There’s that one when he was recording Inferno and he and Katy Manning decided to make Nick Courtney break by wearing eye patches… I don’t think he mentioned it much
You know, it used to be Green Death, but I just watched Sea Devils and Delgado steals the show so well in that that I have to vote for it purely on his performance.
For me it’s Inferno, although Time Warrior, Terror of the Autons, Silurians & Invasion of the Dinosaurs come close. Also Carry ONS Cleo & Screaming worthy of mention
The first one I ever saw, of the Third Doctor's stories, was the early 90s repeat of the re-colourised The Dæmons. I loved it straight away and still do!
On the day between my mum's birthday and mine in 1983, we went for dinner at Lau's Chinese restaurant in Sefton Park, Liverpool. As we were leaving, Mr Pertwee, along with two men who I thought were his managers who I think had a Liverpool connection, were coming in. I was delighted.
Spearhead from Space. That whole season feels like no season before or after it and Spearhead in particular looks great and motors along, I've always loved it.
Tough call. My 'go-to' stories are Day of the Daleks, Spearhead from Space, Death to the Daleks, The Claws of Axos and The Time Warrior. An excellent era though.
If we stretch it to “stories *about* Jon Pertwee”, I once saw him do his one-man-show cabaret routine at a convention. A baby kept crying, loudly. He soldiered on, but after several minutes turned to the (mortified) parent and exclaimed:
“Madam, could you kindly get that child some gripe-water?”
The Radio Times interview where he talked about family holidays in Ibiza where Sean and Dariel "run around like a lot of wild little nudists, babbling in three languages."
Hard to pick, but I have to go with Inferno. It's one of those stories I can put on for a rewatch and not get bored, no matter how many times I've seen it.
One of the unPertwee-est of all the Pertwees, I know, but the Drashigs and the time loop stuff made a major impression on me when I was 4 years old.
We get to see what happens when the doctor fails.
All I can find is the various fire extinguishers
This story Just Works! Amazing.
“Madam, could you kindly get that child some gripe-water?”
(Is that what you meant? 😏)