When I saw the American oligarch "news media" pushing articles claiming that her being elected was a win for the cartels, it was like an endorsement. If american billionaires are lying about her, she must be a genuinely good leader
Congrats, Pres Sheinbaum,for the highest approval rate. Trump is helping to bring other countries together against the US. People are disgusted at how the US has changed.
Canada's new PM has a very high approval rating also. Our neighbors see what's going on here and are appreciating their Democries more than ever. I'm so happy for them but so sad for us. 😢
Australia could stand to take a page from their book before it's too late. Dutton (the leading candidate for Prime Minister) is frighteningly pro-Trump and supportive of a lot of Trump-like policies.
Almost like being a leader who holds true to progressive ideals and policies makes you a popular leader…. Almost like prioritizing the average citizen and people over billionaires and wealth wins you support and favor…. HEAR THAT @thirdway.bsky.social, you stupid mother fu
I didn't expect much from her when she was elected, thought she'd be some sort of puppet or AMLO (the lastest president) but hell no, she's been amazing so far and totally changed my mind. We Mexicans have got her back and she's got ours. That's what a President should be!
And another shot of Zōcalo in Mexico City where 100,000+ came out to celebrate their beloved President Steinbaum and voice loud opposition to Trump and his tariff stupidity.
Can't figure it out... unless... is Putin telling him to cause a harmful U.S. recession or terrible 1970's stagnation?
But a little weeding will be necessary .. a few « women » in politics or politic scene right now are not on the right team.. like the ICE Barbie, Majorie Greene,the turds daughter..
Also, we are 1 of only 3 species to have menopause. Why would nature sacrifice our childbearing years? Why do we outlive men? Cuz nature doesn’t want us to die in childbirth once we accumulate the knowledge. We are the innate leaders/teachers of our species. We’ve been artificially subdued by men.
Yes, 30% of females are born with a conservative brain (enlarged right amygdala), making them focused on authority/conformity/tradition/fear of change & others/hyper in-group/belief in a rigid social hierarchy with a shocking capacity for cruelty against designated out-groups.
BUT 70% of women aren’t human trash. And we are the drivers of social change & philanthropy. The majority of the organizing/groundwork/recruitment efforts for social movements are done by women. The vast majority of violent/environmental/white-collar crime is perpetrated my men.
Women are just as likely to be right wing. The IDU which is the association of alt-right government influences was started by a woman, Margaret Thatcher. They’re partly responsible for where the fascist are now.
Yes, it’s true, not all women are progressive heroes. But you are incorrect. 40% of males are born with a conservative brain (enlarged right amygdala) and 30% of females.
One of the worst coal Barron in the world is an Australian woman who is now in collusion with Danielle Smith, the salt-right premier of the Canadian province Alberta. They are greatly increasing coal production in Alberta, overturning long standing environmental protections through corruption.
Not all women are decent. BUT the majority of conservatives are men, vast majority of violent/white-collar/environmental crime is perpetrated by men. AND women are the majority of organizers/recruitment/groundwork of social movements. Most of the bad in the 🌎 is done by men, most of the good women
He has not held a job except in the government saying the other side is lying. He's been doing that for 20 years. He won't consent to a security clearance like every other leader happily did. Which means he can't receive intelligence. He is not qualified to be a leader ⚖️🇨🇦
At one time you would’ve thought this was a picture in the United States. Now, the only time you see a crowd like that is when somebody’s protesting Trump!
It’s a beautiful thing!
I’m jealous. I want a powerful female president who loves the people and her country. We could have had that if people we not so afraid of women in power. MAGA trying to say that a woman would be too emotional. Really, next to diaper Donny? Too emotional. Don’t make me laugh.
We had it in our hands and it (the election) was STOLEN from the American people and those who really care about our country and its democracy. Not the MAGAts! Now look where we are!
They had no problem electing a Jewish woman President. "We" couldn't bring ourselves to elect a black woman, no matter how well qualified. Instead, "we" picked a criminal-narcissist-sociopath, because I guess "we" liked his hair. What does that say about the American voter today?
That would not surprise me, but as far as I know, there is no proof of that. At least not illegally. Legally, they fixed a lot of districts, by reducing the voting locations and gerrymandering.
I thought I saw Zelinskyy had 88%, but yes, both leaders represent their country's fears and hopes much more than most. Our president thinks of nobody but himself.
The people have our Lady Liberty's back, just wait and see... These male Oligarchs, and the women who love them are about to see what we're made of. Someone here said I don't have courage because I have a doggie photo up instead of my real face. Don't underestimate those who LOVE nature!
