The United States of America cannot be closed. The mere metaphor of gating or fencing it is despicable and anathema to a free nation. We will not be walled in. You may not bind a free people.
Fine. We will deport Trump and his minions asap to El Salvador and if it is done fast enough, any court injunction can be ignore. Let’s start playing by their book.
I believe the people of the GOP WHO PUT HIM FORWARD for the president should be named in every criminal indictment as co conspirators period. Including congressmen and women. This must be the way to restore law and order.
Does Cosplay Kristi do any real work or just these modeling gig photo ops? If the DOGEy tech bros are looking to cut waste, they might need to make a run for the border. Just saying.
yall think she realize yet she and her anscestors were immigrants too wonder how all these twat sleep at night but sociopaths don't have empathy and the GOP is actually campaigning against empathy right now like this is surreal
Oh, look. It’s Kristi “Puppy Killer” Noem, also known as “I’ll threaten to deport you & scare your children via targeted ads to Spanish speakers” [on Pandora].
The hypocrisy from this administration is unending. It would be funny if it wasn't hurting and killing innocent Americans who didn't want these idiots in office in the first place. Kind of a live action training video for reasons to go vote if we ever have another actual election.
She reminds me of the old Colorforms game I had when I was a kid where you could dress up the girl with different outfits - raincoat & umbrella, prom dress, bathing suit. All she does in pose in different outfits in full pageant makeup and hair.
These idiots are so blissfully unaware. She runs a pro trump video during the morning news here in Atlanta where she tells immigrants to leave or she's going to come get them, put them in prison or they can leave voluntarily then they can come back and enjoy our freedoms?🤦
She was South Dakota’s governor. An awful one…shot her 14 month old puppy in the face. She was BANNED from all 9 native reservations. Never doing her job, just chasing trump around the country & spending taxpayers money.
We should be seeing an exodus of white Christian nationalists really soon then. Led by the Orange PeePiper and the DOUCHE bags. Hedgehog, lil marco, Blondi Bondi, Steven Millerhimmler Maybe Kristi Nowhere can sic her big dogs on them…
Because he was targeted in their eyes I would love a fake out….same situation but with a well known Democrat playing as the person being charged for paying off a porn Star with election money….
When is she leaving?
When is trump leaving?
When will sex kitten Bobo leave?
When will The Pipe Bomb Whisperer, Margie leave??
Andrew Tate was brought into this country by trump.
The christian child abusers?
Except those in the government like the Felon in Chief, the other rapists and pedophiles in the government, and the rapists he imports like Andrew Taint et al. Bigly disgusting just like you, cosplay Kristi.
This isn’t the point but would someone please brush her hair? The whole messy ponytail style- because I’ve been working outside on a windy day- is passé, and frankly I’m embarrassed for her.
She should deport herself and her fellow law breakers of this administration. Abduction, contempt of court, deprivation of due process, deliberate pointless cruelty... A lot worse than civil offense border crossing without permission.
Kristi Noem in her fascist uniform. This dog murderer thinks she's hot shit, when she's actually just shit. She's part of the crime syndicate that calls itself "government". A government is FOR THE PEOPLE, BY THE PEOPLE AND OF THE PEOPLE. What part of PEOPLE don't these thugs understand?
Welcome to what used to be the United States of America. Wonder what Muskrumptin will change the name to because United is not in their best interest. Maybe The America's of Trump. Nope, Trump's American States.
Except the Tate brothers and the Silk Road guy and all of the Jan 6ers who harmed the Police, and the guy in the Oval Office, and Elon Musk and ... Well you get the idea
All the time ?
Now, I feel shame.
Follow-up question, if you haven't broken the law, can you still leave America? Just askin' for a friend.
This skeet wins the internet today.
May this regime's demise be swift and certain.
- Good Housekeeping June ‘25
“When the police break the law, there is no law.”
Billy Jack
When is trump leaving?
When will sex kitten Bobo leave?
When will The Pipe Bomb Whisperer, Margie leave??
Andrew Tate was brought into this country by trump.
The christian child abusers?
It isn’t without side effects. Evidently it makes you dumb as shite, ugly as pond scum and cruel as hell.
This entire cabinent is truly beyond the pale...
& putin's stupid henchmen