It will take everything we have to get him out of power and years to rebuild trust and the rule of law afterwards. This is what we mean when we say elections have consequences.
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We're not getting out from under the Trump dictatorship until people realize we are not voting our way out of this. It's becoming extremely frustrating hearing people point out that we're living under a dictatorship, while also saying we need to vote 'them' out. Those things are mutually exclusive.
He just cannot accept responsibility for anything that he does wrong. He lies about everything and denies so many things and then blames everyone else. Unreal!
I've always been concerned about one administration ruining treaties and agreements from past administrations. But it always seemed inconsequential until lately. Now it will be decades of consistency from the US for any foreign entity to trust we will keep our word when given.
Perhaps this will motivate Americans to put in place democratic protections with some real teeth. This has shown everyone that those currently in place are simply not ‘fit for purpose’.
I’ve heard variations of that way too many times! If you are alive in the world today and aren’t paying attention to politics it’s past time you take your head out of the sand and start paying attention to the politics going on in the world right now!
This is a call to action. No one is going to save us. We have to learn and support those in the fight for rule of law and NO KINGS!
Support & speak up
George. We need Democrats that want to FOCUS on needs of American Citizen Laborers (blue or white collar) - not what Billionaires and Millionaires want! DEMs are fixated on Funding Elections from Corporate & Small donors, like the GOP. This is CORRUPT! END Citizens United! MONEY OUT of Politics!
He says all this crap because he knows how at least half the people feel about him. This is what these people do they think their making others look bad. While what is really happening is he's making them think what a dumb ass.
Shakespeare Act 1, Scene 3: "This above all: to thine own self be true, And it must follow, as the night the day, Thou canst not then be false to any man."
Basically, I'm arguing the choice is almost more truth vs lies. If we continue to choose lies, America may never recover.
The vase has been smashed in on the other side and never repaired, spilling out all the precious things we pour into the top of it into pockets full of blood, since long before either of us was alive.
That it has been finally swept to the floor in disgust by an impatient man is another matter.
Adjectives are nice. I personally prefer nouns. Psychopath. Loser. Bully. POS. A$$hole. I could go on but I think everyone should have a little fun replacing his name with your favorite noun for him.
AK’s comment proves that the Democratic Party is done and irrelevant now. The 1776 American system is history. One needs to start fresh with powerful collaborations that include and
At this point the true problem appears to be the ones that follow and agree with him and not necessarily trump himself. sHitler died 80 years ago and yet some "people" still follow its beliefs.
You're right George, and I am sorry, neither of us are likely to live to see a day when the USA is respected and held as a friend of nations again. They lost us Canadians as friends, and you have no idea how hard it is to make us this angry.
I have no idea how you can achieve getting him out, from what we see across the pond it's that virtually nobody in the Republican Party has the guts to take him on. Then there's Vance who needs to go too. Please tell me it's all possible, because this nightmare has to end.
If Trump stays ‘healthy’ and alive he’ll demand a third term and the courts and constitution will be powerless to stop him. If he suffers from ill health later in this term he’ll engineer Jnr to replace him, no elections necessary, he told us that.
I know for sure that with Canada, we will never have the same rs with the US again, which is a good thing. We are making deals with other countries for our export. However, I feel bad for all Americans that are suffering the consequences. Trump is turning the clock back to the 1950’s.
Yeah, it definitely seems like the relationship between Canada and the US is shifting. It’s good that Canada is expanding its trade partnerships, but it’s tough seeing how many Americans are being impacted by the current situation. It does feel like a step backward in some ways.
It will not take years to rebuild relations. Get competent people back in charge of your country who have demonstrably shown respect to the rule of law, kindness and respect, and we'll gladly enjoy your nation's company again.
I think the world is clever enough to distinguish D Trump and the United States of America.
He may not be himself, so he'll cross a red line sometime close.
While being able to declare what the press gets to report.
I meet too many people who say, "I didn't see that on the news."
I tell them to do their research and dig deeper because the actual truth is out there.
