Q: How do we beat Reform?
A: Create good non-graduate jobs for the people and places that are turning to Reform.
These are the people and places that can't earn enough to live a decent life.
That means ...
(article at end of 🧵)
A: Create good non-graduate jobs for the people and places that are turning to Reform.
These are the people and places that can't earn enough to live a decent life.
That means ...
(article at end of 🧵)
1) green & transport infrastructure builders
2) health, education, and care workers
Why, you ask? Well ...
These are the same people and places that are losing faith in democracy. That is unsurprising when ...
Two-earner family needs to earn £35,000 each to support two kids.
Average non-grad salary is £29k. It's not enough. You shouldn't have to go to uni to support a family.
Experienced home insulation installers can install around £40k
We need to create good non-graduate jobs so people and places can earn enough to live
*And* we need a lot of health, education, and care workers too
And that's how we beat Reform, ...
'Cos these are the voters that are going to Reform.
Substack link: https://jeevunsandher.substack.com/p/worried-about-the-latest-yougov-poll
Labour List Article: https://labourlist.org/2025/02/news-reform-labour-jobs-defeatjeevun-sandher/