⚡️Russia uses propaganda narratives to undermine peace talks, shift blame to Ukraine, ISW says.
The Kremlin has revived familiar narratives portraying Ukraine as the aggressor and acting under Western influence, according to the Institute for the Study of War (ISW).
The Kremlin has revived familiar narratives portraying Ukraine as the aggressor and acting under Western influence, according to the Institute for the Study of War (ISW).
We didn't ask nicely to the nazis to stop killing, we killed them instead.
We won't get our act together though. US is gone, but Europe is hopeless. We are wifr open.
Our only hope is funding Ukraine until Russia is at a standstill or collapses.
We also may have to deal with another hostile - to what extent we don't know - power too. And am not talking China... Begins with a U.
Nothing personal.
A loss and a tie so far so things getting better for us slowly I guess
Decadent and corrupt is what it is now.
Europe & other allies need to steadfastly defend the truth. A sovereign democratic nation must be free to deliver the will of the people & decide its own fate.
supporters. Management
isn’t orc supporting, BUT
are unable to control the
war criminal supporter
Forever writing about all
orc claims and points of
view. 5% might be some
information of value.
Tell your so-called leader is he is just an Insane Fuckin Idiot (IFI).
Tell him loud and Clear he is IFI
He is damaging your country beyond repair. Get rid of him anyway U can Now.
He must be removed from