Canada and Mexico should form an alliance to work collaboratively with each other to counter the US Tariffs. There is strength in numbers and scale. If they simultaneous target specific industries they could bring this Tariff war to a quick end. Fact!
So jealous of Mexico right now! Their president is smart, moral, cool, on the right side of history, and protecting her fellow Mexicans from predatory dictators. Also Manuel Alvarez Bravo is from there.
On TOP of:
1) Gerrymandering
2) Citizens United
3) McTurtle blocks
4) Voter roll purges
5) Voter Suppression
(w ex-voters dead by cancer w lost Medicaid)
I really wish it were Harris right now.
She impressed me greatly. During the campaign I wrote asking if there was a way I could help. Being short of funds and disabled.
I got a hand written letter saying to just help spread the word in neighborhood and social media.
It's unfortunate that she ran from the working class populism that caused so much excitement when she became the standard bearer, and instead listened to the Carville/Obama/Clinton consultants who thought she should campaign with Liz Cheney instead.
I still believe if she’d have stuck to a clear plan to boost unions, job protections and fair taxation of corporations and rich, she’d have won without even mentioning more progressive ideas.
But yes, moving to right leaning centrist ground was absolutely suicidal.
Centrism now is just 2000 era Republicanism due to the Overton window shift. We need to be a counter to their extremism, so go just as far left in the opposite direction. Medicare For All. 1950's era progressive tax structure. Free college and trade school. High speed and light rail.
There is mounting evidence. What can be done about it? Idk but realizing what happened is an important step instead of "Americans are dumb and deserve this". There's a mobster in the whitehouse.
Agree and I am watching videos by the Election Truth Alliance that are digging into this question. Follow them here on Bluesky - they are all about securing the midterms and making sure this doesn’t happen again.
It's a scary and tragic thing that those places exist. That was dismantled but sure there will be more. USA are losting people for over dosing, and Mexico with Cartels forced recruiting. Sheinbaum is fighting these but help is needed in USA treating addiction and preventing firearms stream to Mexico
Do NOT vacation in Mexico. Trump declared a war on the cartels, do not rule out kidnapping or retaliatory massacres. Apologies that our FOTUS sucks, but, for your own safety, supporting Mexican endeavours through donations to charities, commerce, and art foundations is more safe.
Although I'm not health y enough, or wealthy enough to travel, I always look for products that aren't American. I would rather do without than buy from the US.
Thanks so much. I'm a little limited on stores close to me. Very few here deliver. But I'm trying. I have a small income so taking taxis and finding out the food I needed is out of stock is very disappointing. I just learn to live without.
Major 3-day protests THIS week in DC. Can you help get the word out, pls? Friday March 14th National Mall #VeteransAgainstFascism (btwn 4th & 6th); March 15th outside #FOXNews in DC; March 16th @ The Heritage Foundation. WE NEED MAJOR PARTICIPATION! #DescendonDC All info: https://www.donaldlovesvladimir.com
I would point out that Mark Carney was just elected by the Liberal Party of Canada to be its new leader with 86% of the vote and a majority in each of 338 ridings. In our parliamentary system, he becomes Canada's new Prime Minister.
I would prefer We the People pull him out of the WH and banish him to Gitmo for the rest of his life. Why should one of the most horrible human beings on this planet die a peaceful death when he has inflicted so much pain on others?
What is all this garbage with polls and approval ratings. Grow up, George. You're a very intelligent man. You know very well that kind of crap is pointless.
I didn’t know the Mexican people had such a smart mind. Choosing her proves the people are not strung out on drugs, have common sense and decency, and look forward to a great future. Good for Mexico. 🇲🇽
Indeed, despite the myriad struggles Mexico has faced over the decades, the people of Mexico have great character. They are thoughtful, pragmatic, and forward-thinking. They have stronger LGBT rights, stronger animal welfare laws, stronger abortion rights, etc., than the US.
Gee, it looks like she gas bigger crowds than Trump every had.
That can't be allowed!! More tariffs on Mexico expected from the putrid piece of shit president. After all, trump has the maturity of a 5 year old toddler.
This is so insulting to the tens of thousands of dead people because of her and her party's policies. Devastated health system, organized crime controlling most of the territory... Did you read about the crematories?
