None of my D&D characters have had any tabletop romance, but as a DM I had one of my NPCs hook up with the cleric in a wine cellar. No rolls involved though. 🤣
Back in the early 80s and while a member of the USAF (I only lasted 2 yrs, thanks for service not necessary) I had an Amazon warrior (fighter w/ small modifications) (and I'm cismale myself) who was raped by a Balrog. On a quirked dice roll the Balrog started moving alignment toward CN, ...
eventually toward CG. Still held his post in the dungeon our party encountered him in, because he was being paid. Sent my character child support gold every month. Quadruplets. Had a heck of a time working out with the DM what characteristics, including special abilities, they might have ...
Oh god haha, great minds think alike, right? What's the background for this ? Mine is just the fish version of the bird ''DAMN!!!!!!!!'' meme, as it's a running gag with one my patrons 😂
Thanks! I also finished a wizard hat the other day, and I'm currently working on a briefcase with a full three dimensional articulated dragon on it... Which is a ton of work with leather. 😂
This is M'tylda. They carry the extra supplies for B Company, 1st Toulmore Rhyfles in the jungles of Inischoll. Their quar is named Fr'yd.
They like eating bugs.
I made this Immortan/Furiosa badge for a costume ages ago and now it proudly adorns my labour of love corolla. It makes the rust patches part of the aesthetic
Also, not weird, but delicious. My daughter and I made these yeast dough coconut croissants today. I shared them with a neighbor and froze one for next time I see my older daughter
Thank you kindly! I will see if I can find all of the ingredients here (might have to order some by mail 😅) Will post my result after I've tested the recipe 📸
I used some whey protein powder instead of dried milk powder—just because we had it on hand. It worked for us.
The pork buns here - I shortcut with those too by buying a precooked carnitas which had no additional sauce - then shredded it and cooked in sauce ingredients. Saved time & great flavor.
I have a bunch of stuff I've made using theGIMP from various sources and using various filters; out of what I like enough to have posted anywhere, this is pretty much my favorite.
Behold! My first-ever attempt at a handmade ceramic mug in the community art class I took. It's D&D-inspired, in that I tried to make it look like it was fashioned out of a mossy tree, lol
My last DnD character slept with a undine. The players made me roll for the experience and I rolled a 2. My elf? Worst lover ever.
None of my D&D characters have had any tabletop romance, but as a DM I had one of my NPCs hook up with the cleric in a wine cellar. No rolls involved though. 🤣
¯\_( ? )_/¯
Anyway: Meatship (blender, substance painter and designer)
then i fell out of the habit
They like eating bugs.
For fun.
1/2 cup sugar
2 cups shredded coconut
6 tablespoons butter
TANG ZHONG & SHOKUPAN DOUGH are for bun base (see article).
Bake at 375 degrees F oven for 20 minutes.
This bun recipe I’m sharing is really good too!
The pork buns here - I shortcut with those too by buying a precooked carnitas which had no additional sauce - then shredded it and cooked in sauce ingredients. Saved time & great flavor.
Not sure if I’m going to try again.
You nailed your assignment!