HB3399 is a bill introduced in Texas to make all transgender healthcare illegal and force detransitioning, even in adults. Help us stop this. Spread the word and voice your opposition
If Americans want an explanation as to what tariffs will do to them, as well as us, check out our Prime Minister speaking this morning. Calmly setting out the facts and explaining them to Americans.
My son was friends with Gus Walz. He rode his bike to the Gov Mansion, buzzed the gate, and went in. He was most impressed by the kitchen slushy machine. I asked if he saw Tim “Not really he was working on his truck.” The Walz are normal people doing extraordinary things. We all can be. Organize
This is the feel good moment the world needs right now. To just pause for a second and say "Awe".
What a truly amazing man. I can just picture all of those third graders having their own private little party.
This is how life's lessons are learned. 👏👩🎓🧑🎓
Hey George, I’m angry that turnabout is not fair play with the SC (and now NC) wildfires. There was a lot of blame being placed on government in CA, when in fact the Santa Ana winds, unheard of in January, were brutal. Winds are causing extreme problems in the Carolinas but no blame game.
My ham radio friends across the world are in unison, not to hate our country’s citizens, but universally together on fighting against the big orange blob.
George, I miss that guy as well. A true representation of what we all need in the wake of an illogical, misguided,narcissistic egotistical man I never ever dreamed that could be elected!
https://[email protected]
https://[email protected]
(512) 463-088
P.O. Box 2910 Austin, TX 78768
Who’s next in 2028?
Gosh I so wish they ordered a recount and a forensic review...
What a truly amazing man. I can just picture all of those third graders having their own private little party.
This is how life's lessons are learned. 👏👩🎓🧑🎓