They have built their popularity around giving (tax) money away, destroying all ministries and defunding the entire government. Healthcare is literally crumbling (elevators plummeting, buildings falling apart, no medicines, no medical supplies)
She has represented the descent into that. She is but a puppet from the guy that was there before. All of her political agenda was set before she even took office and she has done little to deviate from that. Her campaign was even building a "second floor" to the policies of her predecesor
She is from the same party that has been in power for 6 years, implementing the agenda set by her predecesor, the true power behind the throne. Their main agenda has been to capture the legislative and judicial branches (sounds familiar?) so they have absolute power by cozying up to the cartels
Both of them destroyed the health social safety net Seguro Popular and replaced it with a failed system that has no medicines and is letting the poor fall through the crack. Seguro Popular saved my 95 year old grams who lived 7 more years. Morena is a return to PRI corruption
Sheinbaum and Lopez Obrador gave control of commercial airports, the second largest airline, resorts, and factories to the armed forces. Just like China, Venezuela, and North Korea
Funny, I am in Mexico often, staying at resorts and flying in and out of their airports. If only the U.S. airports were as efficient as the Mexico airports. Moreover, I'm curious. Spent a week in PV and just got back from La Ventana (Cabo Area). Saw no soldiers at the resorts. Safety abounds.
There were barriers around the palace during the #8M march for International Women's day in Mexico and only a pre-selected group of women were allowed inside for the photo you posted.
Ok. What's your point though? (no snark meant). I know the cartels are a threat to her. And to any Mexican political leader who puts restrictions on their enterprise. I couldn't blame her for lowering her risk.
She is allowing cartels to select judges. She controls the executive and the legislative branches and is trampling the Mexican constitution to allow election of judges from local to Supreme Court which means the rich and cartels will buy them. She is authoritarian and in league with cartels
This barrier is not to prevent attacks by drug cartels. It was to prevent women activists, victims of the cartels and mothers of missing persons from protesting in front of it. She ignores them and mocks them.
She and her predecessor have been and are still dismantling institutions that have protected Mexico's fragile democracy, while remaining hugely popular. They're not amateurs when it comes to authoritarian turn.
I’m a firm believer in things happen for a reason,and as an optimist good will always triumph. That said I’m not willing to sit back and be complacent.
I honestly wish it were that simple. Germany and Italy are still very populist, and the UK has Reform (which is infighting itself to death, but still).
We don't just need a weak right. We need a strong left to emerge in its stead.
Yes, definitely 💯! They have empathy, compassion, character, integrity, decency, leadership, great listening skills, patience and a strategic thinker, etc.
Women have more substance than this convict 🍊💩f who only cares for himself, numero uno#1. 🤬
They've been cowards for years. It's not alternative facts....its lying. It's not misinformation, it's lying. It's not republican not speaking. It's cowardice.
Unsure. Fyi-Mundipharma, the global pharmaceutical company owned by the Sackler family, based in Cambridge, England.
Mundipharma International Limited is a British multinational research-based pharmaceutical company owned by members of the Sackler w/ locations in UK, Canada, Germany, & Singapore.
For real? This is what is happening in Mexico right now under the government of this "leader" who works with Drug Cartels. You should be living in Mexico (CDMX, Baja, Sinaloa, Jalisco, Michoacan, Guanajuato, etc) and testify the horror of Cartels working along with Mexican Army and Natiional Guard.
It's a fake. She controls the media, social networks and finances surveys with public money. The money for social assistance is basically to buy the will of people who, by the way, do not work.
Claudia has been a puppet of her mentor AMLO for more than 20 years, and both received millions of dollars from the Sinaloa Cartel to finance their different political campaigns to access power. You can read the extensive articles in The Economist, Financial Times, Politico, The Atlantic, DW, etc.
Reports coming out of Mexico indicate Sheinbaum has yet to refer to any of her crowds as “yuge” nor compared them to any of MLK, Jr.’s speeches. So, either the crowds aren’t that impressive, or she’s not a fucking moron.
beating a dead primate here i know, but that's an insult to baboons. baboons have leagues more care and grace than Cheeto Hitler, and aren't genocidal maniacs to boot.
That’s a fair point. It’s really difficult to find a creature from the rest of the animal kingdom who is as vile as Trump. It’s unfair to baboons, although I did a baboon throw a pile of shit at me during a zoo visit once. That’s sort of analogous to what Trump is doing to us.
Claudia Sheinbaum AMAZES me. Every single thing I hear about her is extraordinary and it’s making Mexico more of an emergency exit option for me every day.
