Southern politicians are getting dumber by the month. Must be all those chemicals in their environment from refusing to regulate the pollution of industry. Reminds me of an old X-Files episode involving a chicken processing plant.
Two things you can be sure about; 1) none of these angels or any of the other children that die because of guns, belong to Republican politicians and 2) The NRA pays them very well to look the other way when OUR children are slaughtered by guns.
Point well taken, but that was back then. Today the NRA has given GOP politicians BIG $$$ to make sure the profits of gun makers and sellers is not interfered with. That's the "bottom line" to use the appropriate economic explanation.
Not the entire country but enough of us are very gullible. 6th graders in adult bodies are easy to manipulate with emotions and the NRA spends BIG $$$ supporting republicans who agree. Critical thinking shouldn't be expected.