ankles and scrubbed thousands of posts to validate their fetish.
Luigi is a hero that needs to be set free and we needs hundreds of thousands more of his type of warrior to fight for justice and equality.🟰
There's a reason why the French Revolution was so successful the French government shakes in fear anytime they protest. I am not saying it's right, but those in power are very much saying, "let them eat cake".
People on this app will scream about holding MAGA and Republicans and non-voters accountable for Trump all day long and then we ask people to hold one (1) CEO accountable for his company's actions leading to this and suddenly that's a bridge too far.
Liberals don't like getting their hands dirty, also most prominent liberals come from privileged backgrounds. Also, the Democratic Party has no qualms about taking Money from CEOs, and corporate lobbyists.
AND after yesterday's AMBUSH in the OVAL Office people ALL over the World are having a pondering thought....ALL them GUNS in 'Murica but only ONE Luigi.....
He’s a murderer ffs, if he looked ugly would there even be a question. If you’re ogling and fawning over this guy, you need a serious reality check. If he murdered, say his pregnant wife/gf would you feel the same?
The more interesting question is to ask how did murder become an acceptable answer to the blatant corruption and greed in what claims to be American health services?
Unless you address that, you're avoiding the big questions.
Thank you still.
I can relate to Mangione more than I care to, in that like him, I have a back injury that was worsened by doctor negligence.
Each time my friends & partner talk about EU's healthcare, I wish I could move. Socalised medicine needs to be widely adopted. A lot of EU policies do, tbh.
To my mind it is a basic measure of a civilised society.
Every civilised society has a basic duty of care for its population. That includes the provision of healthcare to everyone, free of charge at the point of delivery.
There is no discussion on this. It is fundamental.
Absofuckinglutely. UK resident. As someone with a chronic, life threatening medical condition since I was a baby, my treatment would have cost my parents thousands per month had I have been born in the US. Here, its free at point of delivery, no extra costs, no insanely high insurance premium.
I think all this misplaced hero worship for a possible stalker/murderer says a lot more about American society than it does about the accused. It verges on creepy, like we’re living in some alternative TV miniseries.
It's not that weird after years of inaction towards huge insurance companies killing their customers. Luigi did something. He took action weither you agree with what he did or not. He did what we all would do when we're fed up with companies killing us and our families.
Today were going to learn about the halo effect!
The halo effect is a cognitive bias that impacts the overall general impression of someone or something, based on a single prominent trait!
Can anyone think of a unique trait, or thing Luigi did that a lot of people really liked?
Luigi v Elon cage match to the death.
Jury nullification, like pardoning, allowed.
Terrifying prospect.
but I'm not sure we could handle Mangione Night
I'll pop the popcorn.
When money is the root of all evil (the wealthy), then you simply pull up the root and set it ablaze.
Luigi is a hero that needs to be set free and we needs hundreds of thousands more of his type of warrior to fight for justice and equality.🟰
I mean, he killed one of the top 1%.
But maybe that guy was not rich enough, just an ordinary double digit millionaire.
Unless you address that, you're avoiding the big questions.
I can relate to Mangione more than I care to, in that like him, I have a back injury that was worsened by doctor negligence.
Each time my friends & partner talk about EU's healthcare, I wish I could move. Socalised medicine needs to be widely adopted. A lot of EU policies do, tbh.
Every civilised society has a basic duty of care for its population. That includes the provision of healthcare to everyone, free of charge at the point of delivery.
There is no discussion on this. It is fundamental.
It's "My basic needs are routinely neglected in this country and for the first time in my life, I feel heard about an issue I care deeply about".
The Luigi thirst itself is simple Streisand effect.
i disagree with the uninteresting part.
to me, the interesting part is that tens of millions of people having their healthcare denied wasn't worth news coverage. we normalized it.
It's too late to shut it down but people should be aware of how inherently dangerous it really is.