Did she get a law degree when she went to work in the White House? If not, she should leave it to her betters which would be everyone except drumpf and cabinet, miller, bannon, musk, fox news, margie three toes, and bobobobert. They all collectively (and separately) have an average IQ of 26. lolz
A judge can verbally order you to scrub toilets and it becomes “law”. You either follow it, pay your fines, go to jail, or appeal it. These cult members only think laws are the ones they like or can be used as a cudgel against everything they hate or fear.
I hope John Adams is burning in Hell for getting the Alien and Sedition Act passed. He got that law through for the same reasons Trump is using it today: To suppress his haters. It had nothing to do with war then and certainly doesn't now. It's censorship and nothing more.
Well, if this were still the USA, then maybe a judge's order would be lawful. But we don't live in the USA anymore. We live in Trumpistan. Where the definition of lawful is whatever Trump says it is. Watching democracy die really sucks, doesn't it?
In a rational country, that should have been buried at least since BLOODY SUNDAY. But the MSM in America was always a willing partner in the brutalization of non-whites and the whitewashing of political crimes against the powerless.
Every time that she's up there, can we all agree that they should do a voice-over with the teachers squawk from Charlie Brown. Just dub right over that snide, little, condescending chirping😉
They’re counting on people not caring enough to fight this because they’re (allegedly) gang members. But if we don’t fight for the rule of law at every turn, our democracy is finished.
They may be terrible individuals. They may not "deserve" due process. in some poeple's minds, but they are STILL guaranteed due process by the same laws that give it to everyone else. No more, no less.
I'm trying to stay out of the whole slippery slope argument because it's kind of cliche, even though it's appropriate. I'm just sticking to this is the law. It's the same for you and me, same for them.
due process for every single person, no matter how vile, or how much you dislike them. Because once you carve an exception, the next exception becomes easier, until no one has due process.
yeah ummm two words: "Judicial Review"
Oh and another "Flag State Jurisdiction"
Oh here is a couple more: "Due Process"
But those words are probably too big for the illiterate Cheeto-In-Chief.
Seriously!!! Watch and listen to him at his PR events when he has to read from the prompter.
No contradiction - running on "law and order" in this country has never meant anything other than protecting innocent white folk from the scary Black and brown people (and occasionally dirty hippies.) "Order" was the key part, "law" was just a means to an end.
An administration ran by a Criminal will never be for “Law and Order”. It may take months before they go violent on American citizens for not complying with dictatorship orders!
Once I heard them call her the ‘Minister of Propaganda’ it stuck, now every press briefing feels less like news and more like a state-mandated infomercial
Intimidating or influencing a judge to obstruct the due administration of justice is a federal offense under 18 U.S.C. § 1503, which prohibits actions that impede or influence the judicial process.
It's not about law and order anymore, it's about good and evil. The United States is fascist authoritarian state as currently constituted and the question is, what are we willing to do to get it back?
Checks and Balances: powers that can limit or influence the actions of the other branches (executive, judicial, legislative) preventing any one branch from becoming too powerful.
Trump's border czar: "I don't care what the judges think"
I want to punch this blonde nazi Barbie in the face so bad. I’m not one for violence by any means, but she makes me so angry 😡 🤬 I want her fillers to burst open!
I see she has stopped wearing her cross necklace. Perhaps blasphemy and hypocrisy are a step too far?…….nah, I don’t believe she has any honor or dignity whatsoever.
GOP keeps trying to sell itself as the Party of "law & order", but continues to FAIL miserably. They're not the Party of "family values", "fiscal responsibility", "moral authority", "limited government", or "compassionate conservatism" either.
I watched several clips from that press briefing—wild accusations and pure chaos. Reminds me of the old Sean Spicer briefings. Some things never change.
It is really sad when elected leaders have not the slightest inkling of what the law states, what due process is, or what rights are (supposed to be) guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution ...
She took over $300k in illegal campaign contributions while running for Congress in 2022. She never returned the money. Trump is keeping her out of jail.
I pay more attention to and take seriously legal statements made by people with actual legal training and expertise rather than someone just making $hit up as they go along.
Where did she pass her Bar Exam?
The US is so F’ed. He’s just going to do what he wants until he bankrupts a country.
In a rational country, that should have been buried at least since BLOODY SUNDAY. But the MSM in America was always a willing partner in the brutalization of non-whites and the whitewashing of political crimes against the powerless.
Oh and another "Flag State Jurisdiction"
Oh here is a couple more: "Due Process"
But those words are probably too big for the illiterate Cheeto-In-Chief.
Seriously!!! Watch and listen to him at his PR events when he has to read from the prompter.
Or I Will Personally Escort You To The BRIG.
“Protect and Serve” is marketing.
“Control the Negroes” is reality.
And wake up on the right side. She’s dumb af just like the rest of them.
Canada? Ukraine?
It is time to escalate peacefully it numbers that cannot be ignored.
So, what ARE we gonna do?
Trump's border czar: "I don't care what the judges think"
We need Civics Class back!
Search results: “Reality hacking, or Emotional Algorithming, or Perception Grooming.”
I think I like Perception Grooming the best.
They ARE the Party of "make the rich richer".
Nothing pertains to maga if it doesn’t suit their fascism.
Kelly Ann Conway' s little sister ?