No-one is further from "Z" than Zelinsky. I presume you did not mean to mix him up with "Z" as a sign for russian invasion, but still: Ukraines presidents name is Selinsky/Zelinsky/Зеленський.
America has NEVER needed encouragement to be divided by bigotry.
Doesn't mean that that's what Russia is doing (it's call psyops, we do it as well), just that we're an easy target for that.
That saying has been around for a long time. What I didn’t have on my bingo card was that the fascism would also be slathered in orange bronzer, be a failed reality TV star, cheat at golf, have a Botox fetish and the attention span of a cocker spaniel. I did not see that coming!
Dugin thought this would make the EU weaker. It appears to be having the opposite effect, probably because Dugin thought the US was only protecting the EU and UK, not simultaneously feeding off (especially the UK) in a vampire like fashion.
Russia's done a great job at this, utilizing botnets on social media to suck Americans into the divisive political and social/identity culture wars which now exist. They've made them manifest, amplifying the very worst tendencies of Americans everywhere. And we bought it all, hook, line, sinker. =/
I think you're giving too much credit to Russia. US fascists seem to be perfectly capable of destroying the collapsing empire on their own. And Israeli meddling is far bigger.
US fascists/oligarchs have been trying since before the civil war. I think they got the winning blueprints from pro-Russia Paul Manafort and Russian emulator Viktor Orban. They were also helped by the internet and a poorly educated, unintelligent, distracted by shiny objects American public.
Same reason Brexit happened and all extremist parties in Europe are being secretly funded by Russia. They want a divided ‘West’. And Facebook enabled this via micro targeting.
It's working, and who knew all the Russians ever needed to defeat us was a corrupt business man, social media and 24 hour propaganda news, we no longer see each other as human anymore, just right vs left
Yep. You will never convince me he won without cheating. It’s who he is. He was facing severe consequences/jail if Harris had won. He was not about to let that happen.
Foda que com tudo que ele e a família dele passou nas mãos dos governo estadunidense durante a segunda guerra com os campos de concentração para cidadãos nipo-americanos, ele sabe muito bem do que esse governo é capaz. A lavagem cerebral provocada pelos eua é sempre pior do que a gente espera
eu não sabia sobre a história dele e da família, mas é isso. parece que o tempo todo são alimentados por informações muito deturpadas sobre quem são e o que fazem, até que nem a experiência vivida diz algo pro senso de realidade deles
Yes, foreign entities are attempting to sabotage our empire, and have been doing so for as long as it's existed. But, if we're being honest with ourselves, the major driving force behind our collapse has always been our own greed.
Doesn't mean that that's what Russia is doing (it's call psyops, we do it as well), just that we're an easy target for that.
Anti-woke ideas. Apparently anti-DEI.
our systems did not hold because education was taken over by bible salesman.
violence is the only thing that ever keeps us safe from the religious zealots. 🤠
Embarrassing error.
Add a couple more Russias to Russia, Russia, Russia.
Fuck ruzzia and the jackass trump they road in on 🤣
Latin for “Dare to know!” or “Have the courage to use your own reason!”
Way too many people are falling victim to Russian talking points.
The time to start using our own minds, is now!!
(This message has been brought to you by the Enlightenment over 250 years ago.)
but you GOTTA deal with your own bullshit.
Trump is the embodiment of the USA. you're all really like that.
Only if we had been warned..
It's the only way out of this mess.
Oh no, wait.
We're doing this to ourselves.
Putin sucks. He is not our biggest problem.
American shareholders are. They are responsible for every problem we have.
The Cold War has been over for years. Stop getting distracted by boogeymen.