I think it is important to adjust your system, so this can never be done to your country again. The trust, the reestablishing of relationships will inevitably follow. Safeguard your system first.
Does his cult see it yet though?? All of us already know this! His some of his base needs to leave him and we also need to get those who don’t vote to see the importance of taking this country back
I fear it’s irrevocable. After everything, the nazi salutes (plural), the complete and total lack of compassion, almost half the population still follows the guy. Plus, look at what he destroyed in two months. 1/n
Even of he finally leaves the office (I still believe he wants to destroy the democracy in the US to become a dictator), even if the next guy can fix everything, what tells the rest of the world the same catastrophe will not happen again in 4 years, or more ? 2/n
Day by day, it seems less likely that the people of the US will actually get into action or that anything will change before it cannot be changed anymore....
Samuel Alito’s corruption continues to increase, threatening the Supreme Court’s credibility. We must impeach him to protect the rule of law and restore trust in our judicial system.
I just hope Americans are preparing for how bad it will get. Don't forget the goal of project 2025 is to create a two class society. Trump is just a distraction, Elon is doing the major work to dismantle the government.
I think about the restoration process everyday. It’s so easy to burn something down, especially when you don’t value it. When you don’t understand history. But building it back up, in a world shy of resources and time…
Yes they definitely do and we musn't give in or up and fight to turn things around and take Trump down and his minions with him. Americans deserve better than having country trashed by a pretender.
This, unfortunately, has been coming for a long time. It has unearthed a lot of problems in this country that need fixed, including the Democratic Party. It’s forcing us out of our comfort zones to confront some uncomfortable truths. We can’t hide anymore. It’s time to fix the roots.
Yet, she certified him back into Office where he organized fraud elector ballots in several states, gathered and armed rebellion against the Constitution and used that rebellion to levy war on Congress...
She can't even explain that.
Because OATHS do not matter anymore.
Couldn't agree more with you! I am terrified of what comes next and I know from reading your book, it must trigger terrible memories of how you and your family were treated!
New normal for the rest of the world is don't trust the US, don't buy US and don't visit the US. And not just because of Trump, but because so many crazies voted for him - twice! This won't be easy to reverse for years, maybe decades
They were noble but frail guardrails from the beginning. All rested upon the honor system. That people elected would not just uphold, but improve upon. We never assessed and overhauled and strengthened the Constitution per changing times. We never dealt with the gradual GOP damages since 1960.
It's been 260 years since we took up arms against each other, and all that did was entrench and institutionalize the divide. Only the organized battles stopped. The war has continued.
This time it's the same sides. Those who know history 1/2
hopefully understand that, THIS TIME we must behave differently. Maybe Lincoln should've let the CSA form its own country. Maybe we should split the real estate into MAGA Land and Democracy. I'd give MAGA less than 2 years.
Just a thought😎. 2/2
That also applies to every republican politician that has allowed this to continue as long as it has. They will do everything in their power to rig the mid-term elections in their favor because they know how people feel about them. (hopefully there will be mid-term elections)
I must respectfully disagree. As long as our current form of government exists - held together only by polite agreement after decades of Congress abdicating their power - no other country should trust us ever again.
Don't worry. Everything can be rebuilt. But you're not there yet! You're just entered the house of horrors and now you need to find the way out, hopefully faster than 4 long years which can do immense destruction to your country. We Poles know, we had that happen 9 years ago and let them rule for 8.
Trust will never be rebuilt, at least not external trust. Our partners on which we rely to buy out goods and services can't expect to continue doing business like this for the next 4 years. They will look elsewhere for stability.
The fact he uses those words which accurately describe himself shows how much he is projecting, he's a danger to the US and to world peace, it's the responsibility of the citizens of the USA to get him out of power, you have the constitutional rights to do so...
It is vitally important to pay attention to your local elections, and make sure that only people with your ultimate best interest in mind get elected. We have to start small, in order to grow big. And that means replacing these Republicans in offices of power.
