AIDS not only robbed us of friends and lovers, it also robbed us of all that those who died could have, would have achieved had they lived.
Not least, we lost art.
Keith Haring, Freddie Mercury, Rock Hudson, Alvin Ailey, Brad Davis, Sylvester, Derek Jarman, Rudolf Nureyev… the list goes on.
Not least, we lost art.
Keith Haring, Freddie Mercury, Rock Hudson, Alvin Ailey, Brad Davis, Sylvester, Derek Jarman, Rudolf Nureyev… the list goes on.
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630,000 people died as a result of HIV infection in 2023.
We are still losing the potential contributions of people with HIV to the arts, as well as to science and local and national economies. Families and lovers are still left behind.
With all of the tools we have at our disposal any AIDS death shames us all.
Now is not the time to falter or decline responsibility, now is the time for all nations to combine forces and focus and bring about an end to this epidemic.
We have all the tools we need but halting AIDS and ending HIV infections requires investment.
Instead the US seems intent on withdrawing support and other countries are reducing their aid spending.
His administration literally laughed when asked about it during a press briefing/conference as the AIDS epidemic was just beginning and people didn’t know what it was
They literally laughed at the “gay cancer” that was beginning to spread
Reagan was a monster
Extraordinary medical advances have been made; lives extended and saved. But more can be done.
Angry at oligarchs who divert, steal, cancel funds needed for medical research and support.
Big thank you to health professionals 🙏🏼⚕️👩🏽🔬🏥👨🏼⚕️