You can, you just have to legally change your name. I did it and it was a pain, took a year and a lot of paperwork. Eventually I got to plead my case to a judge and she granted me a legal name change. I then had to send in the court order to the state vital records dept and get a new birth cert.
That seems so weird. I never heard of that before as a process for a legal name change. But thanks for educating me. I would think you just get a new document stating a legal name change, as I got in CA after both a marriage and divorce. There was no need to change a birth certificate.
The fact that it is so difficult is precisely why they are trying to pass the Save Act. They are counting on it keeping 80% of married women out of voting polls. Voter suppression at its finest. Two thoughts: stop getting married and definitely stop taking his name.
The issue was that I wasn't changing it due to marriage or divorce....I was just changing it to a name of my choosing. I had to have a background check, fingerprints, credit check, and several character statements. I guess to make sure I wasn't escaping the law or debt.
Somehow, my partner has a birth certificate stating that she was born in the U.S. when she was not. How that occurred, we don't know. She uses her old birth certificate instead of the incorrect one.
Was your partner born overseas when a parent was stationed overseas for military duty or something similar? That doesn't change the facts of birth location, but that's the closest logical thing I could come up with. I'm kinda fascinated by this.
No, she was born in India but the specifics of her biological parents are unknown. She was adopted by an Indian couple that had already moved to America if I'm remembering correctly.
Her first certificate is from India, the second from America, and the third from America but incorrectly so.
I have never heard of this. Changing your birth certificate to reflect your husbands name you took when you married. Grew up in FL, BC's stay the same,now in TN, they stay the same, you get a 'Marriage Licence' to show with Birth Cert to get SS name changed. Then show them all to get new State ID/DL
Your birth certificate is an historical document and cannot be changed from your name at birth to your married name. Changing your name on a birth certificate only be done with a court order.
Do bills have an expiration date or can they sit in committee indefinitely? When searching the latest action is from July 2024 with info of "Placed on Senate Legislative Calendar under General Orders. Calendar No. 439."
Could this same bill be voted on this yr or would it require a new bill?
Yeah they can come back, my state sometimes will revive bills to try and pass them again. Since Trump is president and we have majority Republicans in government, it's more likely to pass this time I fear
You can, you just have to legally change your name. I did it and it was a pain, took a year and a lot of paperwork. Eventually I got to plead my case to a judge and she granted me a legal name change. I then had to send in the court order to the state vital records dept and get a new birth cert.
Women, as a precaution, get your paperwork in order. Have copieS of your birth certificate and any marriage certificate on hand. And call your Senators today, tomorrow, and the next day...
They don’t want women voting or having leadership jobs. That’s only for white men. Women are on earth to breed, cook, clean & be subordinate to their man. Welcome to Trump Gilead and I’m not kidding. Nobody is stopping them. Courts are ruling but they ignore the rulings & continue their illegality.
Bible not a thing now? They swore an oath..on a Bible and broke it" -to solemnly promise as true, placing hand on a Bible, but then deliberately go against that is considered a serious violation of both religious and ethical principles. Bible teaches keeping your word and not making false oaths.
I just applied for passport at 62. Had army birth forms abroad, marriage and divorce papers, parents marriage and death certificates to prove their citizenship. Most people might not have all that. Pictures, fees total $180. Straight up voter suppression. Fight everything!
Women watch your bank accounts. Muskrat has your personal info. Handmaid's Tale first thing govt did was freeze women's accounts. These two yahoo are evil
Cost me over $200 to get my real ID license and passport renewed as they deemed my original birth certificate not legal for the license. Even though it was good enough for multiple drivers licenses in the past (multiple states), name change, marriage license, taxes, employment, and the passport.
According to the #CenterforAmericanProgress, red states would be disproportionately affected by this ridiculous act. This literally makes no sense at all.
I was told I was overreacting. Yet here it is....I have a passport. However, I would legally change my name back to my maiden name rather than jump through those hoops.
i purposefully did not change mine this time (second marriage last year) i'm back to my birth name, had it changed back after my divorce from my first marriage.
Amen. I kept my belated husband's last name until I remarried 10 years later. It didn't feel right to keep his name, take my current husband's name or go back to my maiden name. So I picked a name I liked and legally changed it. Total ass pain but I will never have another name in my life.
Wait. Why would anyone update their marriage certificate? That wasn't your name when you were born. Also, California doesn't require ID. It's not possible to vote if you don't know where someone lives or where their polling place is. Especially if they mail in their ballot.
Here's the text of the bill it doesn't say a married woman can show a marriage certificate (never heard of of changing birth certificate). Real ID is not accepted. This would override state laws. Very bad. ://
NEWS FLASH--NEVER CHANGE YOUR NAME. no need to anyway. If he insists --not a good marriage prospect anyway. If you like large percentage of married women already have done it. Make sure you have a passport. Also of course DO NOT PASS THIS ACT. BTW JD Vance should have a Lot of trouble voting.
You still can use a passport or drivers license but they cost money and requires time and access. So if you’re poor, old, or disabled, it locks you out regardless of sex or marital status.
Unbelievable. If they would take the kind of cleverness they use for voter suppression, sexual predation, and fraud and use it to solve actual problems, the world could be a paradise.
They are all evil crooks. Why would they do anything good? If you wanna predict what Trump is gonna do, all you have to ask is what would Satan do? You have your answer.
SAVE Act makes it harder for overseas military, harder for Native Americans , harder for blacks, harder for Latinos, as well as harder for women.
Married women, carry a copy of your marriage certificate when you go to vote. Shit, you better take a birth certificate too.
Why would I update my birth certificate that has my maiden name on it?? I never even heard of being able to do such a stupid thing?? That’s why we have marriage certificates!!
I'm sorry, but I have NEVER heard of anyone's having their birth certificate "updated." Your birth certificate reflects your name at birth/adoption. A birth certificate + certificate of marriage = documentation. To get a copy, contact the office which issued your marriage license.
Yeah, I don't get that either. Your birth certificate has your BIRTH name on it. Do these people understand how ANYTHING works, or is the thing to confuse and alienate voters?
It is to disenfranchise women who are married, who will basically give their vote to their husband, as God intended. Mormons have known this for centuries. (I’m not serious, yet I am)
And the marriage certificate has the birth surname of the woman on it. The death certificate has the birth surname of the widow on it. There is no need to change the name on the birth certificate to match a spouse surname.
It can be updated and corrected. You can change like half the stuff in a birth cert before the child is 2 VERY EASILY!!! After that it takes more determination.
This appears to be inaccurate. A birth certificate is only needed if you don’t have a driver’s license compliant with the Real ID Act of 2005. Starting in May, you need Real ID to book a flight. So people will need to update their licenses, which is a barrier, but not as egregious as described.
The death certificate for my uncle has his widow's maiden name on it as well. Two different states. My husband's from California and and the uncle's from Virginia.
Her first certificate is from India, the second from America, and the third from America but incorrectly so.
Could this same bill be voted on this yr or would it require a new bill?
However, approx. 69M women took their husband’s last name when they got married.
which would mean that we would need to go through an ID process in order to vote.
BTW, I already did that for my NJ driver's license a few years back. 6 Points of ID program to renew.
What a pain in the ass!
THIS is what you really need: a REAL ID. This has been in the works for 10 years.
This is not a drill. PLEASE don't change your name. It is blatantly antiquated, unnecessary, misogynistic.
Also *some* dudes change their own names too, DO NOT do that.
This is not a drill.
That doesn’t make any sense. Something is off about this…
Married women, carry a copy of your marriage certificate when you go to vote. Shit, you better take a birth certificate too.