Perhaps if enough people reported the impersonation/image theft it would be removed? I can’t locate that account based on just the tagline “We love animals”, is it still active?
That account followed mine. It gave me pause as I'm a little extra cautious when there's things like PayPal links in the profile, and not a legit business page. Have now banned it. Thanks for the heads up here, and have a fab day!
They use it to get into people's purses. They're sitting in a basement or a grindhouse, creating content to find vulnerable and charitable souls. They have no cats. They have no rescues. They have greed or need for money, and the thought is, if you give it away, you didn't need it anyway.
No! there will always be people who feel they are entitled. Most people here do behave it’s why we’re here but in any group there’s going to be someone pushing. You are going through so much with Missy, try to focus on her improved state, breath that relief in. Her health’s your priority, be happy!
It’s wrong so sorry no permissions sought no respect shown taking something that’s not yours to have. Very upsetting. We know now so you can take whatever action you please, breathe, thick skin then banishment! See if reporting it helps? Sorry it’s caused you distress & stress, we love Missy! 💗
They need your permission to do this, poor show & why we’ve migrated away from poor dead Twitter, lack of standards It’s immoral, it brings to doubt calling themselves Cat Rescue. Good to point them out and yes then block them. Get rid of those you can’t trust from your lives! #Honesty #Decency
I found where to report the copyright violation. You go to the person's profile and click on the three dots and it's the last item on the pop-up. See attached
It's disappointing because that could be a real shelter helping real cats a little clueless about proper image-use etiquette, but now there's no way to tell if any of their posts are genuine.
We were originally leery about sharing Missy on social media and after her cancer diagnosis we almost took down her accounts. We decided to continue so we could educate others about the chemo process & to hopefully get other kitties adopted. This part was really unexpected &honestly, disheartening.
We are so glad you share Missy’s journey. She’s lovely and we’re always pulling for her.
We appreciate that you shared the content thieves so we can block them.
I’m sure overprotective of her and this feels exploitative. They won’t be able to see future posts of hers in a bit. I want them to see my reply first.
I've seen this happen to many of the popular cat accounts. Content scrapers stealing pics and posts for their own engagement. They seldom, if ever, give credit. I recommend preemptively blocking them all. I'm sorry that your sweet girl is being used by someone like this. 🩷 It's definitely ick!
As expected, there will always be, on even the best platforms, bots/people who insert some level of anti-social behavior into "social media". A repost is acceptable per community standards but un-credited use is not. If they don't respond to a remove request then reporting and blocking comes next.
I hate that. I'm really trying to stay away from content scrapers/stealers over here on bsky. I think there's a couple more I'm following that I need to block. Didn't know that's what they were at first.
Be petty. Co-opting photos and details is what imposters do. Every sketchy profile comes with stolen media. It's the way they operate. Turn those liars in every time.
feels reportable. sharing a post is one thing. copying your post with permission and credit is a thing. It appears they did neither. So, absolutely ick. Report their butts and remember more of us care than those out there that would abuse the privilege.
At a minimum, if they are going to use the picture without reposting or quote posting, they should acknowledge the original source. IMO they should also ask for permission to post. Grrrrr 🤬
People are not supposed to act this way (blatatently stealing w/o prior approval. There is a moderation list for such folks (image thieves). The offending account probably belongs on it.
I don't think it is in any way personal. The content scrapers just trawl for cute photos and repost uncredited to boost likes and follows.
I found and used a couple of block lists of content scrapers but I don't know how to find again.
Oh that makes me really upset! I don’t like that this is happening to you at all. It’s very invasive 😖 I remember this happened to Fishtopher too I think 😔
I knew that was Missy right away!! Immediately I wondered who was using her picture. I’m sorry this happened. You and your beautiful family of cats are a bright beautiful light 💕💕💕
I don’t like it. I like high profile people stealing my words and using them as their own without my permission even less. In fact, it really pisses me off.
Agree. It’s similar to how an artist feels when someone does the same thing to their art, including bots 🤖 i’m sorry that your content has been stolen. 😔
I wonder if it’s bots because not everyone can have a pet but anyone can “quote post” which gives credit to the original poster. This seems very weird.
Crap like this is exactly why I will not post any pics of my cat or any family or photos of myself here. At least on Twitter I could have a private account to prevent this theft.
(I don’t like it. I blocked a whole lot of these accounts personally. I’m trying to connect with other pet owners, not fill strangers’ pockets off my cat - because yes, they use others’ pets for merchandise sometimes)
I think it's terrible that people steal and copy the posts of others. That's why I don't post pics and stuff. Typically, I only comment on posts of accounts I follow. Glad you kept Missy's journey alive.🙏😻
Sorry about your baby's posts getting stolen. Another content creator I follow had this problem for years. She made a logo and started watermarking every picture and video she posted.
Imitation is a form of flattery. But it’s also quite nauseating. It feels like someone is trying to have your life/pet because they are too stupid to create their own world.
We appreciate that you shared the content thieves so we can block them.
I suggest everyone do the same.
They steal others’ pics and take the credit 😡
I found and used a couple of block lists of content scrapers but I don't know how to find again.
Maybe more likely to get quicker results
I block them. But also why I rarely post pics
Maybe you can start watermarking your name in them?