Trump is taking the stage for his big speech tonight, but things aren’t as rosy as they were a few weeks ago. His approval ratings are slipping, his tariffs just sent the stock market tumbling, and Democrats are on the attack. So, what can we expect to see tonight? The Big Picture breaks it down.
what are they doing?
who is leading the charge?
who is leading the democrats?
. or the first lady, MRS. Putin ??
If only.
Tapping in to Netflix or Tubi while Orange Jesus rants. Until they dial back in real messengers-? Smh
What We the People need right now is an ENEMA of all 3 branches of gov't.
Otherwise We the People are FUCKED ..and NOT in a good way.
By the way, how long until Trump’s You range skin becomes red like Red Skull…
And they’ll lick it all up.
Not watching!
Fascism takes root when the opposition is weak, naive & unable to recognize or challenge the rising threat.
Spark Up. You owe US!!
Spark Up. You owe US!!
(Good there are competing real-time narratives/commentary of speech)
2) Want recordings of Republicans clapping to unpopular policies, so we get videos that can be shown over and over
3) Want shots of people impacted by Trump's policies
After the speech, I'd like to see people keep pressure and focus on the lying and the lies.
Don’t forget the special elections in the 1st & 6th districts
• Gay Valimont -
• Josh Weil -
Spread the word, donate if possible and don’t forget to vote!
The best way to handle tonight’s speech is to NOT WATCH. Please share
#boycottTheSpeech &
Play with your kids, drink with friends, or read a book.
If we #IgnoreTrump, he will lose what’s left of his mind.
Let’s have town halls in every Republican district.
Put together a mailing list and invite the press as well.
Ba Dum Tis 🥁
I could get into that.
He is incapable of being truthful, moral or kind. Why watch him spewing lies?
He is small. Keep him small. He will hate this.
How I value your profound comments. Yes,ceve in Europe, her in Germany, in Stuttgart, we are, I am concerned what happens in the United (?) States of America....
What a strange country this is! I've been in SF in 2023, no Enterprise there, but no Trump either! Stay safe, 👋🙏
??? wearing pink huh
Must be printed on a paddle somewhere and I missed it.
As far as I can tell, the only one who came even close to actual action was Al Green.
The thing you have to worry about, is if his regime decides to follow the Kim regime and mandate that all men can only have the same hair-style as the great leader.
I would love a secure poll I could give my top 10.