Pol Pot rides again into the agrarian past. What do we need modern science for when we can google for any youtube video telling us how to do anything?? Stop DOGE from killing our country!! Keep contacting your Senators, your representative, even if they are Republicans! Demand a fix!!
Ask why they're doing this: B/c they do believe in climate change. They're prepped for it. They know they're causing it & won't stop it, so they intend to survive it. But they don't intend for you to. This regime is laying out a blueprint for a world they intend to own fully and without challenge.
My very suburban maga in-laws decided to "prep" and bought several 5 gal buckets, I mean like 25!, filled with rice and beans. So I started asking all the necessary questions, like water? and cooking?, & MIL got so frustrated with me. Wicked fun. They are so not prepped. But hey! Their TV is HUGE!
Billionaires prep by building defensible compounds & massive hardened shelters; hire private militias as security; deepen & widen the physical, economic, & opportunistic moats between themselves and the non-oligarchs; launder & hoard money & resources to ensure the rest of us fight over the scraps.
Yes, great point. It's a combination of lacking the perspective to see that they are voting against their own interests, or having a perspective that leads them to survive by being remoras riding the bellies of sharks.
We are in for some serious weather events in the next few days. We may not be warned next time. Money in the pockets of billionaires won't protect them, or the rest of us, from Mother Nature.
Oh for another rogue asteroid.
Any idea what happened here? What was the gist of the linked story?