I'd still say ⟪same font but light italic, and slightly fainter/thinner if available, in distinctive brackets⟫ something that will enable the eye to skip if desired, but ideally just flow / engage...
【btw did you get my ❝stick-a-crowbar-in-your-wallet❞ message⁉️】😎
It'll probably be a while before I return to this, but yes; I think some combination of brackets and font weight in-text might end up being the way to go. And I did indeed get the message -- many thanks!
Just me, for a class on Tuesday evening.
John C.Y. Wang has a translation of part of the same scene in his book on Jin Shengtan, but AFAIK that's it for English versions. (Pearl S. Buck and J.H. Jackson used Jin's 70-chapter version of Shuihu for their translations, but left out the commentary.)
Definitely a first draft, but Jin Shengtan is a lot of fun - modern 水滸 editions are much-diminished without his commentary.
I translated Jin's "不亦快哉三十三則" (from his 西廂記 commentary) a while ago -- https://www.burninghou.se/p/whats-good -- one of the most likeable pieces of writing I know of in any language.
Wood type will *always* be better, but also: InDesign pro here (do comms for a living). If you want to make annotations less arduous, I can show you how to make layout templates w/simple stylesheets. Or, there's a nice subreddit (r/indesign) if you're teaching yourself through experimentation.
That's very kind of you! I've already sent out a non-fancy PDF for Tuesday's class; this was mostly just me fiddling around with InDesign to see whether I could get it to do anything at all. It'll probably be a while before I come back to it, but I may well bother you when I do, if you don't mind!
【btw did you get my ❝stick-a-crowbar-in-your-wallet❞ message⁉️】😎
John C.Y. Wang has a translation of part of the same scene in his book on Jin Shengtan, but AFAIK that's it for English versions. (Pearl S. Buck and J.H. Jackson used Jin's 70-chapter version of Shuihu for their translations, but left out the commentary.)
I translated Jin's "不亦快哉三十三則" (from his 西廂記 commentary) a while ago -- https://www.burninghou.se/p/whats-good -- one of the most likeable pieces of writing I know of in any language.