In my deep red state the voting districts have been so thoroughly gerrymandered it's almost statistically impossible to elect anyone not GOP. Being a member of the ACLU and Public Citizen is all that keeps me from feeling completely powerless.
Meetings can be held but the elections that can remove the GOP are a lost cause. It's even illegal in Texas for citizens to sponsor constitutional amendments. Must be Legislature sponsored and accepted with a 2/3 Leg majority before the public can vote. GOP made all the rules over the last 30 years.
It's impossible and overwhelming for people to keep up with all that's going on in red states, but I wish they could. Because the R shenanigans at state levels are the canaries in the national coal mine, and those canaries ain't coming out alive.
I have friends who live in red states, so knowing this kind of shit the Republicans pulls is helpful to me in understanding what shit they're dealing with. It's also making me aware of the tactics that can be used in my home state.
Who spies on communications between heads of states in your country and around the world? The NSA. Musk and his boys went to the NSA a few days ago, you know why.
And now we learned that Putin will summon his slave, Trump, on the phone to fuck him via phone sex. And who will NOT listen? The NSA!!
Don't forget members of the SPINELESS Russian Republican GOP Communist Party who could CARE LESS about the Working Middle Class and the Disadvantage Population..only cater to the Wealthy and Oligarchy Community
If he is innocent and people have set him up. I think everyone needs to hear this it’s been going on way to long.
Drop everything and have a court broadcast on TV for 2 weeks let the people hear what evidance is against him why the case was brought Have a jury of 12 people let them make a decision.
I really don't see how trust can ever be rebuilt unless the whole system of checks and balances is completely overhauled. Why would any country trust the US with any agreement when it could be ripped up and ignored by the next administration?
IF you are in fact able to remove him and all of his sycophantic scumbags you MAY eventually be able to rebuild your country, but I can absolutely assure you that Canadians will never trust the US again. NEVER.
The US will never be trusted again. Every one of your checks and balances failed, your entire government system failed, your money is everything system failed, your media failed. You screwed the pooch with all of your real allies. And you are still letting it happen. You're fucked.
It will be a good day when the majority understand that this deranged man is talking about himself & then remove him from office - he is certifiably insane. The line "anyone can be President" needs to shift, conditions should apply based on this current experience, especially convicted criminals.
I don't think we'll ever go back to the country we had before this administration. He will be forever known as the President who destroyed America in under 60 days.
I feel the last election was not normal in many ways.
The 2020 election was one of the most secure because of paper ballots due to the pandemic. But, trump still undermined the results for over 4 years and then his surprise comeback with musk in tow in 2024.
George, I mean this in the best way possible, but you might pass from old age before the US gets anywhere close to the levels of trust we had internationally before Trump took office the first time, because of how bad he's burning the world in this second term.
Take comfort in knowing that the next democrat president will rescind all of Trumps executive orders with the stroke of a pen. Fixing the long term damage however may take years, possibly a generation
Night after night, political commentators, including Michel de Vos, Pelosi’s son-in-law—say Americans don’t care that Putin, a war criminal, is terrorizing Europe. Trump has destroyed U.S. morale. Europe made mistakes, but the U.S. betrayed us. Trust? Never. Putin won’t stop!
Trump sucks, but he doesn’t operate in a vacuum. Heritage Foundation, Federalist Society (LAWYERS, FFS!), seven Mountains, 2nd Constitutional Convention, etc. They’ll persist, we must resist.
Canada has moved on. Mark Carney has made his first official visit to France. Laying the groundwork for a closer tye to the EU. There is no longer any belief we can have a productive relationship with the US.
The senator is too kind and I usually am but I have no tolerance for Nazis or traitors who have betrayed us. I'll spare you the colorful language just aching to be said.
Sadly, I don't believe you will ever get your Country back; there will be no afterwards. Just as Russians are stuck with Putin, the USA is now stuck with Trump.
As an interested outsider, I think it is nearly too late. Republicans in Congress and the Senate and the Supreme Court are all backing him. If the military don't step in soon, your democracy will fall.