America could have had someone as equality qualified, but instead they chose the Putin loving chaos agent, felon, adjudicated rapist, con man, serial adulterer, racist, liar....The only reason he ran was to stay out of jail. Now he's sold the presidency to Musk, Billionaire Apartheid Loving DOGEbag.
She's🇲🇽 a genius, We The People could've had an intelligent president (VP Harris awesome), and unfortunately, dumbing down America is what Oligarchs paid for !
Philippines has had 2 women Presidents Corazon Aquino and Gloria Macapagal. Macapagal became President and got re-elected, serving a total of 10 yrs. Current VP is Sara Duterte. We’ve also had a female general lead the Philippine Army. We rock!!
We could have had this twice - but the assignment went undone and you all, you know who you are, got a big fat F - A women will eventually be our first president I just hope I’m alive to vote for her again. 3 times they say is the charm 🤷🏽♀️ I will be ready JS 👵🏼✊🏽
If only there wasn't a strong streak of misogynist, white male dominance in the US. But it goes to show you America would rather put a black man in power than a women, white or otherwise.
Womyn in leadership.
Both can simultaneously coexist.
#viva #sheinbaum #resist #feministsky
~ so, for you / us ~
~ you know everything! ~
If only...
SCOTUS eliminates abortion access, while Mexico grants women the right to an abortion.
Can't figure it out... unless... is Putin telling him to cause a harmful U.S. recession or terrible 1970's stagnation?
Alliances are often forged in fire.
Mexico's president Claudia Scheinbaum has 85%
Trump is barely over 50%
Dems: learn, imitate, shout louder.
It’s a beautiful thing!
with the least Mexican sounding
I'm glad she's popular with 85%.
If we can do that too, poor donny will
be surrounded by
strength and resilience on both
He'll be the shit in
a sandwich of the same name.
A National Day of Defiance: July 4, 2025
Coming Soon #DefianceDay2025 (D-Day-2025) Be there
Our president is political Fournier's gangrene.
(If u search it, don't click the "images" tab)
and I approve that comparison wholeheartedly.
On TOP of:
1) Gerrymandering
2) Citizens United
3) McTurtle blocks
4) Voter roll purges
5) Voter Suppression
(w ex-voters dead by cancer w lost Medicaid)
She impressed me greatly. During the campaign I wrote asking if there was a way I could help. Being short of funds and disabled.
I got a hand written letter saying to just help spread the word in neighborhood and social media.
Looks like Walz is going to run. Support him.
But yes, moving to right leaning centrist ground was absolutely suicidal.
Hell, even with proof, we can’t do anything since they control all 3 branches.
I would also expect them to use that as an excuse to evict the UN from NY.
As we see the situation:
Fly way around.
Assholes are screwing with the FAA
Just trying to be friendly.
Some of us might need asylum soon.
The world moves on.
This brings me such joy❤️.
The second Trump is the builder of Atlantic City : megalomaniac and ideologist ;
He was bankrupted after Atlantic City or, to be accurate, the Casinos were bankrupted and not him.
That can't be allowed!! More tariffs on Mexico expected from the putrid piece of shit president. After all, trump has the maturity of a 5 year old toddler.
Look at this aure
hope we can get some more well educated folks in our gov asap! grifters & frauds are cliche & unfortunately ubiquitous.
“Sheinbaum earned an undergraduate degree in physics at UNAM in 1989, a master's degree in 1994, and a Ph.D. in energy engineering in 1995.”
We don't just need a weak right. We need a strong left to emerge in its stead.
My hope is sputtering.
Actually, it's a turnout against Trump.
Claudia Sheinbaum is a strongWOMAN compared to spinless DICKtator licker felon 🍊💩!
We need more women in our government!
Men, you failed your job, now step aside & give us a chance!! ♀️💪🏋️♀️
Women have more substance than this convict 🍊💩f who only cares for himself, numero uno#1. 🤬
This would be another great conversation with 🍊💩 if Claudia decides to use that strategy. 🤓
Claudia Sheinbaum or any government position followers, can you chime in? 🤔
Mundipharma International Limited is a British multinational research-based pharmaceutical company owned by members of the Sackler w/ locations in UK, Canada, Germany, & Singapore.
She'd have brought more of the same.
That's ok so.
She'd just have continued raining down bombs like Biden.
And blocking every UN Resolution.
And ignoring the ICJ.
She would have been a Goddess among men.
That's how it's done. 👍🏆
Smooth, Claudia.
they need a visa to go into Mexico now.
They are feckless representatives (never forget, they work FOR US!).
Sorry, I just had to say “hi” 😂
And some, I assume, are good people.