Are you familiar with Senator Joseph McCarthy? Tr--p would have made him Secretary of State. Engage and humiliate has never worked. You can drive them in their holes, but up they pop when not kept in check. The John Birch Society is back in business in the Midwest. Stay vigilant.
My goal is not to humiliate anyone. My goal is to present my perspective, present evidence to support my case when available, and note it is only my opinion when none is.
I have mixed feelings about this. As with most things in life, there is a range. I will engage with those whose views differ widely from mine. I will not engage with those telling deliberate lies, attempting to dox or attacking me or my family.
By removing yourself from the space they’ll dominate the media narrative even harder than they do now. Do the concede after losing? No they keep remaining in the spaces. The real issue is that we keep sending our best UFC fighter up against someone with a gun. This asymmetry can’t continue.
They do not have any real policies or solutions, just revenge & retribution. Deliberate lies, doxxing, and attacks are all they have. You cannot meet this halfway. It's folly to try. That's what ordinary Germans did when Hitler took power.
I've done that but they just like that they get the engagement. Most of them believe in conspiracy theories. I've chatted with many and it goes ok for a while but eventually they say the election was STOLLEN or Antifa and the FBI or Nancy Pelosi are responsible for Jan. 6th. Michelle Obama is a man!
And that’s just with my family! 🤪 I’d like to add a sibling swears ‘they’ control the weather - a quote from after that hurricane raced into TN and NC and did all that damage.
These folks just suspend reality & 3rd grade science recall to guzzle down the propaganda.
You’re not conceding anything. They live in an alternate reality. The only way they’ll maybe get a clue is when they suffer the consequences of their misinformation fuelled decisions. I.e.: workers that are losing Xmas bonuses because management is preparing for impact of tariffs.
Exactly. We’re expected to just sit silent and let them scream filth at us? Eff that. MAGA aren’t interested in “ideas” or “debates” (laughable). They want to rant & insult & threaten. They’re pissypants cuz their captive Twitter audience has excused themselves.
Abusers need victims so they’re mad
You can put out a fire with water, but you can also smother it with lack of oxygen.
I prefer to save my confrontations for real-life situations. When I go on the social internet, it's my free time and I just want to enjoy chatting about my hobbies/interests with other generally-friendly people.
I’ve tried going lower than them. It’s not possible, they have no bottom.
They’ll have to learn facts the hard way. I’m out!
Those people you want me to “debate”: CRY HARDER LEFTY SCUM
Let's test it!
These folks just suspend reality & 3rd grade science recall to guzzle down the propaganda.
None of these people deserve to get off every again, and certainly not thanks to me.
The only way to win their game is to make them play with themselves.
Moving goal posts and ad hominem attacks are what you get for providing facts. It’s not worth one’s time.
Abusers need victims so they’re mad
I prefer to save my confrontations for real-life situations. When I go on the social internet, it's my free time and I just want to enjoy chatting about my hobbies/interests with other generally-friendly people.