I do not believe that our military can be trusted to do the right things at this time. Vets and active service voted big for Trump. We have been betrayed at every turn by every possible faction. It is dire.
Years to rebuild rule of law. Decades to rebuild trust, because what international ally or partner will trust the US under even a good government will keep its promises after the next election cycle?
The leader of Hungary, Viktor Orban, known as the VIKTATOR, said that his opponents are bugs. Winter is over so those bugs are coming out again. And over 100K protested in Budapest, and the propaganda news showed maybe 100 of them and said nobody showed up.
Your heart may be in the right place, but your ideas and political currency aren't, if you are looking forward to a return to enjoying the spoils of imperial plunder once all of this is over.
We must rebuild ourselves, not our sentimentality about our nationhood. We did this. This is now history.
So true it’s scare and how could people think he would take care of them if you don’t live in his area code or have billions or don’t share your wealth or company’s he trying to crush these people shame on you and shame on his followers
Creature of the Night…
Demon Incarnate…
Satan from the depths of Hell… 666
The thing that shall destroy every American value.
What more do you require people to depose this thing?
Well politics will definitely do you then.
People need to understand this isn't going to happen over night either. We are in it for the long haul.
Support & speak up
Basically, I'm arguing the choice is almost more truth vs lies. If we continue to choose lies, America may never recover.
The US government has broken the vase.
That it has been finally swept to the floor in disgust by an impatient man is another matter.
Do we adhere to the law when he doesn't? If we wait for the law to remove him, it may be too late to salvage anything.
Uncle Sam has cancer. We can't wait much longer to act.
It is time to escalate peacefully it numbers that cannot be ignored.
Of course, they complain the loudest but won't change
To wait a year or nie could be too long to remove him off the office!
He may not be himself, so he'll cross a red line sometime close.
I meet too many people who say, "I didn't see that on the news."
I tell them to do their research and dig deeper because the actual truth is out there.
Yes, democracy does not always bring the best
Get rid of the demented orange asshole.
Start with effective motivated leadership !
Win in 26 and trumps a gelding !!
390 million weapons shouldn't be there for nothing. #AR15impeachmentNOW #MakeShootingFascistsGreatAgain
She can't even explain that.
Because OATHS do not matter anymore.
This time it's the same sides. Those who know history 1/2
Just a thought😎. 2/2
Trump is a symptom.
Getting rid of him may just be the easiest part of the problem.
Now I understand that, like with many things, we Americans have been naive and lucky.
All of a sudden, you have a maniac friend of the billionaires as POTUS.
This is “those that have” ensuring they keep their boots on our throats!
Fair elections.
Everyone is so delusional
And now we learned that Putin will summon his slave, Trump, on the phone to fuck him via phone sex. And who will NOT listen? The NSA!!
This is really ungood
Drop everything and have a court broadcast on TV for 2 weeks let the people hear what evidance is against him why the case was brought Have a jury of 12 people let them make a decision. have not got till Summer, yo won't have any rights left by then!
Put on a Jacket and Stop this crap NOW........or Don't bother.
If it’s a military coup, so be it but, he has to go.
If only people had read even a portion of Project 2025 before voting.
Why is he still here ????!!!!
The 2020 election was one of the most secure because of paper ballots due to the pandemic. But, trump still undermined the results for over 4 years and then his surprise comeback with musk in tow in 2024.
Now musk lives in the WH with trump.
We will rebuilt better.
I am not afraid of rebuilding.
Let's regroup & take on serious things.
Elections in the near future.
We are loosing our minds for the wrong things.
No peace to collaborator
#ool #CofW #Resist #Trump #musk #Tesla #strongertogether #teslatakedown #RebuildBetter
Even if all the sadistic and corrupt expired tomorrow, it would still take decades of work for us to be something worth a damn again.
We could have been quite the contented, solid society. Instead, this experiment has failed. It's excruciating.
We must rebuild ourselves, not our sentimentality about our nationhood. We did this. This is now history.
Because we're now living in New Lower Slobovia. Google it.