As soon as magic becomes explainable it is no longer magic, it's technology. That works for some stories, and some worlds, but it is no longer magic.
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Today I came to the realization that magic systems are completely missing the point of magic, and that Minecraft's magic being vague is what makes it feel so magical.
That said, realistically speaking "magic" as we know it would be studied and refined into a science by any civilization worth their salt. Rules also make things feel grounded such as with Avatar The Last Airbender.
Magic is in how a star emerges from a cloud of dust, or symphonies leap from a single memory, or a child learns to talk.
Magic is unexplainable and unobtainable, by principal. While all of these examples are wonderful, they are all also explainable. If a baby never hears speech they will never learn to replicate it.
There are few things like that which exist in real life, if any at all.
When we barely understood how our world works, we wrote magic as unknowable. Our current understand of the world as shifted how we write magic. Both takes are good.
magic = power
There are very few things in the real world which are magic, and we-