This morning Missy followed me as I changed the litter boxes. This isn’t typical. She kept jumping in and trying to go. I think she was showing me she couldn’t. So we hopped in the car to the nearest ER vet open today. Beginning of a UTI. 2 week shot antibiotic and she’s heading home.
My three cats send their regards and hopes for a speedy recovery.
She is obviously very tuned into you - and I think dogs can be just as smart too when they need help.
Speedy recovery, Missy! 😽💙😽
I’m glad she knew to show you she was having a problem ♥️🐾
I’m so glad she’s got a Momma who’s paying attention ♥️♥️♥️
Feel better soon, Missy.
Get better Missy
We send good vibes here at the kitty cat corners in the Endless Mountains Pennsylvania
feel better soon Missy 🙏🏽💕🐾
It's always great news to know Missy is doing fine. It gives many of us a sigh of relief!! 💙
Please get better soon beautiful, sweet , little MissyBBBobtail..
Love you ♥️♥️♥️
caught it early.🙏🏻
She’s so smart!!!
Keep her loved and happy.
I think your cat-mom spidey senses are finely tuned by now!