We had hoped that the term "social murder", first used by Engels in 1845, would be just history by now. But no, the state has developed an appetite for it. The entire apparatus shows no signs of change or remorse.
It’s such a tragedy. Our government services have become so defensive, so focused on the potential rort that they become impregnable. And by definition, service no one
This is happening because politicians and bureaucrats have captured each other. Politics corrupts bureaucracy initially, seeking to have ideological allies in place, bureaucracy via incumbency eventually gains enough power to sometimes control politics and policy.
In Australia's long history of rorts and abuse of people at the lower end of the social ladder, Robodebt ranks... Somewhere in the top ten abuses.
Hey, did you ever sometimes wonder if Federation was a mistake?
No? Okay.
So. Many. Organisational. Psychopaths. 😵
Hey, did you ever sometimes wonder if Federation was a mistake?
No? Okay.